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Taking over duty here. Happy Birthday King, have a great day! :)

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Didnt we have one where a guy was getting told happy birthday every day for a few weeks? :lol
Yeah, we've had one that went at least a month I think.
Happy birthday, King. Have a great one, man.

I think it was either Boyo or JobberJoe. I definitely remember a month long birthday though.


Oh, and Happy Birthday King! :lol

I didn't get one this year...:(


So we closing this thread now or can we set King up with two birthdays like a more Irish, male version of the Queen?

Paul isn't a mod anymore, ain't nothing getting closed never now.

The weeks of birthday wishes was ol' Jubbers years back. Great thread. Think it ended up being just Boyo and I.




And King, I'm sorry I wasn't about for it (both the original and sequel), but happy birthday.


* worth noting WHO closes it, hmm...

Edited by JobberJoe

Awwwwwwwww thanks again guyzzzzzzz, it stays open damnit.
The weeks of birthday wishes was ol' Jubbers years back. Great thread. Think it ended up being just Boyo and I.




And King, I'm sorry I wasn't about for it (both the original and sequel), but happy birthday.


* worth noting WHO closes it, hmm...


The Threadstopper strikes again!*

*Trademark of dsrchris

* worth noting WHO closes it, hmm...




To Photoshop!


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