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The Office: The 11 Best Michael Scott Quotes From Customer Survey

Customer Survey will always be somewhere in our top 5 episodes of all time. There are a lot of hilarious episodes but this is one of our favorites.

Interestingly.. some trivia facts include - This was the only episode directed by Stephen Merchant (the creator of the original UK version of the show). And, fans also got a chance to purchase the mugs from Kelly's party on the official NBC website after the episode aired.

Jim: Who is this?

Michael: Hello, this is Michael Scott, Regional Manager.

Jim: Well, this is William M. Buttlicker.

Michael: Hello, Mr. Buttlicker. How may we help you?

Jim: Michael, I like the sound of your voice. You know what I'm gonna do? I'm gonna buy $1 million dollars worth of paper products today.

Andy: Big idea: Double wedding. Me, Angela. You, Holly.

Michael: Yeah, we would never do that. And if we did, it would be with Jim and Pam.

Michael: Mom, I'm getting married.

Mom: No, you're not.

Michael: Why do you always do that. Whenever I'm getting married, you... don't believe me.

Mom: Well, are you getting married?

Michael: No. [laughs] I'm not. I'm not getting married.

Michael: Kelly Kapoor is our dusky, exotic, customer service rep. And once a year she will contact our clients and find out how happy they are with our salespeople. Sort of a Kapoor's list.

Michael: Dwight, your feedback is horrible.

Dwight: That's impossible.

Michael: A number of your clients found your personal style abrasive and distasteful.

Michael: "Jim Halpert is smudge and arrogant."

Jim: I think you mean smug.

Michael: [points at Jim] arrogant.

Jim: Michael, I'm just trying...

Michael: And there's our smudgeness.

Michael: Here's what's going to happen. I am going to have to fix you. Manage you two on a more personal scale. A more micro form of management. Jim, what is that called?

Jim: Microgement.

Michael: Boom. Yes!

Dwight: [shouting] Buttlicker, our prices have never been louder!

Michael: Stop it! Stop it! [whispering] That is totally inappropriate. You never yell at the client. You never yell at the client. Here we go.

Dwight: Don't do it, Michael.

Michael: [whispering] It's a $1million dollar sale.

Michael: You know what? She's got a point about you two. You do have a problem dealing with people.

Michael: I can't tell you how much leftover guacamole I have ended up eating over the years. I don't even know why I make it in such great quantities.

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