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Michael: I am a good person, and sometimes good people don't get no respect. Rodney Dangerfield. [imitating Rodney Dangerfield] Hey, I don't get no respect. No respect at all. When I was in the sandbox as a kid, I got no respect.

My wife likes to talk after sex. So she called me from a hotel room, said, "I don't respect you." Ahh, thoughtless. Aw, you know what don't get no respect? Airplane food. Why don't they just make the plane out of the airline food? My wife don't get no respect. Some--take her, please, for example. [imitating Jeff Foxworthy] If you don't get no respect, you might be a redneck. [imitating Borat] Respect is nice. Borat. What's the deal with grape nuts? No grapes, no nuts. I don't get no respect.

The Office Season 4 Episode 16: "Did I Stutter?"

Even as the World's Best Boss, Michael Scott still had trouble with his employees from time to time. As shown in this episode, if there's one thing we know about Stanley Hudson - it's that he loves doing his crosswords (and his glass of wine after a long hard days work). Steve Carrell, as usual, really knocked this scene out of the park.

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