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Gamersyde has a nice collection of the trailers and screens, here.


IGN E3 Coverage here.


Gamespot E3 coverage here.


Game Trailers E3 Coverage here.


The keynote isn't until later, but a certain titles trailer has been released early on the gaming sites. After it's controversial showing last year, Killzone 2 rears it's head with in game footage. Here's the trailer, thanks to Gamespot: Killzone 2 trailer, In game.


Well not quite up to the CGI footage they showed last time around, but impressive in it's own right. Outside of the dodgy mouths, the animation really impressed in this trailer, but from a pure graphical standpoint it isn't really any better than Gears of War or Call of Duty 4. The game does seem to be a cookie cutter of Gears at this point, with the cover fad sneaking into another title. But still, good showing and enough to keep me interested.

Featured Replies

Sony have to pull out all the stops here to save the PS3, should be very interesting indeed. I also think there'll be some mention of a PSP lite or something similar.

Killzone looked amazing yes the mouth movement was a bit ropey, however unless there planning for a release till later this year early next year then they can get the little glitches out of the game.


Also i think at the moment the kill title for the PS3 is going to be MSG4 or GT5, however thats my views at this moment in time

A little underwhelmed by that, I mean, yeah MGS4 looks like a MGS game and GT5 looks great if it even comes out. What else though? Too much time spent on that PS Home, where it looks like you'll use it for 5 minutes and get bored.


Best thing was that PSP puzzler, at least it was original.

Main things from the Sony Keynote


  • 80GB PS3 in the US, at $599 bundled with MotorStorm.
  • Many PSP titles unveiled/shown, including Wipeout pulse, Final Fantasy Tactics: The War of the Lions, Sims 2 Castaway, SOCOM, Patapon and Syphon Filter.
  • As Dave rightly guess, new PSP forthcoming in September, 33 per cent ligher and 19 per cent slimmer more effcient battery, and faster loading times.
  • New PSP entertainment pack in US, including Daxter and a 1GB Memory Stick, and Family Guy UMD, at $199 in September.
  • Star Wars BattleFront entertainment pack; white PSP with Darth Vader on the back, and packaged with Star Wars Battlefront. Again at $199.
  • WipEout HD, Pain, WarHawk and SOCOM US Navy Seals Confrontation announced for PSN.
  • Home shown off, and will replace the current PSN lobby with Home Square
  • Singstar on PS3 detailed, said to be Itunes meets Myspace, with downloadable tracks.
  • NCsoft will create original games for the PSN, based on both current intellectual properties and new IPs. That is NCsoft of City of Heroes fame.
  • Unreal Tournament 3 confirmed as PS3 exclusive this year.
  • MGS 4 news ahoy. Announced as the finale by Kojima. Simultaneous worldwide launch, spring 2008. Revealed as exclusive on PS3 (we shall see).
  • Naughty Dog's Uncharted: Drake's Fortune shown off, due out this year.
  • New title from the makers of Sly Cooper, titled Infamous, also due in '08.


Rundown from Eurogamer, here.


Judging from the strong focus on Home. I think Sony are expecting Home to be a mega system selling killer app. Just a shame about the delivery of their conference, as I have to say it had by far the best content. I just didn't understand who these press conferences were aimed at, as both the journalists there, and the hardcore audience watching online will have already seen 99% of the games shown. They may as well have just released some new trailers and be done with it. Just await Sony's 'big Euro' announcement, most likely tomorrow.


LittleBigPlanet always impresses me, I care far more about this than Home. If they are to show off their Network, focus on LBP and their PS Store titles like Dave mentioned. (LittleBigPlanet )


MGS4 hit the spot for me, I've always been a Raiden fan. Nice to see Meryl. The funniest aspect was Kojima wearing a Gears of War tee. 'Last MGS game', yeah sure, last in the Solid series of course; they'll be loads more Metal Gears.

Edited by Clarkey

I look at home to be like a interactive version of Xbox live which is going to be more intresting because i suppose there are going to be add ones to it.

"Unreal Tournament 3 confirmed as PS3 exclusive this year."


Another reason for me to get a PS3 instead of a 360.

Just to confirm, it is just this year. And it is actually exclusive for PC and PS3 for those PC owners. I guess this is because of Gears on 360.


Edit: Sony's Euro Announcement is announced on Friday morning at 5am. Looking like it is some sort of bundle rather than a price drop.

Edited by Clarkey

It's been shown twice now, but a certain trailer for a certain title. Metal Gear Solid 4 is said to be the last in the series, and Kojima's swansong. Solid Snake returns in a mission to defeat Liquid Ocelot, and through the trailer there are marked returns for Raiden, Meryl, Naomi and Vamp.


MGS4 Trailer


Some other trailers from the first day:


Pain Trailer


Pain is a PSN title utilising the Havok physics engine to inflict all sorts of pain on your character, and erm thats about it.


