Posted February 14, 200222 yr This is the place to say who is your best wrestler and a reason for that wrestler to be your faverite???? my fav. is booker t or rvd or austin:xyx :beerchug
February 14, 200222 yr I'm sure we've had this type of thread a thousand times.....anyways my favourite is Chris Benoit. Can't be arsed really giving an explanation as to why I like him. Just watch him wrestle.
February 14, 200222 yr Crap!! Chris Benoit is crap!! You cant have watched wrestling for long if you think Benoit is crap.
February 14, 200222 yr Re: why??? crippler??? why??? Originally posted by V-I-N-C-E-N-T HE'S Crap why him:devil Fair enough. Your opinion. I happen to think he is good.
February 14, 200222 yr Fair Enough? This boy is a moron, Chirs Benoit is probably one of the best wrestlers the wwf will ever have. Vincent, you have just proved to everyone that you kow cack about the wrestling business, i'm guessing you like Booker T because you think hes funny? :evil
February 14, 200222 yr When I said fair enough, Perf, I was just trying to be diplomatic. ;) I'm actually quite proud of myself that I didn't react more strongly to such a silly comment. :D
February 14, 200222 yr Originally posted by V-I-N-C-E-N-T This is the place to say who is your best wrestler and a reason for that wrestler to be your faverite???? my fav. is booker t or rvd or austin:xyx :beerchug Where in the vlue hell is your reason then, as you asked us to do? Mine is Bret Hart...can't be bothered to explain because half of you have probably never seen him wrestle anyway. *cough* Vincent *cough*
February 14, 200222 yr who has'nt ?????? *cough* njc *cough* ( i have seen bret fart wrestle) cough cough ( he isnt the best there ever will be):devil :roll
February 15, 200222 yr it wasn't flaming, believe me when I say I could take him down worse than that, but you the mod, and I respect your decision, Grapp. Now if only other people would accept mod decisions as gracefully as that, eh? :)
February 15, 200222 yr Back to the topic I'm liking austin, i think is overall product has been fantastic recently. Pure wrestling gotta be chris benoit as they say in pwi he's the smart fans choice. I'm also liking y2j's recent product, amazing what a heel change can do for you.
February 15, 200222 yr mine is "The Living Legend" Undisputed(ah) Champion- Chris "by God" Jericho not because he is the undisputed(ah) champ, but because he is one of the best all-rounders in the business
February 15, 200222 yr Gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah... Anyways, at the moment I'd say Keiji Mutoh. He's given me more in 4 tapes than most the WWF roster have in about 3 years...bunch of lazy, good for nothing, over-rated...
This is the place to say who is your best wrestler and a reason for that wrestler to be your faverite????
my fav. is booker t or rvd or austin:xyx :beerchug