Posted January 1, 200520 yr Who do you think would win a fight My money would be on Big show JBL Benoit Cena Taker Puder Angle Benjamin And Tazz
January 1, 200520 yr You just named about 50 guys! lol Pick one. If I had to, I'd say probably Puder, although who knows how he would fare if a guy the size of the Big Show got to him, I doubt he could get him into many (if any) of his submission holds.
January 1, 200520 yr Well hardest or toughest? Over a career Taker has been toughest, no argument. Yes he has had injuries but not to the same extent as HBK,Austin,Angle and many other stars, he has never been truly put down, to the point of needing major neck or career ending surgery, he has niggling injuries to his knees, hips and legs etc... but after 14 years that is not bad going. Hardest, Angle without doubt, he won an Olympic Gold Medal in Freestyle Wrestling with a broken frickin' neck, now that is hard. Chris Benoit is also a bona fide hard case. But toughest Taker without a doubt, he is as tough as old boot leather. Spiritchaser Bloodied but not Broken
January 1, 200520 yr Hardest' date=' Angle without doubt.[/quote'] I dunno about that. Puder took him down within seconds in a legit shoot.
January 1, 200520 yr The problem with Taker at the moment is that he has a dodgy elbow - if one of the submission wrestlers were to apply a hold to the arm, Taker would be in SERIOUS pain I'm sure Puder knows more than just joint locks, so if he can get any kind of pressure point lock, then Show would be screaming like a little piggy I'd say Puder for getting in locks and stuff, but Benoit for some of the insane wrestling moves he has put people through :D
January 1, 200520 yr Brock Lesnar for me, the guy was an amatuer wrestling legend who, unlike Angle, has no serious injuries to worry about. So in a legit fight I would go with Brock. Although Big Show would present problems just with his size, I don't think he would actually be that tough of a guy. Could he kick my arse? Almost definately, could he take Brock, I doubt it. Toughest of all time though would be, IMO, Rick Rude, going with the stories I've heard.
January 1, 200520 yr Back in the day Regal and Finlay would both be contenders, as would Rick and Scott Steiner, Austin and 'Taker. And you can't have a list of tough-guys without including the one, the only, Jesse "The Body" Ventura. The man is a former Navy-Seal after all.
January 1, 200520 yr Yeah but if big show got hold of lesnar it would be over. Apart from Big show my top guys would be taker lesnar angle the rock puder austin Goldberg i bet cena is pretty hard too
January 1, 200520 yr Also if you read a recent powerslam it said about legit backstage fights and I have to say that Steiner has to be a contender
January 1, 200520 yr Way back when, I would agree with you. Now, I don't think so, he's broken down. And Brock would still beat Big Show in a fight, even if Show grabbed him, Brock would simply grapple him, it's what he does best. Mirko Cro-Cop, while not a wrestler, has fought wrestlers and beaten them easily. The don't call him "The Professional Wrestling Hunter" for nothing. He's hard.
January 1, 200520 yr Goldberg got taken down by Jericho for crying out loud, so I wouldn't put him on that list. Before his neck injury, I would have said Angle, but it's just too easy to cause irrepairable damage to him now. Taker is quite tough, but a guy like Brock would kill him in seconds. Hardcore Holly ain't as hard as he'd like to think. He'd be taken out by quite a few guys. Personally, I'd lodge my money on anyone out of Puder, RVD, and any of the Dungeon lads (Jericho, Benoit, etc).
January 1, 200520 yr At least nobody has been stupid enough to put Sid on their list. *Look out, he's got a squeegy* :lol
January 1, 200520 yr Toughest of all time though would be, IMO, Rick Rude, going with the stories I've heard. Didn't Rude get his ass handed to him by Eric Watts? Brock and Angle could take out the whole locker room IMO. But perhaps we've all got it wrong though, Bart Gunn did win the Brawl for All :lol
January 1, 200520 yr I dont know why people say Angle really. Angle won in the Olympics but there is a huge difference between wrestling someone who is wrestling you, and wrestling someone who is punching, kneeing, kicking you in the face. Then its a matter of who can take the most punishment, which no-one here knows. You also here stories about one wrestler beating another in a shoot, but whats to say Wrestler A didnt catch Wrestler B with a lucky punch or when Wrestler B wasnt ready. Unless there is a fight in a ring when both wrestlers are ready we dont know. IF there was though, Id put my money on Big Show. Hes too big too wrestler, hed wrestler anyone in WWE easily and probably has a lot of power in his puches kicks etc.
January 1, 200520 yr If you read angles book he comes from a pretty hard family I think he could handle himself
January 1, 200520 yr But Big Show would be slower than most of the rest. Someone with good speed, like Brock, would get behind him and punch him in the back of the head/kick his knee out from under him(which f'n hurts). It's just my opinion, and we'll probably never know as they wouldn't be that unprofessional to have a real fight. Maybe they should bring back the BFA, and let us see who's the hardest. Rhyno would be the dark horse there IMO.
Who do you think would win a fight
My money would be on Big show JBL Benoit Cena Taker Puder Angle Benjamin
And Tazz