Poor old Acclaim, the game that could have possibly changed their fortunes is now in the ranks of EA games who now have both the need for speed series and the Burnout series. chances are they may well eliminate all competition and get Juiced aswell. Anyways...
I arrived back at home this morning and saw sat waiting on my pc desk 3 shiny boxes. I picked them up and opened them to see shiny discs of some horse riding game (ias this some sort of joke), Conflict Vietnam and of course Burnout 3. they just turned up magically wihout payment.
So anyway Im just about to play Burnout 3 and after I have, I shall be back on here to tell you all what I think of it
Poor old Acclaim, the game that could have possibly changed their fortunes is now in the ranks of EA games who now have both the need for speed series and the Burnout series. chances are they may well eliminate all competition and get Juiced aswell. Anyways...
I arrived back at home this morning and saw sat waiting on my pc desk 3 shiny boxes. I picked them up and opened them to see shiny discs of some horse riding game (ias this some sort of joke), Conflict Vietnam and of course Burnout 3. they just turned up magically wihout payment.
So anyway Im just about to play Burnout 3 and after I have, I shall be back on here to tell you all what I think of it