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The folks over at Gearbox know a good thing when they see it, and when it comes to the Borderlands franchise they’ve got a good thing. Since the release of the original Borderlands gameir?source=bk&t=deadfan-20&bm-id=default& in October 2009, the series has expanded through Borderlands 2ir?source=bk&t=deadfan-20&bm-id=default&, Borderlands the Pre-Sequelir?source=bk&t=deadfan-20&bm-id=default&, and now Tales from the Borderlandsir?source=bk&t=deadfan-20&bm-id=default&, an offshoot from the Gearbox brainchild via Telltale Games.

The entire Borderlands franchise is a DLC dream. This is Monty Haul crossbred with Seinfeld. The setting of Pandora, which is the central world of Borderlands, is unique, atmospheric, and enticing. In every instance, you want to get back into that world over and over again. With the game’s mix of story and action, cut scenes, role-playing, and adventure, the game far surpasses its status as a FPS, and moves into the realm of epic narrative.

In Tales From the Borderlands, the aesthetic realizes its full potential: in plot, characterization, humor, and playability. It is built as a cinematic presentation interjected sporadically with timed options for the player to choose a response to various prompts, mostly determined through banter between characters. This is choose-your-own-adventure at its finest. Every choice the player makes in response to a prompt determines the arc of the story-line. The responses even determine the development of character relations.

A third component of the game blends action and cinema to create a nearly seamless narrative experience. The player has a only a brief moment to react to combat prompts, usually intended to move the character out of harm’s way, before the character is smashed, shot, or otherwise killed.

No Shortage of Personality


The story centers primarily on Rhys, a Hyperion middle-runger hoping to climb higher on the corporate ladder. In short,Rhys finds out that his boss has been replaced by his nemesis, and that he isn’t getting the promotion he was expecting. Rhys and his friend Vaughn decide to make a trip from the Hyperion Space Complex to the surface of Pandora to conduct a little side business.

Rhy's parallel story follows Fiona and her sister Sasha. Over the course of trying to make an exchange for a supposed vault key (the ever present motif in all of the Borderlands stories) Rhys and Vaughn get caught up with Fiona and Sasha and mayhem ensues. The writing is brilliant and the characters are unforgettable. The wit and flirtatiousness between Rhys and the female leads rounds the characters to form making every moment enjoyable, and it contributes to the player’s ever-expanding understanding of the great Pandora and beyond.


All of the beloved trappings of the Borderlands universe are here: dingy, dangerous Pandora; sterile, corporate Hyperion; cameos by the mysterious and enigmatic heroes of the Borderlands Hall of Fame. The graphics maintain the signature art-comic style of all of the Borderlands products, and while the style has been off-putting to some users in the past, fans of the franchise have nothing to fear in terms of the consistency and enjoyment they’ve come to expect.

A Few Things That Bug, Tho

At this point, it might seem like Tales From the Borderlands is a flawless gem of a game and that everyone who loves the Borderlands franchise is going to love this, too. Well, yeah, that’s probably pretty accurate. Still, for those who are tired of Handsome Jack and his apparent omnipresence, well, he’s back at it again. And it’s not like the story-line isn’t full of new characters to love and loathe. The story is rich enough with colorful villains and sideways anti-heroes that major personalities from earlier releases don’t need to be reprised.


Another aspect of the game that some might find distracting is the interactive style. With its sideswipes and button mashing, one is reminded of the old arcade classic (and clunky at best mechanics) Dragon’s Lair, where dexterity and timing are the difference between success and failure. But the action in this game is fluid and it allows for a different sort of gaming experience from the straight up shooter that the other Borderlands products comprise.

It’s worth mentioning that this game is episodic;  since it came out in 2014, all five episodes are available for one purchase price. For those players who enjoy the serial nature of a good story-line, the episodic style probably isn’t a problem. For players looking for a more unified narrative, or straight up action, this isn’t the game for them.

The Borderlands Elephant in the Room

The ultimate tease throughout the entire Borderlands story-line is the adventurer’s pursuit of the magical, mystical vault. The mystery surrounding the vault, and the promise of hoards of weapons, wealth, fame, and bizarre technology, has driven the story along for nearly a decade – but one has to ask, will they ever reveal the vault?

As Tales From the Borderlands proves, players want more of Pandora. The promise of finding a vault has become a side-story to the tributaries of intrigue that the deeply complex and wildly fascinating Borderlands universe creates. Actually adding the vault experience would seemingly deepen the satisfaction of this well-designed concept. With the question of the vault answered, the world can continue to develop and the franchise would still thrive. If not, the pursuit of yet one more unattainable vault becomes gamer click-bait, and the hope and excitement will fade with the realization that no one is ever going to see inside one of Pandora’s vaults.


Tales From the Borderlands is a hit for all the right reasons. The storytelling is brilliant and original. The characters are fresh, yet still familiar according to the style of the franchise. The mix of the interactive game-play with uninterrupted cinema is a new twist for the franchise that only adds to gamer satisfaction. There’s a lot to like about this game and virtually nothing to criticize. The fact that it’s available across a variety of platforms and so easily accessible means that everyone who can play it, should. Maybe soon, with all of the love fans of Borderlands have for the game, we’ll get a peek inside that vault after all.

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