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For me the best console that ever did live was the Mega Drive (aka Genesis) that was around in the erly to mid 90s until we were plagued with the crapness now known as the Mega CD and the saturn then the Dreamcast.


The Graphics itself were poor by todays standards but compared to what we had before in the forms of the Master Sytem etc it was a marvel and altho it took cartridges it was still a quality platform.


The pad took a new leap of faith for Seag who decided to go with the 3 button main buttons rather than the two previously used on their consoles, it made out to make the gaming much better and in my opinion thus far only the Playstation 2's Dual Shock Twin Stick Pad has beaten it in terms of handelability and down right easy to use-ness??!!!


But what really made the Mega Drive stand out were the games and thats what I am going to look at in this thread.


Streets of rage::

For me Streets of Rage is the greatest game ever made for its fun and simplicity, a simple side crolling beat em up you may think but wait no, its revolutionizing this genre. Multiple enemies and a smiluanious one screen two player. The ability to pick up and use weapons and special Police Help button all made for one great game, it spend many a good hour stuck in my console and me and my cousin played it to death as Axel and Adam trying in peril to defeat the Evil Mr X on the top floor of the high rise building passing through streets, construction bridges and even an elevator on the way. Streets of Rage 2 did little to improve besides new characters, slightly improved graphics and new levels. Streets of Rage 3 did the exact same as Streets of Rage 2 which is why the original Game for me is the better of the trio and I for one think the series should be left to those 3 magical games btu sadly it seems Seag are intent on making Streets of Rage 4. Long live SoR.


Sonic the HedgeHog::

A gaming and platforming marvel and probably for me the greatest platform game series of all time, that is until the god awful 128 bit versions came about or the even worse Dr Robotniks Mean BEan Machine (side note- why change Robotniks name to Eggman? Robotnik was better as explained in the comic strip and books the name had meaning as it was a reverse of his former name until an experimental accident with a rotten egg-but hey im just sad). The game was amazing in terms of levels being unique, bosses and the first time we saw real bonus levels, altho i think the bonus levels in Sonic 2 were the best. Sonic redefined the platform genre that had previously been dominated by a vertically challenged italina Plumber and his lankly Brother. Everything about Sonic was spot on, a couple of different moves, flat out fast and a character you liked. Sonic 2 for me was really the best of the series as we were introduced to Tails, a two tailed orange fox with the ability to fly, the levels were vastly improved with new badniks on offer as well as a new move the spin dash. A move that has stuck then with every sonic game. Sonic 2 was when Team Sonic started to think about Sonic and Knuckles, after Sonic 3 was released we were then treated to a revolution, a game cartridge called sonic and knuckles with an opening top for other gamers to be put in. We pop in Sonic 3 or Sonic 2 and BAM we can Play as the pink echidna Knuckles in these games who has the abilty to climb walls, smash things and glide. the cartridge was also an entirley new game with only Sonic and Knuckles as playable charcters but with vastly improved levels. The great thing about putting other non sonic cartridges in S and K tho was that if you pressed A, B and C together then you could play unique bonus levels.#

For me Sonic is the greatest platform game ever made and i only wish the designers had left it after s and K, altho Sonic Heroes seems to be on track


More to come when i camn be bothered lol

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Yeah to great games mentioned there do you remember shinobi and flashback two more excellent games

I owned both a SNES and Mega Drive and I loved them for different reasons...


The SNES had Zelda, Super Mario World and AllStars, ISS, Super Street Fighter Hyper, Starwing, Donkey Kong Country and the Super Game Boy...


The MD was better for Mortal Combat, it had Sonic and Knuckles, Fifa was better on there, Brian Lara Cricket, Streets Of Rage, Earthworm Jim was better and it had a kick ass fighter simulator called F-22 Raptor as well!


But for me the edge went to the SNES because it has the greatest version of Tetris ever made on its Dual Dr.Mario/Tetris cart... And also because I love Zelda.

Streets Of Rage 2 what a game megadrive kicked the snes' ass

f2k....know your role and shut your mouth :P


...we were plagued with the crapness now known as the Mega CD and the saturn then the Dreamcast.


Now wait just a minute. Yes, the Sega Saturn was overpriced, was the most powerful paperweight till the Xbox came and was badly marketed. But in terms of games, it was great (and could do better 2D games then PSX and was overall, better at arcade conversions). Games like Gun Griffion, Panzer Dragoon Zwei, Guardian Heroes (One of the best games ever) and NiGHTS into dreams showed that SS could generate games that where as good (or better) then PSX ones. Unfortuanly, due to reasons stated above, the SS was killed off before more great games could come. I've yet to find a decent SS emu and my Sega Saturn battery (used to save games inside the machine) is dead so I can't play any games. Anyway, With the SS killed off, the PSX enjoyed a nice reign (N64 hardly put up much of a fight up, despite creating some of the best games)...which, in retrospect, would be a blow to the Dreamcast


Now, as good (IMO) as the SS console was, there are only a few games I can recommened, but for the Dreamcast, there are loads. you see, Dreamcast had all the potential to succed. Great games, online access, easy to develop on and nice interface and the VMU :D. unfrontuanly, too many people where "brainwashed" into the PSX (and inconsequently, the PS2) and thus didn't sell enough and is no longer with us. But it did leave us with some fantastic games such as;

Sonic Adventure 1+2, Crazy Taxi, Chu Chu Rocket, Phantasy Star Online, Jet Set Radio, Shunmue Vol.1, Soul Calibur (my fave game of all time), Samba De Amigo, Virtua Tennis, Mr Driller, Worms: Armageddon, Power Stone, Power Stone 2, Marvel vs Capcom 2, Rayman 2, Deadly Skies, Record of Lodoss War (if your a diablo fan). With the failure of the DC, sega decided to call it a day and only produce software Which is probably for the best.


