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I dont know if this has been done before or not. But what the hey, its a cool topic.

Who has the best finnisher? Lets get two candidates from everyone.

My picks are:

A J Styles: Style clash


Victoria: Widows peak

Edited by silverG

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Victoria's Widows Peak is definately a cool as hell move.

Edited by The Beltster

I third the WidowMaker - what a move!


I also liked the Razor's Edge.


Currently the better moves are the Unprettier, Pedigree, 5* Frog Splash and Jindrak's new finisher (I'm not sure if he has given a name to it).



nah nothin can beat the tomb stone piledriver

1. Burning Hammer

2. Cactus Jack's elbow (but then i am a fan!!)


(and the widowmaker? is that the widows peak or am i confusing myself!!)

woops... I suck..yeh u right. lol widows peak even. (Slap my wrists)
As a loyal Hulkamaniac, I love the legdrop. Yes, say whatever you want, bash if you will, I dont care. When Hulk does it, it looks cool. And for those who say "Bollocks, its crap and wouldnt hurt!" Wrestling is sold on the fact that what happens in the ring is real (or at least it used to be!) and a 300lbs man coming crashing down across your throat with a stiff upper thigh would bloody hurt, and likely wind you. BROTHER!

Yes folks, put away your piledrivers and other moves that compress the neck/spine, all the really tough shoot fighters use legdrops to make the other guy quit through pain. I love Hogan's logic that the only thing that keeps an opponent down longer than hurting them is taunting to the crowd for 30 seconds, before falling on his backside.


This thread has been done to death. It's starting to appear monthly, which is a scary ratio. Anyway, my top 3 is the Storm Cradle Driver, The Burning Hammer and the Kataha Jamei. Hogan's Legdrop is down at number 742 on my list of favourite moves, right beside the rear chinlock and the Undertaker's forearm rub on the ground.

Yes folks, put away your piledrivers and other moves that compress the neck/spine, all the really tough shoot fighters use legdrops to make the other guy quit through pain. I love Hogan's logic that the only thing that keeps an opponent down longer than hurting them is taunting to the crowd for 30 seconds, before falling on his backside.


This thread has been done to death. It's starting to appear monthly, which is a scary ratio. Anyway, my top 3 is the Storm Cradle Driver, The Burning Hammer and the Kataha Jamei. Hogan's Legdrop is down at number 742 on my list of favourite moves, right beside the rear chinlock and the Undertaker's forearm rub on the ground.


You know mate, there really is ZERO need to be a sarcastic ass about it, is there? Its all opinion based so what makes your opinion so great and mine to stupid?

Let me ask you a question, have you ever been in the ring? I HAVE! I have been wrestling since 1999. I have taken any number of Storm Cradle Piledrivers, Powerbombs etc and they are easy to take and dont hurt at all, nice flat bump. However, I have been legdropped numerous times and that move has broken my nose twice!

So, you can take the piss all you like, but it all goes to show that you dont know a great deal, do you?

I think the best finishers are Unprettier, F-5 and RKO is pretty good, even though I hate Orton.
I have been legdropped numerous times and that move has broken my nose twice!


That doesn't make it a dangerous move it just makes who you were working with a clumsy bastard.


As for favourite finisher, Top Rope Tombstone Piledriver.

no offense like, I know all the other's are good, but for me (if hit to perfection) I don't think many finisher's look as cool as the F5.
That doesn't make it a dangerous move it just makes who you were working with a clumsy bastard.


As for favourite finisher, Top Rope Tombstone Piledriver.


The guy I was working with on one of those occasions was Doug Williams in a tag match and the other was Marty Jannetty down in Plymouth. They are not clumsy bastards at all, Doug just works snug, as does Marty. Its all part of the game, these things happen. But thats getting off the point at hand, we all have our own opinions, to jump on somebody simply because you disagree and just be sarcastic just makes you look like a childish prat.

If you can leave the wrestling business stating that your worst injury was a broken nose, consider yourself very lucky.


Let's put wrestling into a "real life" perspective. So Hogan breaks your nose with a legdrop. And? How does that prevent you from raising your shoulders?


I don't want to get into a debate about what moves would hurt in real life, but the fact is, there's a whole lot of gaps in your logic.


I have taken any number of Storm Cradle Piledrivers, Powerbombs etc and they are easy to take and dont hurt at all, nice flat bump. However, I have been legdropped numerous times and that move has broken my nose twice!


Yup, these piledrivers are really easy bumps. We could make a list of people, who have broken theirs necks by taking a powerbomb/piledriver, that could go on for days.


Then you've got the fact that the two legdrops could have been isolated incidents. You can break your nose in a million different ways, from walking into a lamp post to playing rugby. These things happen in every day life. People don't break their necks on a daily occurance. Workers can't finish matches with broken necks.


I realise that you've got the "I've been in the ring" advantage over me, and that's fine. But that doesn't mean that your word is gospel, and I have a feeling that most people would agree that a piledriver is a whole lot more dangerous than a legdrop. Then when we consider you're a Hogan mark, who seems to see his hero through rose tinted specs, and I find it hard to believe that you could admit that Hogan's finisher isn't very good.


I'm sorry if I've offended you with sarcasm, but trust me when I say that if you're not a fan of the lowest form of wit, you'll struggle to find a place online where sincerity is 100%.

Answer and another topic?


I agree with the Razor's Edge, both an innovative and power move.


