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I was just wondering, now that it is down to Eric Bischoff to decide the fate of the World Heavyweight Championship, what do you think he'll do on Raw this week?


I would like him just to make a match between Edge and Benoit for it, or do a tournament of some sort.

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I'd like an ROH style Round Robin Challenge!


Benoit vs HHH, Edge vs Benoit, HHH vs Edge and whoever wins both their matches is champion, but in this situation they could each win one match each and then we are no further in the matter, but ahh, it would be a cool lil' tourney to have.

triple h lost and shouldnt be involved he should get back inline with the rest they should have a singles match benoit vs edge and whoever wins is the champ simple no triple h he lost damn it he lost
I think they'll do the Elimination Chamber, as another thread suggest's. I'd like to see a one night tournament.
Yeah i think they might do the elimination chamber. They say that won't be to the PPV in January though, which would mean the belt would be vacant till then, so not sure on that.
Yeah i think they might do the elimination chamber. They say that won't be to the PPV in January though' date=' which would mean the belt would be vacant till then, so not sure on that.[/quote']


Yeah maybe, but New Year's Revolution is on Jan 9th, so that's only 4 RAWs one of which will most likely be a Best Of 2004 show. They could perhaps have a series of matches to determine who will actually be in the Chamber for the 3 shows leading up to the ppv.

triple h lost and shouldnt be involved he should get back inline with the rest they should have a singles match benoit vs edge and whoever wins is the champ simple no triple h he lost damn it he lost


If the match was called a draw, HHH would retain the title, hence he does have a claim to it.

so? get the gimp away from the title! preferably in CZW LOL
I smell a heel turn coming this Monday. I can't see WWE having two face General Managers, despite the fact that Long's current role has been played fairly well. I expect there to be some kind of screw job on Raw, possibly with Bischoff arranging a tournament including Randy Orton, then turning on him at the end of the night, again putting Orton out of the title picture for the forseeable future to save him for Wrestlemania. If Bischoff doesn't turn into a fully fledged heel by the end of the year, I'll be very surprised.
Yeah maybe' date=' but New Year's Revolution is on Jan 9th, so that's only 4 RAWs one of which will most likely be a Best Of 2004 show. They could perhaps have a series of matches to determine who will actually be in the Chamber for the 3 shows leading up to the ppv.[/quote']



I like that idea of having a series of matches to determine who will be in the chamber, that way it's not just the expected 6 that get a chance.


I think Triple H may get the title back though, as they are supposed to be saving Orton/HHH till mania, and i expect Orton will be chasing the title.

I think there should be a match against edge and benoit that could settle the problem. I hope Benoit gets the title

I agree with wyndorf, I think its time for the Elimination Chamber one more time.


I think they'll do the Elimination Chamber' date=' as another thread suggest's. I'd like to see a one night tournament.[/quote']


At least inside the chamber the odds would be better for a new champion to emerge. A one night tournament would be good too.What wrestling is truly missing is the top 10. Having a top ten would put bring more insight to why feuds would spark in the first place. :help

At least inside the chamber the odds would be better for a new champion to emerge.




Look at Armageddon, fatal four way and JBL is stiil the man. Go JBL. It could be HHH against the entire company, don't mean he'll lose the belt. I do wanna see another EC match, just don't think HHH will lose it. Or if he does he'll have the title before WM.

I think they should keep Bischoff face for a bit, then 4 or 5 weeks down the line during a big title match, have him turn heel and have another big screwjob for once.


Look at Armageddon, fatal four way and JBL is stiil the man. Go JBL. It could be HHH against the entire company, don't mean he'll lose the belt. I do wanna see another EC match, just don't think HHH will lose it. Or if he does he'll have the title before WM.


Its called its time for a change.JBL is still the champ in Smackdown.Why? Because once again somebody that wasnt envolved in the match to begin with interfered to make sure J.B.L. walked out champion. J.B.L. has been champ long enough.


And the same definately can be said about HHH. Give the belt to Dave Batista where it belongs! Let him and Orton feud over the title.Let Shelton Benjamin get included in the feud as well. Its time for a change in the World Title picture. Your right though, it oculd be HHH vs the entire company it still doesnt mean that we'll see the last of him in the World title picture.Sad though. :eek

Batista isn't ready for the World Title picture, nor is Benjamin. Putting them there now, would just embarass them and the company, and HHH would get the title straight back, because they'd panic, when ratings would get worse.


A change in the World Title will happen, when more people are built better, and are perceived more of a threat. Just sticking people in there, won't work, cause people will think they are second rate.


And also while I don't like JBL, who else is gonna be champion, logically?

