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The title pretty much sums up what the threads about but I was hoping that with a little more info you guys could help me out with my choice. I'm not a big gamer really but I do go in fits and starts with my gaming and with more opportunity to play I'll most likely want to take advantage of it!


I'm leaning more towards the PS4 at the minute due to my preference of the controller (I'm not too fussed by this as I use an Xbox 360 I just prefer it) and the fact that I refuse to pay for xbox live, It's my belief that Playstations version is free?


Thanks in advance for any advice

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Playstations network is no longer free, like Live there is the basic free with som options and the all singing all dancing paid version with free games and such.


Buy an XBox One without Kinect, with the money you save buy gold access, if you already have it then you're remaing time transfers over. You get better exclusives for a start, plus Xbox rewards.

Playstation online isn't free anymore, but you still get more out of it than Live. 6 games a month. Not bad.

If you have a playstation 3 or 4 and you don't have Playstation Plus, online gaming is literally the last reason to get it, behind all the other reasons you should already have it. It's £40 a year, you'll recoup that in decent games in 6 months (easily) if you're any kind of gamer. Short version, get it already!


Then get a PS4, the difference in capability between the PS4 and XB1 will only widen as developers push the PS4 more.


XB1 is ahead in the exclusives stakes, but not that far:

Forza = Driveclub

Sunset Overdrive = Infamous 2nd son

Titanfall = no ps4 equivalent.... but who plays titanfall anymore? Destiny is on both consoles.


If you use a console for multi-media though, the XB1 is much, much better.

I've got an xbox one (thanks to the missus), but I'm still super tempted to get a PS4.


My main gripe with both of them at the moment is neither having DLNA activated, so I can't stream to my TV from my laptop like I did on my PS3 and 360. As soon as they get that sorted I'll be a lot happier.


My other problem is that there aren't any games I want to play enough to shell out for right now. I've got Destiny and Minecraft, and that will do me quite nicely until the Master Chief Collection comes out.

Also I'd wager money that Forza 5 is bertter then Drive Club and the multiplayer better supported server wise.
From all accounts, Forza has more "life" and "soul" in it than DriveClub does. Take that for what it's worth.

If you are a fan of driving games then you want to feel like your driving and you are attached to the car. With Forza I feel that, but having not played Drive Club I can't say if it has that feeling or lacks it.


I know it wants you to play MP more then single play though and Chris2K mentioned so far the servers and connection availabilty sucks.

I cant think of many things more boring than driving games. Going around and around the same track over and over again. Lame.


Roll on November, always a good month for game releases.

I am in the same boat as Belty there as I don't really care for driving games either so having ones that are superior don't really matter to me, I'm not an avid gamer, I'm pretty crap at most games, I like to play Fifa, UFC and WWE games mostly (or used to at least). I do like to play games like Devil May Cry, Batman Arkham games that sort of thing but I'll give anything a go if I'm bored enough which makes me sway toward the PS4 due to the 6 games a month thing.... hopefully they aren't racing games :lol

Yeah, PS4 is a better bet for DMC/Arkham/Creed/Shadow of Mordor type games. Mainly because of the upcoming exclusives but also because it's generally the best version of cross-platform games.



Starting a new job soon, should have much more disposable income. I'm considering a pair of XB1's and XB360's to go with the pair of PS3's and PS4's (bought today, not spun them up yet). Might wait till after I've had the custom cooling cabinet built to do that though.

DriveClub is a perfectly acceptable game if you ignore the lack of multiplayer, although I haven't checked if it's working in the last couple of days. I'm sure Forza is better, although Project CARS (which I think is on both XB1 and PS4) looks like it's going to blow them both away, and there's a next gen Gran Turismo planned for next year.


I've been a PSer since the PS2 after switching from Nintendo and I've never considered getting any XBox console.

I was both until the PS3, I just preferred the 360 from that point. Then as money got tighter as you get older and have more to pay for I was faced with the choice of X-Box One or PS4 and went with Microsoft AFTER they worked out the kinks that occurred after launch and dropped the need for buying it with Kinect (thus dropping the price).


I'd have both if I could but I like Forza and Halo more then Infamous and Uncharted and such so I plumped for the X-Box.

My main gripe with both of them at the moment is neither having DLNA activated, so I can't stream to my TV from my laptop like I did on my PS3 and 360. As soon as they get that sorted I'll be a lot happier.


I believe this was included in todays XBOX One update....


I have both the XBOX One and PS4 and a must say I like both of them a lot. PS4 is more of a gaming machine and has more power behind it and if you prefer that pad I would go with PS4. The six games a month thing is a bit misleading though, it's more like 2 games for PS4, 2 for PS3 and 2 for PS Vita. Still great value for money, especially if you have a PS3 and PS4.


My preference is the XBOX One, mainly for what it offers as a machine. It controls my TV, Sky box, and can instantly swap between gaming and watching the TV and all that other multimedia stuff it does. It's quite impressive despite 90% of people not actually wanting it for that. Games wise being a massive 360 fan over the PS3 all those xbox franchises interest me more.

PS4 is cheaper and a video game console vs something trying to be less of a video game system and more of an entertainment system feels like WWE vs NJPW

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