However, I was thinking about the history of the WWE and wondering your thoughts on some of the all time great moments. I don't necessarily mean a win by an individual, but mostly moments that involved the wrestlers, announcers and fan reaction. A few examples:


Bret Hart and Macho "King" Randy Savage squaring off at Surivior Series 89 during their tag match. The crowd went nuts.


Austin's expression during 97 Royal Rumble when Bret Hart came out.


Fan reaction to Demolition winning the tag belts at Wrestlemania 6.


Razor Ramon introducing the Macho Man as his mystery partner at Survivor Series 93. What do you think?

its an opinion russ read the title it says best finisher not which finisher is most realistic if he likes the move by argueing u wont change his mind. i personally like the ddt of the top rope last used in wwe by orton to beat rvd and also the unprettier and widows peak
If you can leave the wrestling business stating that your worst injury was a broken nose, consider yourself very lucky.


Let's put wrestling into a "real life" perspective. So Hogan breaks your nose with a legdrop. And? How does that prevent you from raising your shoulders?


I don't want to get into a debate about what moves would hurt in real life, but the fact is, there's a whole lot of gaps in your logic.




Yup, these piledrivers are really easy bumps. We could make a list of people, who have broken theirs necks by taking a powerbomb/piledriver, that could go on for days.


Then you've got the fact that the two legdrops could have been isolated incidents. You can break your nose in a million different ways, from walking into a lamp post to playing rugby. These things happen in every day life. People don't break their necks on a daily occurance. Workers can't finish matches with broken necks.


I realise that you've got the "I've been in the ring" advantage over me, and that's fine. But that doesn't mean that your word is gospel, and I have a feeling that most people would agree that a piledriver is a whole lot more dangerous than a legdrop. Then when we consider you're a Hogan mark, who seems to see his hero through rose tinted specs, and I find it hard to believe that you could admit that Hogan's finisher isn't very good.


I'm sorry if I've offended you with sarcasm, but trust me when I say that if you're not a fan of the lowest form of wit, you'll struggle to find a place online where sincerity is 100%.


Of course I'm going to see Hulk Hogan through rose tinted glasses if I'm a Hogan mark, that much is obvious.

Now, onto the topic at hand. I NEVER said that the legdrop was a more dangerous move, a more powerful move a more ANYTHING move than a piledriver etc did I? If I did, please quote me on it! Your misreading what I'm writing. What I said was, although people bash it, the legdrop can be a nasty moved even when its worked, if it were real it would be very painful. A broken nose might not stop you from raising your shoulders, but a crushed larynx might, you see what I'm saying?

And at the end of the day, I just picked a move I like, not whos is more effective or could do the most damage in an actual shoot! I dont think there is a need to sarcasm when people are simply picking their favorites. And trust me, I can handle all the sarcasm you can throw, if its appropriate, not when people are just stating their opinions.

Lastly, I have broken pretty much every bone in my body at some point in the ring barring my neck through mostly other peoples mistakes or when I first started out and was green, so I do consider broken noses to be pretty light! LOL

Edited by The Beltster

F5 is the coolest move in the wwe

Best finisher is the Burning Hammer (if done properly)



And for those who say "Bollocks' date=' its crap and wouldnt hurt!" Wrestling is sold on the fact that what happens in the ring is real (or at least it used to be!) and a 300lbs man coming crashing down across your throat with a stiff upper thigh would bloody hurt, and likely wind you. BROTHER![/quote']

I love your contradictions


You say that it's sold on "what happens in the ring is real", and that a leg across the throat would "bloody hurt, and likely wind you"


Now, let's look at moves like the tombstone for being "real" - you're being dropped on the top of your head!

Pedigree - dropped on your forehead

F5 - spun and dropped on your face/forehead from 5-6' in the air


Pain wise:

Leg across the throat - winds you

Dropped on the top of your head - knocks you out cold

Pedigree - knocks you out cold

F5 - knocks you out cold


So, for you, being "winded" is more damaging than being knocked out?


Wow, I'd love to see you in a match - a throat thrust would put you down for the pin, while people can dump you on the top of your head all they want!

Best finisher is the Burning Hammer (if done properly)




I love your contradictions


You say that it's sold on "what happens in the ring is real", and that a leg across the throat would "bloody hurt, and likely wind you"


Now, let's look at moves like the tombstone for being "real" - you're being dropped on the top of your head!

Pedigree - dropped on your forehead

F5 - spun and dropped on your face/forehead from 5-6' in the air


Pain wise:

Leg across the throat - winds you

Dropped on the top of your head - knocks you out cold

Pedigree - knocks you out cold

F5 - knocks you out cold


So, for you, being "winded" is more damaging than being knocked out?


Wow, I'd love to see you in a match - a throat thrust would put you down for the pin, while people can dump you on the top of your head all they want!


Oh my God, I sometimes feel like I'm arguing with a bunch of monkeys! IF a legdrop were real, it would crush your larnyx, which could kill you! Cant you bloody understand that? Jesus Christ! Plus, if you bothered to read ANY of what I was saying, I said I picked it as one of my FAVORITE moves, I was just using the fact that it could hurt if it was done for real so people couldnt say "Ha, the legdrop wouldnt hurt!" Are you following?

And hey, if you want to see me in a real match, feel free to buy a ticket, or better yet jump on in the ring and I'll legdrop you so you can tell me how much it doesnt hurt! :roll

Oh, and lastly, just so you know mate, when your F5'ed OR Pedigreed, it is shoot, you cant fake those moves. You land exactly the same way at exactly the same speed and velocity when your working the move as you would if it were a shoot. So that makes your F5 and Pedigree arguements obsolete.

Edited by The Beltster


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