Posted January 15, 200520 yr :xyx Hey Gang, Just a little question here, after watching Raw on Monday I thought to myself does Edge have a point? Has he been overlooked and "screwed" by all and sundry? I think Mr Copeland does make a good argument for his case, you? Spiritchaser On the Edge :thumbsup
January 15, 200520 yr screwd... probably not never seemed like a politicer same time he has been overlooked alot, he should be champion in '05. Actually i think this is what they are building to
January 15, 200520 yr Edge > Orton Edge is a million times better in everywayto Randy Poorton, as is Jericho but these Canucks are sadly overlooked these days in the big shuffles and what not. WWE need to focus on the talent theyve got and havent bothered with. Guys like Edge and Jericho should be and could easily be the top two guys in the business. One as World Champ, the other as WWE Champ
January 15, 200520 yr I have never marked out for Edge, and really dont think I ever will. True, the amount of time he has spent within the company, he does deserve his shot - but what about Christian? - a guy who, IMO, plays a great heel - so what makes him any different from Edge? Orton is the talent for the future of WWE, no mistaking - and I'm happy the way WWE are exposing him right now. Orton's proved that he can get over both heel and face, I honestly do not buy Edge's heel character at the moment - I prefered E&C's pompus attitude characters. I disagree with Fletch saying that Edge is better than Orton, but I do agree that Jericho is under utilised - he just seemed to be the guy that made up the numbers in the chamber match at NYR, IMO, he gave the best performance
January 15, 200520 yr Guys like Edge and Jericho should be and could easily be the top two guys in the business. One as World Champ' date=' the other as WWE Champ[/quote'] Fletch u couldn't have said it better. Vince needs to realize what he has. Edge and Jericho are 2 of the finest wrestlers RAW has. And yet Vince has not realized of what there capable of.
January 15, 200520 yr I disagree with RaNdY_RKO because: What about people like Shawn Michaels and Mick Foley? Chris Jericho isn't the finest (Foley should be there more, Rock too) and them people there Edge and Jericho seem "down a number" if u get me. But Edge is doing good, if he improves he could be World Champ in near(ish?) future.
January 15, 200520 yr I have never marked out for Edge, and really dont think I ever will. True, the amount of time he has spent within the company, he does deserve his shot - but what about Christian? - a guy who, IMO, plays a great heel - so what makes him any different from Edge? Orton is the talent for the future of WWE, no mistaking - and I'm happy the way WWE are exposing him right now. Orton's proved that he can get over both heel and face, I honestly do not buy Edge's heel character at the moment - I prefered E&C's pompus attitude characters. I disagree with Fletch saying that Edge is better than Orton, but I do agree that Jericho is under utilised - he just seemed to be the guy that made up the numbers in the chamber match at NYR, IMO, he gave the best performance Some good points but what I honestly dont like about Christian is he seems to generic these days, hes not really got much going for him. a couple years ago he had his long hair, a bit more weight, a better look and that brilliant opera music, no hes just blended in with the crowd. E an C were awesome yes and I cried when they split up even though i knew it was coming but Edge is just as talented as Christian I dont like Orton being rammed down our throats trying to make him face. His overness is forced , its artificial, if they hadnt forced people to cheer Orton they wouldnt. He was useless when he first came in, but i liked him then, cocky blue chipper, decent look about thim then they rammed him down our throats and Im sick of him Jericho and Edge I feel should be the top two guys in the business, (And Trippers of course). WWE are seriously neglecting a lot of their talent in favour of younger and bigger people, while guys like Edge and Jericho get left behind when they should be main eventing and challenging for the title on a regular basis. As should RVD and Booker T, (When RVD is fit of course). I feel WWE have enough Main evtn calibre talent that they just arent making good with and therefore trying to create stars out of people like Orton, Snitsky and Heidenreich and its just nto going to work in my opinion because a lot of people still realise that these guys are still young and green and theyve got years to be on our screens but that WWE need to be making the most of the top talents like Eddie, Benoit, Triple H, Jericho, Edge, Christian, RVD, Booker T, Kurt Angle, Kane , Rhyno, HBK and Taker and making the most of them while they still have them rather than pushing generic big young man after generic big young man at us because at the end of the day WWE are simply trying to fill up their roster now and I personally couldnt tell you the name of everyone ont he roster because theyre all so generic and pointless doing the same thing. When Matt Morgan came in last year with Nate Jones he was huge and he looked it, and it was something a bit new but then this year everyones 6'8 and 300 lbs. Use what you have WWE, before its gone
January 15, 200520 yr I hate Edge, always have and always will. His style isnt something I enjoy to watch, his spear is pathetic, I mean he isnt even a big guy, so how can he use the spear and be taken seriously? Plus, his spear looks like crap. Add to that his tough guy image, which is laughable, my Nan looks and sounds tougher than Edge! And his plastic coats need to go. I dont like Edge, I dont like anything about the guy, he is a tag champ/IC champ at best, although he will be World champ at some point, no doubt.
January 15, 200520 yr Edge is trash. Sure, a few years ago the guy was pretty good but since his return he just hasn't been the same. Have you seen his ring work? He has gone from doing suicide dives and planchas to Big Boots and spears out of the ring. Can you name any good matches he has had since his return with the exception of the match against Orton at Vengeance 2004? I know I can't! His mic work? Come's just him whining! It's the most un-original promo work I have ever seen. Hell, Rosey could go out there and whine..does that make him good? Sorry but since he has returned, Edge has showed me that he needs to stay in the IC division.
