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I was just watching a video on WWE.com and it was promoting next weeks 5th Anniversary SD! show and it said, and I quote:


"Hulk Hogan, Mick Foley, Steph McMahon, Vince McMahon & Steve Austin all return next week for the 5th Anniversary SD!"


YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS! Hulkamania is back!!!!!


I hope he is back, I have a bad feeling it will be a show full of clips, some of them includuing Hogan, and that he wont be back at all...time will tell.

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It will be over videolink or something I reckon.
Yeah he's just doing an interview. They don't need Hogan, he can't offer anything. Just shows how desperate they are
yes at the minute the WWE are only planning for them to have pre taped interviews except for Steph and Vince who should be there live but Hulk Hogan, Mick Foley and Austin at the moment will not be there whether his changes or not by next week we will just have to wait and see
Yeah he's just doing an interview. They don't need Hogan' date=' he can't offer anything. Just shows how desperate they are[/quote']


He offers more than anybody else on the roster right now, cos the fans could care less about ANYBODY these days, barring the God awful John Cena.

yes at the minute the WWE are only planning for them to have pre taped interviews except for Steph and Vince who should be there live but Hulk Hogan' date=' Mick Foley and Austin at the moment will not be there whether his changes or not by next week we will just have to wait and see[/quote']


Would be nice to see Vince slag all three of them off via sattalite, and then Hogan, Austin and Foley all come out and nail Vince with their respective finishing moves, just for a cheap pop as the show goes off the air.

still could happen lik i said it could change

WWE has just taken their shoes off, and is about to go for a paddle. If the water is the right temperature, they'll dive right in.


No, I'm not stoned. I think the decision to involve these former employees in next week's show is Vince's attempt to see if they spike the ratings. If Hogan, Foley and Austin all get the ratings to jump up a fair bit, it wouldn't surprise me in the slightest to see them back on the WWE roster. Maybe they realise that Smackdown! is lacking established stars to give it the boost it needs. Maybe they need more talent to combat against Thursday primetime shows such as Survivor and Joey like the rumours are saying. Whatever the reason, I think that if Smackdown! scores a good rating in a few weeks, we'll see at least one of the three back on TV on a regular basis.


Nah, who am I kidding? If the ratings go up, Vince will say "The solution is obvious. THEY WANT TO SEE MORE OF STEPHANIE". Smackdown! is renamed Stephdown!, and becomes a 2 hour show dedicated to Mrs Levesque cutting promos at the top of her voice.

WWE has just taken their shoes off, and is about to go for a paddle. If the water is the right temperature, they'll dive right in.


No, I'm not stoned. I think the decision to involve these former employees in next week's show is Vince's attempt to see if they spike the ratings. If Hogan, Foley and Austin all get the ratings to jump up a fair bit, it wouldn't surprise me in the slightest to see them back on the WWE roster. Maybe they realise that Smackdown! is lacking established stars to give it the boost it needs. Maybe they need more talent to combat against Thursday primetime shows such as Survivor and Joey like the rumours are saying. Whatever the reason, I think that if Smackdown! scores a good rating in a few weeks, we'll see at least one of the three back on TV on a regular basis.


Yup I agree on all this. I was just saying this to a friend of mine, that Vince is likely testing the ratings waters with these guys to see what happens, this is why he has announced it now so that everybody knows and can decide whether to watch or not. Lets see what happens.

"He offers more than anybody else on the roster right now, cos the fans could care less about ANYBODY these days, barring the God awful John Cena."


What an absolute load of rubbish. Cause I mean we all know how huge the ratings were when Hogan was last around? Ooo no hang on, they were no better than now. So you tell me what a 50 year old man, who can't work, and last time didn't improve anything in terms of buyrates, match quality, crowd size or Tv buyrates, can offer more than anyone else on the roster?


It's not 1987 anymore, come back to reality. I'm not saying he won't be back, he very well might be, but it won't solve their problems thats for sure.

What an absolute load of rubbish. Cause I mean we all know how huge the ratings were when Hogan was last around? Ooo no hang on, they were no better than now. So you tell me what a 50 year old man, who can't work, and last time didn't improve anything in terms of buyrates, match quality, crowd size or Tv buyrates, can offer more than anyone else on the roster?


It's not 1987 anymore, come back to reality. I'm not saying he won't be back, he very well might be, but it won't solve their problems thats for sure.


Seriously bro, I'll be honest, your attitude is shite. Now, I havent got any kind of problem with you and I never crap on everything you write, unlike you who seem to crap on ANYTHING positive written about Hulk Hogan!


Now, as for your latest rant: PLEASE TELL ME WHERE I SAID HULK HOGAN WOULD SOLVE WWE'S PROBLEMS!!! Whats that? You cant? Oh, thats because I NEVER BLOODY SAID IT MATE!


I simply said the fans dont give a crap any more about anybody else than they do about Hogan, which isnt saying they all love Hogan, I was making a point of how NOBODY ELSE is over these days, open your damn eyes and read whats written before going off your head!


