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I just got the game this a.m. and was wondering if there is more wrestlers to be unlocked as the game is played or do you start with the compleat roster?


Thanks in advance


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You unlock wrestlers in every wrestling game
Thats what I thought but I have yet to find any. Any idea who is there?
No idea. I've read that Bret Hart's in the game. Do you have him yet?
Not yet, time will tell and i'll let you know

From Gamefaqs.com-


To unlock Andre the Giant- Complete WWE Development in Story mode


To unlock Bret "The Hitman" Hart- Complete Story mode


To unlock Brutus "The Barber" Beefcake- Complete Sunday Night Heat in Story mode


To unlock Greg "The Hammer" Valentine- Complete Sunday Night Heat in Story mode

thank you russ, I want the barber
my friend had day of reckoning its really easy to unlock caracters. its not as good as smackdown
I've played it for about two hours, it seems pretty poor
Change the difficulty from easy to hard then.
day of reckoning is terrible buy a ps2 and buy smackdown gamecube is crap

I got all three major systems, i actually prefer my game cube to my ps2 but I think my x-box tops the lot.


I guess that makes my life quite empty

I loved No Mercy on the N64 because of the weak and strong grapples that you can perform. In most games there's only about 4 moves that are posisble from a grapple like SmackDown and WrestleMania X-8. What's the system like in Day of Reckonimg?
day of reckoning is terrible buy a ps2 and buy smackdown gamecube is crap

My word. Please play a game before forming an opinion. I've played the game through to the last match, and despite the early going being laughably easy, it gets F'n difficult toward the end, frustratingly so at the concluding matchup. I like the game, the actual wrestling, being a descendant of mania XIX is far superior to smackdown (indeed No Mercy esque weak/strong grapples are in and the game has a very AKI- ish feel), although there are balance issues to do with how long your character sells for some attacks. The story mode is very good, and every match you take part in actually makes sense, but the rigidly linear structure is restricting, frustrating, and kills some sense of disbelief and, of course, harms replay value. Overall pretty decent, and great to play with mates.

As VoR said, the story mode really is a one-time only thing. Regardless of whether you choose Raw or Smackdown, you get the same story with different characters. It's a shame, because the gameplay is superb, but I always love a good season mode, and DoR has let me down.
I traded a few games for it yesterday. It's ok, the story mode looks good but i've only just started
I love the game, think it is great fun, even tho I have no friends to play with. Story mode let me down though :(
Ive got a gamecube put up for my by my cousin. His old one for 40 quid with a couple games. Then Im gonna get DoR for chrimbo, and hopefully it will be enjoyable
DoR is good, but that is about it. Its much better than WWE WM X8 and WM X9, but it still needs alot of further development. I think IGN, or Gamespot, said it still felt like a WWE Smackdown HCTP afterthought, that could not be more true.
It does feel like a watered down SmackDown game,there's no substance behind the story mode.