LittleBigPlanet Trailer


I can't talk this title up more. Basically toying with all sorts of objects to create fun premises with your friends, to share online. It just looks so much fun.


Gran Turismo 5 Prologue


Trailer of the demo to a sequel of a demo.


Unreal Tournament 3


What it says on the tin, exclusive to PC and PS3 this year remember.


Heavenly Sword


Made by Ninja Theory, formerly of the team that made Kung Fu Chaos (Underrated little gem). Gradually getting better and better.


(Thanks to Games Trailers and Game Videos)

Edited by Clarkey

From Darkzero:


Sony have revealed that any gamers (read: lots) still waiting to get their hands on a PS3 now wont have to spend quite as much money. However, this is not due to the company lowering the price of the console, instead they have packed more into the same box and will be selling it at the same RRP as always. Yes, the new bundle, going by the clever name Starter Pack, will still cost €599, but for that price you'll be able to get a 60GB PS3, two Sixaxis pads, a copy MotorStorm and also a shiny copy of the church angering Resistance.


So there you have it, it may not be the price cut everyone wanted but it seems like a good deal. Of course, you could always look on the downside of this announcement as rumble enabled Sixaxis pads should be officially announced any day now, which means you might have to buy the pads all over again!


Packaging shot here.

I've just seen the trailer to Wipeout HD, I'm getting a PS3 soon just for that. I love wipeout :)


Now i need to find me some money....

Sony have to pull out all the stops here to save the PS3, should be very interesting indeed. I also think there'll be some mention of a PSP lite or something similar.
Save the PS3? It's clear that Blu-Ray will win the war against HD by an absolute mile, so by christmas, there will be a huge boost in sales. I don't even think the few months in the Christmas period will be close. The 360 is going to get destroyed once Sony drop the price, the mainstream realise Blu-Ray is the way to go, and games like Gran Turismo come out.


The 360 is the only console I think needs saving. A complete lack of good games and the hardware is behind already.

Save the PS3? It's clear that Blu-Ray will win the war against HD by an absolute mile, so by christmas, there will be a huge boost in sales. I don't even think the few months in the Christmas period will be close. The 360 is going to get destroyed once Sony drop the price, the mainstream realise Blu-Ray is the way to go, and games like Gran Turismo come out.


The 360 is the only console I think needs saving. A complete lack of good games and the hardware is behind already.


"A complete lack of good games"?


That's rubbish. There are plenty of great games on the 360.


I really don't think the PS3 has any kind of chance of catching up the 360 by this christmas. Sure, a price drop if it happens will help, but they're not going to knock more than £50 off.


By the time "the mainstream realise Blu-Ray is the way to go" ASDA will be selling Blu-Ray players for £100. People put too much weight behind the old 'The PS2 sold so well, because it came with a built in DVD player" tale. The real reason the PS2 sold so well - is because of it's quality games.


The PSP was going to topple Nintendo off of it's handheld throne - because it could play UMD's and MP3's. It didn't topple Nintendo, yes to be fair it has sold well - but it would have sold a hell of a lot more - if it had more original PSP games and not PS2 ports.


The PS3 doesn't need "saving", it will 'get over', but unlike many people think it's not a one horse race. As the cost of making games triples we'll see more and more titles going multi-format - that being the case, there's not so much of an upside for owning both an Xbox 360 and a PS3 like there was for owning an Xbox and a PS2. The 360 had a years headstart, Sony are not going to sell 6-7 million consoles in 6 months.



"......and games like Gran Turismo come out" 2012 I think was the last I heard ;)




Meanwhile, Nintendo continue to count money :lol



"......and games like Gran Turismo come out" 2012 I think was the last I heard ;)



X-mas 2008 is when Gran Turismo HD comes out so only a year and a bit to go.:lol

anyone who says Blu-Ray or HD-DVD will win the HD war is a complete muppet. The real winner will be 'Downloadable content'. HD players will only be around for 2 years at the most before you basically get a harddrive and download all your games and movies etc. The technology is already there and in use with the American Xbox live Marketplace offering HD films, broadband speeds increasing all the time (you can already get speeds of around 24mb in the UK), the harddrive technology is already there (1TB harddrives are already available)


Then there is the debate above over the current generation of video game consoles. Well this is bollocks. If the developers are any good at there job then they know how to compress data into the smallest possible size. Take a look at GOW for example.


None of the current generation of consoles will flop or need saving. Each has there good points and each has a firm fan base.

I would imagine that Snake, Raiden and Meryl will all be playable in MGS 4.


I'm glad that Kojima has decided to brng back Raiden, shows that he has some balls after the backlash that Raiden recieved after MGS 2.


I hope that the title won't stay a PS3 exclusive, it really is the only PS3 game that has me intrested in the slightest.

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