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For those who know my taste in gaming many will realise that i myself am not really that big a fan of the humble first person shooter however recently I have been broadening my horizons a bit more gaming wise and Ive even started playing the excellent platform shooter Ratchet and Clank 2. Not that i didnt already like platform games but they seem to have become a bit samey nowadays, Jak and Daxter wasnt exactly great now was it. Although Sly Racoon is just pure brilliance.


Anyways i was wondering what games people would recommend (first person shooters that is) but before we do i shall give some insight into my tastes


First of all dont bother me with Timesplitters, Ive played it I have zero time for it. Its just not me. Bond games are fine but considering I own most it would be pointless


Finally my opinion in what is for my money THE greatest FPS ever made ever.

PERFECT DARK. It was and is still the only FPS bar Goldeneye Ive got into and played again and again. The way it was sort of in a way the sequel to Goldeneye and implemented a lotof weapins and even levels into the game was fantastic but it also had that futuristic sort of less relaistic feel to it aswell which brought it away from real life which in my eyes was good to see in many ways as a way to get away from the ever increasing gun crime seen nowadays and how its blamed onto gaming. If its not realistic in that sense how can they blame it.


Anyways onwards

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I thought the Disney meets GTA approach of Jak and Daxter II was excellent, I can't wait for the third one.


On the subject on FPS games, everyone seems to be going mental over Killzone, but I fail to see the attraction. Then again, I'm not generally much of a fan of FPS games anyway.

Well the obvious first choice is Half-Life 2, which should be out soon seeing as Valve are already pre-loading parts of it to customers. HL2 with it's Source engine will push the boundries of what we've seen so far, not only in the world of FPS's but in the world of gaming.


Doom 3 was a massive flop, however that's not to say there isn't a good solid game in there. It's easy to pick up and play, it just lacks the playability for it to be the great game it should have been.


Next comes Halo 2, released later this year. Set to be one of the greatest games ever. If you remember how groundbreaking the first game was then this one should be a whole new ball game.


Of course if you don't have an Xbox or a top of the range PC you'll have to settle for Killzone.

Try any of these but rent them first.





Soldier Of Fortune

Project Eden

Deus Ex

Aliens: Colonial Marines

Any of the WW2 FPS games like Battlefield Vietnam

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Perhaps i should of mentioned actually i have both all the Medal Of Honour games so far lol and i absolutely lovbe them, the earlier missions are always best. D-Day on moH was amazing

If you want a straight shooting affair with none of the weight of strategy and stealth go for Serious Sam. Pardon the pun but a seriously under rated game, which plays alot like the Doom, Wolfenstein and Duke Nukems of old. Also can be picked up very cheap.


Other PC ones worth checking out that haven't been mentioned yet: Delta Force, Unreal Tournament 03 or 04, Operation Flashpoint, Gunman Chronicles.

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What does everyone think of Red Faction 2, i got that but Ive only ever really had a quick blast with my mate and well its seemed like a very Doomesque game to me, however I must say it made up for the shambles of a game we played earlier being Die Hard Vendetta

Red Faction 2 is an extremely well done game and i've never been able to understand the critisism of it. The Geo-mod technology adds a whole new dimension and it makes the game much more enjoyable when you're blasting away and put holes through walls and knock them down to get to other areas.

The Geo-Mod technology does fall however in that it can only be used in specific areas. And this makes it a little pointless really. But it's definately a game you should take a look at.


Oh and if you like RF2 you should like XIII also. XIII is an aquired taste but i loved it.

Oh and if you like RF2 you should like XIII also. XIII is an aquired taste but i loved it.


Im stuck on XIII at the moment.........think I'm gonna have to go back and start it again....I havent left myself enough life :roll

As far as FPS games on consoles- there's an awful lot of diappointment to be had in the shape of dull atrocities like red faction and the overrated XIII and MoH. Timesplitters is great but you don't like it.... the obvious choice is Halo, natch.
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Ive got XII but i cant say im really a fan to be honest. I love the graphics but perhaps the fact that i suck always becomes my downfall when I die on the first level but meh.


Ive probably got too many games in all honesty.

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