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I saw this on the TWC forums and thought it would be a good idea if TWO had it too.

Pretty much, if you ask a question that you think isn't worth making a thread about like "What happened to....?" or "Where is....?" then ask it in here, and hopefully someone will answer it for you.


I'll start off, what was the Mass Transit incident? I know it involved New Jack, and a non-wrestler but what happened that made it so infamous?

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Edited by Mr Dragon

where are sting goldieberg and scott steiner
WOW you told me it was mostly mexico that had full on fan interaction in the international forum dragon LOL
where are sting goldieberg and scott steiner


Goldberg- currently retired. Wrestled in WWE for a bit if you remember, last I heard he was thinking about doing UFC or something along those lines.


Stiener- released by WWE. Currently unemployed.


Sting- Worked some dates with TNA a while back, and may be thinking about doing a few more. Last I heard he was building a church camp or something along those lines.

Rumour has it that Sting would like to end his career in WWE and is just waiting for the call, if that ever comes. Goldberg has a new film coming out and could turn up in some MMA, he's trained for years at Muay Thai (Thai Kickboxing) as for Steiner he'll probably show up on TNA in the next couple of months, he's fully recovered from injury for a few months now just WWE didn't want to renew his contract or give him any new storylines so could have left on bad terms, who knows.


Anyone know where Kevin Nash is or X Pac?


Anyone know where Kevin Nash is or X Pac?


Kevin Nash is now in TNA with Scott Hall and Jeff Jarrett in a stable named 'Kings of Wrestling'. They are feuding with AJ Styles and Jeff Hardy


Not sure on X-Pac tho, last I heard was the whole sex tape deal with Chyna... but who'd wanna show their face in public again after that...

X-Pac worked a few dates around the indy circuit for awhile, mostly in 3PW and some in some So-Cal places...


Had a few fights with Chyna which led to a restraining order which was revoked when they reconciled earlier this year...


Devolped another drug problem steming from yet another neck injury... Was sent to re-hab by HHH who he had made up with and this was paid for by HHH and Vince McMahon...


Currently promoting, as noted before, 1 Night In Chyna... Which will soon see the company sued as the WWE still own the rights to the Chyna name.

Well X-pac & Chyna didnt use their"WWE"names for their X-rated movie.


X-Pac worked a few dates around the indy circuit for awhile, mostly in 3PW and some in some So-Cal places...


Had a few fights with Chyna which led to a restraining order which was revoked when they reconciled earlier this year...


Devolped another drug problem steming from yet another neck injury... Was sent to re-hab by HHH who he had made up with and this was paid for by HHH and Vince McMahon...


Currently promoting, as noted before, 1 Night In Chyna... Which will soon see the company sued as the WWE still own the rights to the Chyna name.


They actually used their real names.The movie is actually called"1 Night in China". That insane that wrestling has now crossed over to the porn industry.Thats insane.

Its not really that insane... its insane that someone would buy a porn with Mr Waltman in, thats for sure....


However Playboy is I suppose soft porn, and that has had Kim Page, Torrie, Sable, Chyna in its stained pages...


Then theres the soft pornish Wrestle Kittens project (I think its called) championed by the former 'Sunny' Tammy Sytch and Missy Hyatt and guesting people like April Hunter. She herself has a soft porn centre fold like career...


So its not too uncommon and insane. Hell some joshi wrestlers pose for softish porn photobooks as well.

Edited by Evil Gringo

Ahh...I remember"Sunny" from the WWE and ECW.


Its not really that insane... its insane that someone would buy a porn with Mr Waltman in, thats for sure....


However Playboy is I suppose soft porn, and that has had Kim Page, Torrie, Sable, Chyna in its stained pages...


Then theres the soft pornish Wrestle Kittens project (I think) championed by the former 'Sunny' Tammy Sytch and Missy Hyatt and guessing people like April Hunter. She herself has a soft porn centre fold like career...


So its not too uncommon and insane. Hell some joshi wrestlers pose for softish porn photobooks as well.


Those pictures I saw was borderline creepy.I mean I agree Mr.Waltman looks like a rat with greesy hair.And Chyna granted looks like a linebacker.She has a body,but not quite built for porn though.Now Trish,Lita,Victoria,Dawn Marie,and Ms.Jackie? They could have a bright future under those circumstances.


I used to think she was hot shit.She dont look that really anymore. What exactly is that Wrestle Kittens project?

Edited by The Franchise

I used to think she was hot shit.She dont look that really anymore. What exactly is that Wrestle Kittens project?


I think it was called "Wrestle Vixens" but I don't know anything about it other than it was filthy-dirty-rude. :eek

Sounds tasty.


I think it was called "Wrestle Vixens" but I don't know anything about it other than it was filthy-dirty-rude. :eek


I want"Wrestle-Vixens." I remember watching my brother play this game called"Rumble-Roses"on the PS2. Its nothing but hot chicks in little bitty outfits wrestling in all types of silly little matches including in the mud.Ahhh.... :devil


I wonder if Stan Hansen still wrestles in Japan? Does anyone know? :?

Edited by The Franchise

Where's Test?

By the way, why did Chyna get fired? (if she did)

Where's Test?

By the way, why did Chyna get fired? (if she did)



Test got fired while injured and Chyna becouse she wanted the same money as the headliners ( Rock, Austin and HHH).

I want"Wrestle-Vixens." I remember watching my brother play this game called"Rumble-Roses"on the PS2


I'm sure this game's not finished yet. I' isn't out until Feb in the UK.


Chyna was fired because she wanted the same pay as Austin & Rock.

What happened to Marty Jannetty after the Rockers split?


And what is he doing now?

When the Rockers split Jannetty stayed in WWF. He was there for quite a while actually, eventually ending up in the New Rockers with Leaf Cassidy (Al Snow). He then went to WCW in a very understated, nobody really cares, sort of move where he used to get some matches on Nitro etc but never really got any sort of push at all.
He also wrestled for BCW in Scotland earlier this year.

Cheers :xyx

Always wondered what happened to him.

wait isnt X pac the guy in the spiderman suit on memphis??? if not who is the spiderman.
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