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Amazing how addicitve they get


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Ok well basically AC pointed me to this with his sig, nice one mate lol

have u ever played a game you didnt think was any good and ended up being addicted to the damn game


For me Pokemon Blue was a classic example, i had it off my mate just for a laugh but found myself striving to collect all 150 lol how sad, but looking back at my little sisters pokemon guide thing the other day i found i thought it was quite funny looking all the ones i had collected and which i enjoyed looking at like good old Squirtle lol how class


Next game on this is a game called Dear Hunter for PS2, now visually at times its excellent and at times its not, but still its rather fun apart from when bears attack you and kill you but we dont want that to happen. However the one part that i dont particulary like is when u shoot an animal in the head and well u get the picture but other than that its,


next up is formula one 2003, as boring as the real thing is nowadays u can always make it more fun with crashes and minardi wins on this game, how fun


my final title is one game by the name of Rugby 2004. Lets face it the graphics are shit and the gameplays no better but hell when u play as England in the six nations or world cup you really wanna keep playing, sad fact again but true


what games have this effect on you

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Guest Peter
LOL the Pokemon games are the sort of games you love playing but would never tell your mates about, a guilty pleasure if you will. My little sister owns one of them for the GBA and I found myself playing it loads last summer! :eek
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Zelda... I have all of them in their original formats... Zelda 1&2 Gold carts for Nes... Legend of Zelda on the SNES.... Ocarina and Majoras Mask on the N64 and Windwaker with Ocarina and Master Quest on Gamecube.... Have got the ones for Gameboy but not the Gameboy Advanced as yet..... Favourite one? Either Ocarina or Legend... The SNES rocked!


Also I love playing Soldier of Fortune 2 online.... capture the flag in the Jolt servers, come in there and I'll blow your head off.... lol.

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You ever play the second on the NES? You can't understand that game... you just sit there willing yourself to clear it... and I couldn't let it beat me so I did... it took me a whole day, 6am to I think 11 on a weekend to do... non stop, no saving, nothing.... hardest game ever!
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ive never liked final fantasy games either but for some reason number 7 had me hooked, not that i was any good at it but it was a great game, might have to see if i can find it in my local games shop, hes usually very helpful when it coes to older stuff and if he doesnt have it he usually phones around and helps
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Guest Trash

I had a demo on the old Playstation which contained a game called Rock & Gems.

It was the poorest game you can think of.

Somebody could have written it in a day.

It was basically digging through the mud to collect gems but if a rock fell on your head you exploded and lost all your gems.

Sounds crap but my dad was hooked. Its ythe only game he has ever played on a console but he kepy having "one more go". Thank God we lost it.


Right now I'm very into setting up a car sequence during a chase on Driv3r, then putting it in Director mode and setting up multiple camera angles to make the replay look sweet. And they do!

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Guest peoples eyebrow
Really crap demo that came free with playstation 1, I cant even remember the name of it now but you had to move a beachball around on a platform which was suspended mid-air. Like I said crap but i couldnt stop playing it at first. Im not proud. :-0
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Guest Wolverine
I've played 30 minute matches against 5 star computer opposition (France vs Brazil) on Pro Evolution Soccer 3 nearly every day for the last 3 months. Usually I resolve to play just one game of it and invariably after a heroic battle with 9 men I lose 8-6 afer extra time, so I set out to restore justice and I end up playing over and over again ...
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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest plug_RKO

people's eyebrow, that ball game was called kula world..it was so addictive and really hard 2 buy, i saw one on ebay going for like £50. and the other demo you was on about was rocks and gems and that was bloody good! i neva made it past the second level though but it was great


my most addicitive games are halo, all the oddworld games, redfaction 1..dont know what else there so many... bishi bashi is addicitve, if anyone else has ever played it?

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