He's more of a Honky Tonk Man champion, longer he has it, the more people will buy to see him lose it. Can't just give it to someone, all of a sudden, or else even more people will turn off

Batista isnt ready? Benjamin isnt ready for a shot? Thats a load of Horse#$@*!


Batista isn't ready for the World Title picture, nor is Benjamin. Putting them there now, would just embarass them and the company, and HHH would get the title straight back, because they'd panic, when ratings would get worse.


A change in the World Title will happen, when more people are built better, and are perceived more of a threat. Just sticking people in there, won't work, cause people will think they are second rate.


And also while I don't like JBL, who else is gonna be champion, logically?

He's more of a Honky Tonk Man champion, longer he has it, the more people will buy to see him lose it. Can't just give it to someone, all of a sudden, or else even more people will turn off


Batista is a monster.Seek and destroy.Little words,all action.Look at the pops that Batista is getting now.And you dont think that fans would get behind him if he were to become champ? Think again. That would embarrass the company? I dont think so.


Benjamin has every right to challenge for the belt.He has more victories over HHH than anyone this year.Hes a former 2 time tag team champion And he is currently the I-C champion.And not to mention Shelton Benjamin has beaten Ric Flair,HHH,Christian,and Chris Jericho.( thats 3 former WWE champions hes beaten in his short career) If that isnt credientials enough to challenge for the title then I dont know what is.


The ratings on Raw were indeed alot better when Benoit was champion.When HHH isnt champion the ratings were better.When Maven,Benoit,Orton,and Jericho was making HHH's life a living hell for the last four weeks the ratings were up.Not having a G.M. to save the asses of "Heels" everytime the stuff hits the fan is the way to go.


Let Batista win the World title.Who wouldnt want to see Big Dave laying the beatdown on people that tries to come and take whats his? I know would. I think the ratings would drop big time if we are forced to witness another LONNNNGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG HHH title reign.


Plus J.B.L. is a joke.Once again somebody helped him keep the title at the PPV.Enough is enough already.A change is needed.I still say that R.V.D. would be a great WWE champion.So would Booker T.But the powers that be dont think so? I say those guys are on crack if they dont think that guys like Batista and Bejamin wouldnt make great World Champions. Because we wont know until we try. :lol

Edited by The Franchise

Yeah DAVE is a big lad, but he is still less that averadge in ring and he has less verbal skills than Benoit! So yeah, it would be an embaressment.

Who said that a World Champion has to be totally verbal?


Yeah DAVE is a big lad' date=' but he is still less that averadge in ring and he has less verbal skills than Benoit! So yeah, it would be an embaressment.[/quote']


Hes a monster.Batista doesnt say much he just kicks ass.Whats wrong with that? You say hes average in the ring? Whats HHH? Punches,kicks,a high knee,and the Pedigree.When all that fails theres Evolution.Nothing new here.


Batista is raw power along with a smash-mouth style.Has a nasty spine-buster,And his sit-out Powerbowb can put away just about anyone thats on the receiving end of it. HHH is the real embarrassment to the World Title.Its time for the belt to go around the waist of someone that will bring the glory back to it.Benoit was the last man to do that. Batista very well could do the same. Verbal skills? "I'am the Game!" Reallllllllllllllllllllll verbal alright. :eek

I was pointing out that he has NOTHING except his size going for him!


As far as in ring skills, I dont mean size of his moveset! Its HOW he uses it. The champ should be able to have a good match with anyone. HHH can do that (much as I dislike the guy), Benoit could od that with ANYONE! And HHH CAN do decent promos when he tries.


So whay should DAVE get the belt? Becouse he's big???

Batista should have the belt because hes young and hungry.


I was pointing out that he has NOTHING except his size going for him!


As far as in ring skills, I dont mean size of his moveset! Its HOW he uses it. The champ should be able to have a good match with anyone. HHH can do that (much as I dislike the guy), Benoit could od that with ANYONE! And HHH CAN do decent promos when he tries.


So whay should DAVE get the belt? Becouse he's big???


Batista has ring skills.He pummels people,beats them into the dirt,he clotheslines them out of their boots,then he powerbombs them straight to hell.What does HHH do? Punch,kick,high knee,and then Pedigree. Yes I agree the champ should be able to have a great match with anyone.


How do we know how great Batista could be in a big match for the title if hes not given the opportunity.Big men in the past has proven their worth as WWE chamions:Hogan,Kane,Undertaker,Big Show,Psycho Sid,Warrior,Diesel, Yokosuna; SO its not like we arent due for a big man to once again be World champion. HHH can do promos? The same tired ass promo for the last 5-6 years now. Are you ready for a change? I know I am. Well answer me this then since you dont think Batista is ready:WHEN IS THE TIME FOR HIM THEN? :?

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