Now, you also contradicted yourself a few times there. You said that Hogan cant add ANYTHING and that ratings and buyrates are the SAME now as they were when Hulk was there..UMMMM NO! Ratings have dropped even MORE since Hogan left, now thats not to say they dropped cos Hulk left, because I dont believe thats true, BUT your precious Benoits, Cenas, Ortons, Mysterios etc havent dont anything to help WWE anymore than Hulk did, so by saying Hulk has nothing to offer means these guys dont either, because they arent boosting ratings!


Lastly, dont give me that crap about Hogan not being able to work. I have gone through it all before. If you dont think Hogan can 'work' then you OBVIOUSLY have no idea what 'working' is. Working isnt putting moves together in the ring, thats WRESTLING. Hogan didnt WRESTLE too well, but he was one of the best WORKERS ever. I could care less if you agree or disagree, seeing as all you do is live to bash Hulk Hogan for some stupid reason. Again, next time you decide to act like somebody stole your school dinner money, please re-read what was written and THEN reply.



Edited by The Beltster

And it should be pointed that last time Hogan was around he did help hugely in getting guys like Brock Lesnar over. I'm not saying I'd like to see him back but I think he often gets stick where it's not due.


As I've said before when he was in WCW and it was dieing why the hell should he job to freaking Vampiro? Hell, the guy gave Kidman about 5 wins over him. billy Kidman beating arguably the biggest star in the history of the business 5 times? Then when he gets to WWE he puts over Lesnar, Rock and Angle with no complaint.


If Hogan didn't add to buy rates or merchandise sales last time he was there, he did help make Brockberg a genuine main event talent.

So you tell me what a 50 year old man, who can't work, and last time didn't improve anything in terms of buyrates, match quality, crowd size or Tv buyrates, can offer more than anyone else on the roster?




Seriously though, it' begreat to see these guys back on Smackdown. Although If Vince i really expecting them to oost ratings in the long teerm he's kidding himself. Of course that's exactly the problem with WWE these days. To much short term thinking with no real thought behind the storylines. I just hope thisshow turns out better than the car wreck that was th Raw 10th anniversary show.

Hulk Hogan is a HUGE draw. If he stays around for years he wont be but like The Rock, Foley etc if he does return for a short while it would draw. SmackDown certainly needs that. If he cam e back to WWE with the yellow trunks and Real American playing can you say that wouldnt draw?
I think for a one off appearance Hogan could draw, but I think hist last run with the WWE proves that in the long term he isn't really a solution to the WWE's problems. I do agree that Smackdown coul do with some "big" star drawing power, if anyone would be to stay long term out of Hogan, Austin and Foley, I'd have to say that Foley would be more beneficial to the company in terms of putting new talent over and still drawing the crowds. If Hogan was put in angle where he puts new talent over, then hey, maybe he will help the company.
Now, you also contradicted yourself a few times there. You said that Hogan cant add ANYTHING and that ratings and buyrates are the SAME now as they were when Hulk was there..UMMMM NO! Ratings have dropped even MORE since Hogan left, now thats not to say they dropped cos Hulk left, because I dont believe thats true, BUT your precious Benoits, Cenas, Ortons, Mysterios etc havent dont anything to help WWE anymore than Hulk did, so by saying Hulk has nothing to offer means these guys dont either, because they arent boosting ratings!


Lastly, dont give me that crap about Hogan not being able to work. I have gone through it all before. If you dont think Hogan can 'work' then you OBVIOUSLY have no idea what 'working' is. Working isnt putting moves together in the ring, thats WRESTLING. Hogan didnt WRESTLE too well, but he was one of the best WORKERS ever. I could care less if you agree or disagree, seeing as all you do is live to bash Hulk Hogan for some stupid reason. Again, next time you decide to act like somebody stole your school dinner money, please re-read what was written and THEN reply.



I find it lame you resort to petty arguments. Hogan is one of the greatest ambassadors in wrestling ever, and was the biggest draw in history, but now its 2004, and he's 50, so you get my point. At what point were Misterio and John Cena headlining PPV's, and being the focus of each programme completely? They weren't. Yeah sure Benoit and Orton didn't set the world on fire, but neither did Hogan, so why bring in another person who won't change anything?


You say all this rubbish about being crapping on everything positive. Erm aren't you exactly the same, crapping on any possible thing negative? You miss my point completely. I like Hogan, I always have, but whats the point of bringing him in?


Your exact words are he offers more than anybody else, yet in ure response, you say they don't give a crap about anymore about anyone else than they do about Hogan. Which brings the point, why bring him in? If he doesn't change ratings, doesn't change buyrates, doesn't change crowd size, then why bring him in?


You seem to think, I'm bashing Hogan, yet all I'm stating is the obvious, in what's the point of bringing him in. He could draw, but he can't now, no more than HHH, Undertaker, Orton, Benoit or Angle can, so why bring him in?


So next time, how about you re-read what I put, and understand I don't hate Hogan, and don't come back with these "I love Hogan, and will not accept any criticism of him" posts.

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