Posted January 2, 200520 yr I heard some people mention the Canadian Destroyer as a good moment in 2004 and i love this move, i thought i share it for people who have not seen it, here you go!
January 2, 200520 yr I'd agree that is one hell of a move. If only WWE was pro cruisers!!! We will never see anything that good in WWE. Although with the likes of London and Moore we can always hope I guess.
January 2, 200520 yr There's a topic about this move at the UKFF, and they've ripped it to shreds. Me personally, it looks great, but it does look unrealistic. So I'm undecided.
January 2, 200520 yr i think its amazing and as for the ukff... its wrestling its not meant to be real... i suppose they didn't like the lotr movies because they ain't realistic either
January 2, 200520 yr Yep, as much as I admire the move unless his opponent co-operates and flips him and himself over then its a no go... Then again as far as unrealistic finishs go... Peoples Elbow, The Worm, Hogan's Leg Drop and Axe Bomber, Warriors Splash, The F-U.... Wrestlings full of em...
January 2, 200520 yr i think its amazing and as for the ukff... its wrestling its not meant to be real... i suppose they didn't like the lotr movies because they ain't realistic either Well if they're like me, they hated LOTR because it's as boring as hell. And I know wrestling isn't real, but it does look amazingly unrealistic, so I can see their point. One of the stigmas of wrestling is that it isn't real, and whilst we know it isn't, sometimes it's nice to be drawn in with stuff that for a moment you believe is real. The Matrix did that. The canadian destroyer, for me, does not.
January 2, 200520 yr Anyway... I've had a think and the best finisher ever for simple fact that it looks like a finish and doesn't rely on an agile foe is the Burning Hammer... Or failing that either Kojima's, Hansens or Kobashi's lariat... Real, brutal and just as great in their own way...
January 2, 200520 yr I don't think it's that impressive, I prefer an old fashioned DDT. I think it would work better as a high spot during a match, rather than a finisher.
January 2, 200520 yr Anyway... I've had a think and the best finisher ever for simple fact that it looks like a finish and doesn't rely on an agile foe is the Burning Hammer... Or failing that either Kojima's, Hansens or Kobashi's lariat... Real, brutal and just as great in their own way... I was about to say best finisher ever was the burning hammer. Or maybe Super Dragon's Psycho Driver?
January 2, 200520 yr Any move that involves a flip is overrated. The impact of a wrestler wouldnt change if he does a senton splash or a 630. The weight and impact the opponent takes would be the same. The Burning Hammer is OK. The moves I like are a good DDT, a spinebuster or a lariat. Even JBLs is a good example.
January 2, 200520 yr I was about to say best finisher ever was the burning hammer. Or maybe Super Dragon's Psycho Driver? Sorry Gent, could you describe the Psycho Driver, as I have never seen it? Thanxx!
January 2, 200520 yr Sorry Gent, could you describe the Psycho Driver, as I have never seen it? Thanxx! The Psycho Driver is a Burning Hammer turned into a Piledriver. So you have them hooked in a Torture Rack, but as you lift your opponents legs you shift the opponent forward, so rather than falling to the side, they fall in front, and it is then sat out as a piledriver.
January 2, 200520 yr The canadian destroyer is an impressive move but the opponent does lift Petey williams up for it.
January 2, 200520 yr Super Dragon did it from the second rope on Rob Hunter back in *I think* September :)
January 2, 200520 yr The Destroyer is an awesome mainly because of how he can pull out of nowhere. Moves like the Tiger Driver '91 and Millenium Suplex look more brutal though.
January 2, 200520 yr Super Dragon did it from the second rope on Rob Hunter back in *I think* September :) Damn right he took it from 2nd Rope! It was at FCW Endurance which was 26th September!
January 2, 200520 yr Spiral you can not pull a front flipping piledriver from no where... And Jack if you paid attention in science you would realise that the more revolutions a object makes then the more speed it gathers... More speed equals greater impact on landing... You can thats not true but how can you argue with scientific theory?
January 2, 200520 yr I personally think the best special manuevers are the ones you can do to anybody: The Sweet Chin Music, Stone Cold Stunner, etc. Could you do the Canadian Destroyed to the Big Show...I seriously doubt it. But with that said, I agree that the Canadian Destroyer is an awesome visual move. I was amazed the first time I saw it.
January 2, 200520 yr Spiral you can not pull a front flipping piledriver from no where... And Jack if you paid attention in science you would realise that the more revolutions a object makes then the more speed it gathers... More speed equals greater impact on landing... You can thats not true but how can you argue with scientific theory? i mean setting it up. In his match with AJ he flips out of the style clash and is set up to do it. And in the end of that match when he jumps off the 2nd turnbuckle and does it. It's not kick-destroyer all the time. The is alot of variation.
I heard some people mention the Canadian Destroyer as a good moment in 2004 and i love this move, i thought i share it for people who have not seen it, here you go!