"In case you weren't listening to NYC radio station Q-104 this morning, Rowdy Roddy Piper was a surprise guest. Literally a surprise: apparently, morning host Jim Kerr was grabbing some fresh air on Sixth Avenue, saw Hot Rod walking past (in his kilt!), and dragged him up to the broadcast booth for an impromptu visit. Piper was on-air for maybe ten minutes total. He mentioned he'd been at a basketball game the night before with Samuel L. Jackson ("First time I've been in Madison Square Garden and a three hundred pound man WASN'T trying to take my head off"), discussed his one-man show in Vegas and a new TV show deal with Britain's ITV1, why he started wearing his kilt (due to his bagpipe-playing teen years), his first pro-wrestling match with Larry Hennig ("I made $25 -- Canadian!"), his longtime friendship with Sgt. Slaughter, and how proud he was that his eldest daughter had been accepted to an exclusive performing arts school. Kerr brought up Piper's Portland, Oregon auto-repair shop (Piper's Pit Stop), and Roddy seemed amazed he'd even heard about it."
Anyone know anything about the TV deal? Sounds bizarre!!!!!!
From 4w-wrestling.com
Anyone know anything about the TV deal? Sounds bizarre!!!!!!