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  1. Screw GTA 6. Doom is the only game in 2025
  2. You can literally be a much larger Captain America with that shield in Doom I love video games.
  4. I remember when this was announced. Not for me but looks really cool. Who knows. I might check it out. I don’t hate action RPGs. I just prefer other games first.
  5. Xbox keeps preventing me from canceling my subscription. Played Indiana Jones on it and am currently playing Gears 5
  6. The stop motion stuff is particularly rad. Trying to keep an open mind
  7. Me too! Xbox backing might help, and they’ve had time to figure their shit out. A lot of game with cool ideas but poor execution
  8. I want to be interested in South by Midnight by I really didn’t like Compulsion’s other two games. We Happy Few was also horribly broken at launch. Cyberpunk 2077 levels of broken.
  9. A remake made in Unreal Engine 5?
  10. Ninja Gaiden is not a game for me, a gameplay baby, but I’m happy for the Gaiders out there
  11. Oh hai. Just here for the new Doom
  12. The fact I can watch this year without having to cover it for work wooo
  13. Well that’s the worst thing I’ve ever seen
  14. Loved Nova Launcher but support has basically died out. I just use Smart Launcher for now. Has some features I like, but finding installed apps is a bit of a struggle
  15. Veeraptor changed their profile photo
  16. Yeah I hate how easy Apple really is to use, but that’s because they want to keep you in their ecosystem. Android definitely has a higher learning curve. I installed a launcher on my mom’s Samsung because she couldn’t figure out the default layout.