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What really are the differences between SD JBI and SD KYR ???


Between SD 1 and SD KYR there were quite a lot of differences. Hell in a Cell matches, Ladder matches and Table matches were all included. (Mind you the Hell in A Cell was not a proper Hell in a Cell) This made the game far more fun but what will be the new attractions in JBI be?


I heard that no lower card wrestlers (except Billy Gunn;))would be on it this game but wouldn't that make the game worse than better. I mean I get bored of wrestling as the main eventers and i enjoy playing as one of the lower card wrestlers.


I will be one of the first to buy this game, I just want to know what qualities this game has !



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Better graphics, more match types and commentary.

More than four wrestlers can be in the ring at the same time.


Not to mention that the season mode has been totally redone.

I played a demo of SD: JBI today in Electronics boutique, and I pray that it was a very rough demo - cause if that's the finished game, then I won't be buying it - terrible controls, worse than the PSX versions of SD... I much prefer No Mercy or WM2K

Yeah, I gots me hands on the demo during my 3 hour lunch break from college (My mate has just started working at EB).


The graphics, while a vast improvement on SD2 and the like, weren't much to sing praise about.


I agree Inno, the controls were thoroughly evil.

As bad as Acclaim's "tap 36 directions, X and Circle to execute an armdrag" system?.

Does anyone know if Smackdown JBI will have the new Smackdown Set or the old Set and does it have the new Logo and Music aswell.


Thank You :thumbsup :groov

Looks to have the same set from the logo and it will probably have the old music as Marilyn Manson may demand a cut of the royalties in a similar manner to Kid Rock and SD2.

I agree with most of the above points, whilst I haven't actually played a demo, the graphic improvements don't appear to be that substantial for an extra however many bits.


If the game engine is the same as the first two then I won't be parting with my money, it should be more wrestlingly (?) playable like No Mercy or WrestleMania for the N64. They rock.:xyx

I will be one of the first to buy this game, I just want to know what qualities this game has !


I just bought the game, granted I wont get it till its released but then again who cares it will be my most used PS2 game (until I buy Legends of Wrestling)

  • 3 weeks later...

Firstly i know for a fact that jbi has the new smackdown entrance cause i've seen it, plus i wouldn't doubt it having the new sd theme because it has the rocks new theme tune.


I dont know about you but i have the demo and the graphics look great. The wrestlers faces are near perfect their hair even moves realistically, and you've gotta love the way the wrestlers now leave the ring.


But the best thing about the game will be the season mode which has been vastly improved. There's even a bit where vince asks you to get a tag team partner for a match and you actually get to walk around into the different rooms backstage to choose a partner which sounds great.....


but the best improvement i think they've made is the match gameplay and realism. They've slowed down the match speed and have made it possible to use counter holds which are superb when you pull em off.

On the contrary Hosgood, I have read in several Playstation magazines is that the gameplay is awful..at times unplayable.


Also, the commentary is apparently the worst ever by a mile.


I'd steer clear if I was you everybody, don't believe the hype.

Thats the trouble, no matter how bad this game is, there'll always be fools who will defend to their death that it's the best thing since sliced tomato.


The same goes for the PS2 as a whole, with only metal gear solid 2, GT3, GTA3 and This is football, worthy of a second glance . All of which are sequels, Sonys speciality.

Edited by Latino Reheat

You forgot about:


Devil May Cry

Final Fantasy X

Metal of Honor: Frontline :D


But if it's sequels you want to talk about. What about the 400 Mario games, or the 300 Pokemon games.


Not that there is anything wrong with Gamecube, and X-box. I plan to get both in the near future. :xyx

Edited by Skullmonkey

I'll probably get both, depending on how much the Xbox costs of course.

I'm not sure about the U.K price for the X-box. I know that Sony dropped the Ps2 price in the U.K, so that it was closer to the same price that U.S consumers pay.


But if it helps you any the U.S price for the X-Box is $299.

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