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She has signed a new Contract for Announcing and I was just wondering why she was moved from Wrestling to Experience and Commentating? :help
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She's probably getting the same, if not more money, to not take bumps and job to Stacy. Good on her!
She's probably getting the same' date=' if not more money, to not take bumps and job to Stacy. Good on her![/quote']


I agree.Good for her for being able to talk about wrestling and get paid for it rather than taking a bump or two.I wonder if shes going to be a part of the Diva Playboy shoot? I sure hope so. :devil

I wonder if shes going to be a part of the Diva Playboy shoot? I sure hope so. :devil


I wouldn't argue too much either :tban

She's a mother so i hope not, it's okay for the ones that are single or have a partner but no children, Ivory should consider the consequences for her family particularly her Kid(s)
She's a mother so i hope not' date=' it's okay for the ones that are single or have a partner but no children, Ivory should consider the consequences for her family particularly her Kid(s)[/quote']

Ohh noo, taj, please don't start again.

so you think she should just forget her kids' feelings and take her clothes off for your pleasure even if it means her children going through hell at school at the hands of bullies?


Oh well just another case of me being attacked by some guy who thinks with his underwear instead of his brain!

Edited by Anime Otaku

I agree with Taj on that one. She does have to put her wrestling career on the side now, probably for good if she has a family. No one wants a mum who finds it walking around at home. Just think of the long term damage that taking bumps has done to her already. It won't be as bad as someone like Stone Cold, but she wont be 100%.


I find Ivory quite funny actually when she announcing or presenting. She's nuts! When she's doing a "SmackDown your vote" thingy, Ivory is totally off her head. Keep her on TV thats what I say, actually replace that new Diva Search girl, whatever her name is with someone more in touch with the fans, Ivory!

yeah i LOVE ivory she is so cute and funny as hell!
I also agree with Tajers, I have no problem with Playboy/nudity but if you have kids then they dont need to see there mum advertised as in a porn mag!
hurrah there is a last scrap of decency in TWO land
Bah, since when do we care about wrestker *rolls eyes*
Bah' date=' since when do we care about wrestker *rolls eyes*[/quote']



Oh and btw i was not meaning that Ivory should not wrestle.. there are pleny of males with kids that wrestle such as rock (okay not for a while now but he did), Mick Foley wrestled untill his kids were a fair age too, Lance storm has kids too and there are probably others. Though i can see what was being said earlier by Trash Mania about her giving up for the fact that she would not be 100% for her kids. I was only refering to the fact that she should probably not do the playboy shoot

Edited by Anime Otaku

Ivory sucks as an annoucer, she has an annoying voice and talks about Rob Conway's pants!
Ivory sucks as an annoucer' date=' she has an annoying voice and talks about Rob Conway's pants![/quote']



i thought that was actually very funny and it's not like we really missed anything out of te matches when she said it

I think Ivory is great, its that idiot Grisham that makes her look a bit silly.


Tajiri, I agree with you on the point that she shouldn't do the Playboy shoot if it would do anything that would harm her family in any way. Doesn't make me not wish that she'd do it tho. I think she's a babe.

BAH, we are never gonna see her in real life, so wtf, why are we worring about her kids.bah,



BAH' date=' we are never gonna see her in real life, so wtf, why are we worring about her kids.bah[/quote']


I don't mean to be offensive here Randy but how would you feel if it was your mother posing in Playboy for all your friends to see?


That's why she shouldn't pose in Playboy.

randy at the risk of a warning i have to say you truly are a complete and utter *****!


and RUTuffEnuff Ivory to me is a bit silly, but in the way that she is quite goofy and hyper rather than being stupid

randy at the risk of a warning i have to say you truly are a complete and utter *****!

Tajiri I haven't offended u in anyway said nothing to u, so please don't start a discussion because im not in the mood.


Im just fed up with ur comments on OMG A WOMEN POSING ON PLAYBOY OMG WTFBBQ!!11!!111!!


The world is not gonna end because a girl with kids poses on Playboy, how many girls have posed on playboy and have kids ??? a lot.


So please give it a rest.


Ohh and rut believe me I would not be worried if my mother posed on Play Boy , believe me they wouldn't want her.LOL

Tajiri I haven't offended u in anyway said nothing to u, so please don't start a discussion because im not in the mood.


Im just fed up with ur comments on OMG A WOMEN POSING ON PLAYBOY OMG WTFBBQ!!11!!111!!



Ummm yeah randy you have offended me by having a go at me for saying what i believe and by saying you don't care how it effects her family just so long as you geta chance to perve at her!!!

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