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Im alive......sorry, couldn't think of a better title. :)


Hi everyone,

Just thought I'd let you know I am OK, the reason I haven't been around for quite a while is because my internet is playing up alot, not for any other reasons. Hopefully it will sort itself out soon and I can be back to the TWO regular I was.




Ro*. :xyx

Featured Replies

Welcome back Ro*. Nice to have you back again. :)


Im using the internet at my nan's house now so I won't be around everyday. :(

Just thought I'd say hi to everyone who knows (or even remembers) me.

wAHoO nice to hear from you, When my internet went down during september and october it was the worst of times.
Welcome back Ro* i stole your Duck, MUHAHAHAHHA, :)

Nice to see ya back... Sas would send hugs if she wasn't saving them all up for me LMAO


Chat soon hopefully

I love ya man!
Nice to see you back Ro buddy!



nice to have ya back there now Ro

with you 2 back and kam coming back sooon the new years just going to be like old times.
Welcome back to the land of Fun!! Nice to see ya around again! *hugs*
RO* ! My dear little insecure friend, nice to see you guy.
ro good to see you back mate and you ll have to kill Perf for stealing DUCKY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :lol

Welcome back.....


Ro*!!!!! Welcome back mate, the place just hasn't been the same without you. Oh no, Kenny and I can actually hug in private now. :D .....(In his dreams)!


How come Ro* gets his own forumy thingy and i dont!

hehe good to have ya back ye ol stinky ducky matey, bet youve missed ya daily hugs, kisses, and um licks (from anna not me i dont lick ducks)

Oh, she said "ducks"...

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