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What Are Dwight's Riddles To Ryan?

  1. Dwight: Brain teaser. I have two coins totaling 15 cents. One of them is not a nickel. What are they?

    Ryan: A dime and a nickel.

    Dwight: No, I said one of them is not a nickel.

    Ryan: [interrupts] But the other one is. I've heard that one before.

  2. Dwight: Okay, a man and his son get into a car accident. They are rushed to the hospital. The doctor says, "there's no way I can operate on this boy".

    Ryan: [interrupts] "Because he's my son." The doctor is the boy's mother.

  3. Dwight: A man is found hanging from the ceiling.

    Ryan: [interrupts] He stepped on a block of ice, hung himself, and the ice melted.

  4. Dwight: A hunter --

    Ryan: [interrupts] It's a polar bear because you're at the North Pole.

    Dwight: [bangs desk in frustration] Damn it!


    The Office Season 3 Episode 5: Initiation

One of the things fans say they like about The Office is often the cold intro to each episode. Usually lasting around a minute or so, there is almost always a prank or something funny happening which serves as a great segue into the episode.

While we don't usually like Ryan's know it all attitude, in this instance, his constant one-upping of Dwight's riddles is actually hilarious to watch. Bravo, Ryan Howard, bravo.


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