January 15, 200520 yr Edge is trash. Sure, a few years ago the guy was pretty good but since his return he just hasn't been the same. Have you seen his ring work? He has gone from doing suicide dives and planchas to Big Boots and spears out of the ring. Can you name any good matches he has had since his return with the exception of the match against Orton at Vengeance 2004? I know I can't! His mic work? Come's just him whining! It's the most un-original promo work I have ever seen. Hell, Rosey could go out there and whine..does that make him good? Sorry but since he has returned, Edge has showed me that he needs to stay in the IC division. Edge vs Jericho vs Batista-Summerslam Edge vs Orton-Vengeance Edge and Benoit vs La Resistance-Bad Blood Edge and Jericho vs Batista and Orton-RAW Edge and Christian vs Shelton and someone else-RAW And i dont watch WWE And ever thouh Edge may not be doing the suicide dives and stuff because he doesnt want to have to miss 12 months of action through having tohave his neck repaired again?
January 15, 200520 yr I like Edge and think he could make a good champ BUT it needs to come without all the crybaby crap. Christian did the baby tantrum thing to good effect but it doesn't work for Edge. For me, E & C should have the 2 main titles on Raw and Smackdown at some point. Edge on Raw with the WHC and CLB on SD with the WWE title. That, for me would reek of awesomeness :)
January 15, 200520 yr Edge should be and will be Champ by the end of 2005, no doubt. Jericho should hold the title more than he has but I doubt he will. :(
January 15, 200520 yr It seems that his huffy behaviour is coming across as legit. He just lost out at Taboo Tuesday, and he was cheated out of the EC, so it's actualy fits the character. I like him, and his spear is, IMO, good. Check out the spear on Orton at Vengeance, on Jericho at Summerslam and HBK at TT to see my point. Having used the spear in matches, it's not as easy a move as it looks to make convincing. p.s. Spike Dudley used one on Rhyno in ECW and it was actually good. Even though he just bounced of him.
January 15, 200520 yr I agree with Fletch 100% about WWE overlooking sure fire money drawers like Edge and Y2J among others. Oh and BeltMark, you pretty much decribed your hero Hogan in your little rant at Edge :lol
January 15, 200520 yr I mean he isnt even a big guy' date=' so how can he use the spear and be taken seriously?[/quote'] I agree that his spear doesn't look as good as Rhyno's or Goldbergs, but it is still legitimate. Simple case of maths my man..... Force = Mass x Acceleration, so weighing 240lbs, but being more slender (meaning his acceleration would in theory be quite fast) means there is still a crapload of force behind his spear. Meaning that it can be taken seriously!
January 15, 200520 yr I agree with Fletch 100% about WWE overlooking sure fire money drawers like Edge and Y2J among others. If you think Edge and Y2J are "surefire money drawers" then your completely insane. There is no way ANY of them will ever draw a penny. Midcard 4 Life. They may as well bring back the J.O.B Squad so Edhe and Jericho have a group to join. Oh and BeltMark' date=' you pretty much decribed your hero Hogan in your little rant at Edge :lol[/quote'] So Hogan isnt a big guy, and he uses a crappy spear, he plays a touch guy role, which doesnt suit him, he wears plastic coats and is a tag/ic guy at best? Yeah, that REALLY describes Hulk Hogan there.
January 15, 200520 yr I agree that his spear doesn't look as good as Rhyno's or Goldbergs, but it is still legitimate. Simple case of maths my man..... Force = Mass x Acceleration, so weighing 240lbs, but being more slender (meaning his acceleration would in theory be quite fast) means there is still a crapload of force behind his spear. Meaning that it can be taken seriously! I dont take it seriously, he is too scrawny to be spearing guys like Rhyno, HHH etc, plus his spear just looks like utter crap. He doesnt even get any extension, he is all hunched up. Hell, it shouldnt even be called the spear, it should be called the bowling ball or something, lol.
January 15, 200520 yr I'm pretty sure Y2J does put arses in seats. Does he put as much as Hogan did? No, of course not. Would he sell more seats than Hogan now? That's debatable. But he does draw money for the company.
January 15, 200520 yr I'm pretty sure Y2J does put arses in seats. Does he put as much as Hogan did? No' date=' of course not. Would he sell more seats than Hogan now? That's debatable. But he does draw money for the company.[/quote'] I disagree. And this is a statement I will stand by: NOBODY draws for WWE right now, its the WWE name which is drawing what little crowds they do get, just like it was the WWF name that draw in the mid 90's when Bret, HBK, Diesel, Razor etc werent drawing. People go now to see WWE. "Man, I cant wait to go a see WWE!" Thats what you hear, and then they might say "I'm looking forward to seeing Jericho, Orton, HHH....its gonna be great!" But you never hear "I am going to RAW specifically to see Y2J, I'm gonna leave after I see him, he is all I'm going to see!". The WWE name is whats pulling in the fans right now. I mean, if you went to see Y2J, and then it was announced he wasnt gonna be there and you could get a refund if you left, would people leave? Nope, I doubt it. I dont think any one person is drawing or can draw anymore, and that includes Hulk Hogan, Steve Austin, the Rock etc.
January 15, 200520 yr True Beltmark, but Y2J is a HUGE merchendise seller. So it makes sense not to job him out too much!
Hey Gang,
Just a little question here, after watching Raw on Monday I thought to myself does Edge have a point? Has he been overlooked and "screwed" by all and sundry?
I think Mr Copeland does make a good argument for his case, you?
On the Edge :thumbsup