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When I first started watching WWE/F back in the 80's it was like a child. It was cartoonie and childfriendly. The Fed years reflected me, like a kid!


Then when I was a teenaget the Attitude era hit in, and oh boy was it attitude! Like a teenager it demanded attention and created a fuss with foul language and stupid stunts until it got what it wanted!


As I matured and grew more sensible the Attitude ear drained away and gave us the sensible and mature 'scientific' approch to wrestling. Out went the innuendo and foul language, in came the more methodical and mature approach.


Ahead of me the WWE seems to have now tried to recapture its 'youth'. Like an old man who knows his days are up the WWE is acting like its a child, trying to deny its end.







Its an odd metaphor, but one that came to me at work today. Does anyone see what I mean by all these?

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I do DS and I have seen it before, AH(After Hogan).


it is the mystical cycle of wrestling.


Pure and simple they bring you on as chlidren and grow with you until you yourself have children and bring them into it and explain to them the entertainment of it and then they sell to them, generational business, like CocaCola, or any other giant multinational company WWE is a worldwide brand name, and as such sells worldwide to all from eight to eighty, you are seeing the cycle, but whisper it a few folks don't think it exists.



Magic Roundabout

that is very acuurate. They can never be kiddie again, so they are trying to go back to the "Tude". The bad thing is, some of the stars that made Attitude what it was are gone. Stone Cold, Rock, and the original dead man can never be reincarnated. However, guys like Y2J and Randy have the charisma it takes to bring back the "edge". John Cena and RVD are the same.

Spiral, original Deadman was Federation years, well early 1990's, not the Attitude Era :).


I agree wholly with Darkstar's post, but it wasn't 1980's WWE that was cartoony, it was very early 1990's with guys like LOD, The Warrior, Macho Man and Demolition. Those guys spawned the take-off of gimmicky characters like The Mountie and The Bossman, The Natural Disasters and The Model.


When it was in the 1980's, to me, WWF was big and grand and special, with rememberable characters. I began to lose interest when Warrior left and came back again, when Rick Rude left and when The Rockers split up.


Mostly, I remember the fantastic Texas Tornado, he was the best of the lot.



Spiral, original Deadman was Federation years, well early 1990's, not the Attitude Era :).


I agree wholly with Darkstar's post, but it wasn't 1980's WWE that was cartoony, it was very early 1990's with guys like LOD, The Warrior, Macho Man and Demolition. Those guys spawned the take-off of gimmicky characters like The Mountie and The Bossman, The Natural Disasters and The Model.


When it was in the 1980's, to me, WWF was big and grand and special, with rememberable characters. I began to lose interest when Warrior left and came back again, when Rick Rude left and when The Rockers split up.


Mostly, I remember the fantastic Texas Tornado, he was the best of the lot.



okay i was thinking more along the lines of HIAC with HBK and WM with Kane. Also, the "Highway to Hell" Summerslam match with Austin. Those were the days.


I agree with you about the eras, the eighties were more of a grand event, but wherever Hogan is you can't help but laugh.


Attitude got me watching WWF. WCW was a more family friendly product at the time, and it started a hour earlier. I couldn't help but leave on the tv in my room with the volume down just to be sneaky and watch Raw. I remember Foley's first world title win, i was one of the many that switched to Raw when WCW announced that he would win the strap. Good memories.

wherever Hogan is you can't help but laugh.


Why? I dont laugh. As a matter of fact, the WWE sucks so much ass right now, they could do with bringing in a few legendary older guys as special attractions. I'd MUCH prefer to see a 50 yr old Hogan vs a 50 yr old Savage over Kurt Angle, Luthor Reigns, Jindrak, Edge or any of these other colour-less boring losers.


Edited by Mr Dragon

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I just thought it was an interesting take on the life of the WWE/F, and it seems like its going to become another 'Hogan Vs' thread! Oh dear.



And Beltmark, just off topic do you really think Kurt Angle is a bore?

Yeah, you could have just said Jindrak, Reigns and Edge.. maybe put in Snitsky... but Kurt Angle? C'mon.. he's the US best, and one of the top guys on the mic as well. I'm not saying he is as Hogan in his grand days, but he's not exactling trailing too far behind either.
And Beltmark' date=' just off topic do you really think Kurt Angle is a bore?[/quote']


As of now, yes I do. Kurt Angle has been a complete bore since WMXIX. His neck injuries have hurt his in-ring capabilities ALOT, he seems to be taking time off over and over again and is never full time anymore (not his fault, but still its happening) his promos completely suck these days. So again, yes, I think Angle is about as exciting and entertaining as watching a fat old woman churn butter.


Kurt was great when he first came in, his character really is awesome as a goofy comedy guy, make him serious and he is out of his element. Kurt Angle sucks in 2004.

