UK and European news and comments
Got tickets to ROH in Edinburgh first wrestling show ive been to in years im excited!
The Hardys and Drew Galloway leave TNA
I'm hoping for 3MB to reform.
Paige photos/video leaked
How would one go about seeing these pictures? I'm asking for a friend honest.
Random comments and suchlike
If Randy Orton is in the Wyatt family should he not have atleast tried to grow beard and maybe put on some jeans? He looks ridiculous just wearing his normal drunks.
Britain - In or out of the EU?
Scottish logic, we are better united!! Except when it comes to England. And I am Scottish.
Best Wrestling Podcasts?
I subscribe to Austins, Jericho's, JR's and MLW and depending on the guest/topic I give them a listen.
WWE WrestleMania 32 Discussion Thread - April 3, 2016 from Dallas, TX
Is anyone else watching this?
Scottish Football 2015/16
I think Hearts will finish above Aberdeen, or maybe I'm just hoping?
Random comments and suchlike
Ric Flairs latest podcast is the best one I have ever heard.
WWE Network: What are you watching?
I'm currently watching an old Nitro from April 1998, the match starting is Curt Hennig and Brian Adams with Rick Rude vs The Bulldog and Jim Neidhart it's crazy thinking Neidhart is the only one left alive and the only one to reach fifty.
How are you today?
Hungover, two bottles of the old Buckfast tonic wine never leaves you feeling great the next day!
Roddy Piper dies aged 61
All the big WWF stars of the late 80's and early 90's just about seem to be gone now Warrior,Savage,Andre now Piper and Hogan is black listed. R.I.P Hot rod
Hogan Fired
Hogan really needs to stop posting pictures on Facebook/Twitter of him with black fans, it reeks of desperation just lay low for a few days.
Jushin "Thunder" Liger to appear to wrestle at the next NXT Takeover
NJPW have a working deal with ROH do they not? And they are sending some guys over to compete on the ROH show on the same night are they not? So why are they letting Liger go to NXT on the same night?
Random comments and suchlike
According to my sky planner, the one show tonight is going to have "the worlds best Mexican wrestling stars" on it. Anyone know anything about this? Like who's meant to be on it?