So my friend, the SS and DC weren't crap...they where just misunderstood...oh and I thought the SNES was better then the MD :P, but MD had some cracking games (which i'll post about after a little break :P)

Have to say I had a n64 and a Dreamcast and not the Playstation and I enjoyed the Dreamcast far more then the Playstation... but not as much as my n64...


I loved Shemnue 1 and 2 and Sonic Adventure and Toy Commander and my all time favs Virtua Tennis 1 and 2...


R.I.P. Dreamcast... I will remember you...

Top 20 Megadrive Games


1- Sonic 2

2- Gunstar Heroes

3- Contra: Hard Corps

4- Thunderforce 4

5- Alien Soldier

6- Ayrton Senna's Super Monico Grand Prix 2

7- Streets of Rage 2

8- Streets of Rage 3

9- QuackShot

10 Micky Mouse and Donald Duck- World of Illusions

11- Rocket Knight Adventure

12- Sonic 3

13- Ranger X

14- WWF Royal Rumble

15- Outrun

16- Earthworm Jim

17- Castlevania: Bloodlines

18- Dynamite Heddy

19- Ristar

20- Streets of Rage


For most of them, i'll describe why I like them later, but now i gotta go ¬_¬

WOW! I thought I was the only MD lover left!


My personal favorite game is Buck Rogers, which is a fantastic (if cheesy) RPG!


I still play my MD, just not as much as my PS2.

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i love my md even tho i have just a few games now, theres a lot of emulation stuff on the web now but you have to beware as most of it is just plain crap


I thought WWF RAW was one of the better wrestling games on the system and certainly i thought Streets of Rage 1 was much better than the other two.

Some games i will comment on later tonight are


Golden Axe (Axe Battler on GG-rpg tho)


and Sonic 3d


I will also be looking into the arguemnt for the SNES and some of its top games namly



Mario Kart

Mario Allstars

and my fav Snes Game ever-Killer Instinct

I have wrestlemania for the MD, its sooo funny playing it now whats funnier though is the fact that I thought it was the business when I got it. Awww the memories...it has all the greats like papa shango haha,


Revenge of shinobi is still fun, oh not to forget micro machines. I got SEGA smash pack for the GBA, its great, Golden Axe, Ecco the dolphin and Sonic Spinball.....pure class.

Yeah, y'know even though I have a ps2, I still play the mega drive once in a while. Sensible Soccer, just for pure playability and longevity (especially with two players) is still one of my favourite soccer games. Revenge of Shinobi is still excellent, still love Super Monaco GP (none of the ps2 racing games can capture the pure giddy thrill of taking your rival's car :lol :devil). All the Sonic games are still fun to play, micro machines, mortal kombat, streets of rage, etc. Indeed, it's true: the Mega Drive WILL never die :xyx

Yeah the MegaDrive was pretty good, and I really liked playing Road Rash on it.


I however, owned a NES, and when I first got this game I was the daddy-mac. I had Mario Bros, Mario 3, Duck Hunt, Probotector, California Games, Rad Racer, Paperboy and Duck Tales. Such was life...


I didn't get another console until I got my XBox on launch day, March 14th 2002. I've got some good games for that, too.


But I did buy Sonic Advance for my GBA SP as I wanted to relive my MegaDrive playing days, and Sonic Advance is so true to the original it's scary.



Three words:


Toejam and Earl

Top 20 SNES Games



1- Terrianigma

2- Illusion of gaia

3- Zleda- Link to the Past

4- Turtles in Time

5- Tetris Attack

6- Kirby 8 game in 1 pak

7- Sparkster

8- Pop 'n' Twinbee- Rainbow Bell Adventures

9- The Secret of Mana

10- Chrono Trigger

11- Paradious

12- Phalanx

13- Axelay

14- Batman Returns

15- Final Fight 3

16- Pop 'n' Twinbee

17- Act Raiser

18- Castlevania IV

19- Pocky and Rocky 2

20- Super Street Fighter Alpha 2

steve! you must be the only other person i have even know to have even played toejam and earl.....it was simply the best game ever!!!!


megadrive was the best, i wernt a fan of the sens or nes, with there huge cartrages.....the mastersystem was still great aswell, with ninja build in, that game was super good!


flashback was good, and i had another world which was the sequal and it was impossible! it took me and my mate over 6 years to get off the second level! lmao!.....and we finaly completed it this year....but hardly completed it because we had to cheat to get to the last level :( that game was never ment to be completed! hardest game ever!!!!!

Toejam and Earl ruled, did you guys find the secret island on the 1st level?

I loved Bomberman. Just bought it for the GBA as one of the NES Classics, and it STILL rocks the body that rocks the par-tay.


Alos love playing : Cool Spot, Sonic 1, Madden, and NBA Jam


MD also had cool conversions of classic arcade/computer games : Sensible Soccer, Cannon Fodder, PGA Tour, Theme Park, Rainbow Islands...

I loved Bomberman. Just bought it for the GBA as one of the NES Classics, and it STILL rocks the body that rocks the par-tay.


I heard it has no multi player which can't be good?


Toejam and Earl ruled, did you guys find the secret island on the 1st level?


Yep...thanks to a little thing called the game genie :D

How can we forget the greatest and most addictive game ever made, Micro Machines! Every single one was a masterpiece, the multiplayer (up to 4 players!) was fantastic and great fun with all your friends. The best thing of all was the graphics were simple, so even beginners could quickly get to grips with the game.



The good thing abt the MD Micro Machines was that it had two joypad sockets on the game! so u didn't need to buy a multi-tap for a 4 player game :D

I DL'd it today for my MD emulator... still class :)


No multiplayer on Bomberman, btw - which does suck, but not for me, as I have no friends anyway ;)

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