I think Angle is about as exciting and entertaining as watching a fat old woman churn butter.




I have to agree with Beltmark and say that since Angles neck injuries he has got worse, mainly because his style has had to change and many people can't do that...


His match with Eddie at Summerslam bored the bejesus out of me.

I wonder if that's because most matches have become, as I heard it so nicely put, a spot-fest. What about psychology, strategy, and suspension of disbelief?


I applaud Angle's desire and ability to still do what he loves. He will carry his pain and disability to the grave and he got that way performing for us. He should get more than a casual, "Angle sucks 'cause he can't do what he used to.", for his troubles if we are indeed true fans of the sport. He deserves more than that.

He should get more than a casual' date=' "Angle sucks 'cause he can't do what he used to.", for his troubles if we are indeed true fans of the sport. He deserves more than that.[/quote']


I'm just telling it like I see it in simple terms. In my opinion, Angle sucks now, and yes, its because he can no longer do what he used to do. Does he deserve more? I dunno, I'm sure his bank account is full so he was paid well for what he did, he didnt entertain us for free.


I'm a true fan, have been since 1984, nobody can dispute whether I'm a true fan or not, but my opinion still is, that Angle is no longer a decent or entertaining talent to watch, he is washed up and now turning into Ric Flair.


Ric Flair = Former awesome in-ring talent who stuck around too long and now sucks.

Angle = Ready made heat for anyone who sides with him ( just the same as Flair ).


And with respect, Angle's neck injuries are holding him back from doing things that caused his neck injuries and things he really shouldn't have been doing in the first place. His forte is mat wrestling. Pure and simple. But his mat wrestling isn't going to put bums on seats or make people buy PPV's so he tried to expand his horizons and do things that didn't come naturally to him and he's paid the price for it. And ultimately so have we.

Flair. He has tarnished his legend reputation by staying in too long. Most of you will remember him as the legend, 16 time champ. But I? I shall remember him as the post alliance saggy man breasted old fart he now is. Is that what he wnats me to pass on to my children?
Flair. He has tarnished his legend reputation by staying in too long. Most of you will remember him as the legend' date=' 16 time champ. But I? I shall remember him as the post alliance saggy man breasted old fart he now is. Is that what he wnats me to pass on to my children?[/quote']


I agree to a certain degree with Flair tarnishing his legend. I'll always remember Flair as the guy that got me into wrestling in the first place, the man with the best promos of his time but my sons ( 13 & 9 ) will most likely remember him as this old guy who is described above.

I'm just telling it like I see it in simple terms. In my opinion, Angle sucks now, and yes, its because he can no longer do what he used to do.

I'm a true fan, have been since 1984, nobody can dispute whether I'm a true fan or not, but my opinion still is, that Angle is no longer a decent or entertaining talent to watch, he is washed up and now turning into Ric Flair.


I respect your opinion BM. I will not accuse you of being a casual fan or fair weather watcher. I, unlike certain other people here, won't try to force my opinion on you. I simply mean to say that although he can't do what he once did, he still has awesome mat skills, loads of experience and wisdom, and can still work the mic as well as the audience. No need to take him out back for a bullet in the head yet. Although Flair, formerly my all-time fave, does need to keep his shirt on and stick to managing new guys while teaching them how to get better.


Yes he did get paid quite well for his trouble but what price can you put on his inability to now play much with his baby daughter. He is in constant pain. I feel for him and I appreciate what he's done.

I agree Macho, these guys love what they do and even though they get paid well for entertaining us, there is no price to not being able to play with your children.


These guys do not exist to solely entertain us that is just their job. It shows a calloused side to today's fans if they beleive that.



Not Inured

You say its just their job, but I disagree. To some, like Angle, Flair and HHH, its their LIFE. Its more important than playing with their kids and raising their families. They dont say that, of course, but its true.


Actually, I think Flair did mention in his book he made a crap father because the 'Nature Boy' was more important to him than Richard Morgan Fleihr (sp?). Some of these guys do soley excist to entertain us, in their minds, as sad as that is.


Do you think Angle cares more about playing with his daughter or main eventing WM and being remembered as one of the greatest of all time? If you chose option 1, I'm 99.999% sure you would be sadly mistaken.

I would never assume to enter the head or heart of another human being when it comes to their children, I think however that most of these peope do it for their children and families and just like every other job on Earth you will get men who do things solely for their own ego, that is an inevitable fact.


They are though, excellent providers for their children, whether they are there or not to tuck them in at night every night is slightly irrelevant, because I know many "fathers" who tuck their children in and hug and kiss them but spend all their money on themselves, this is a different issue and one about what makes a good father.



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