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Whats the best tag team move or finisher that just made you say HOLY S***!!


So Ladies and Gents what is some of the most lethal tag team moves or finishers that you can recall that just simply made you gasp or just made you get ugly in the face and scream HOLY S### at the top of your lungs?


One that come to mind for me was when Kronus and Saturn from ECW used to do"Total Elimination" on an opponent. A high kick from the front and a front sweep from the back simuletaneously. A thing of beauty to see. So guys what about you? Name some tag team moves from the past or present that just made you scream!!!

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A spear that Goldberg gave DDP! It happened to be on nitro in a pub I was drinkin in with my mates, who are all non fans, when they saw that they collectively shouted "holy s**t!!


For me the shining wizard can be quite unsettling.

The Total Elimination didn't impress me first time around, I was too busy cowering in fear after hearing Joey Styles scream in his croakiest, highest pitch voice "Toooootal Eliminaaaaaaaaaaaaation!!!".


I remember the first time I saw Kenta Kobashi's Burning Hammer. It was on the now defunct WrestlingGames.com website, where there was an animated .gif of the move being done in Fire Pro. I thought "Surely no real person could take a landing like that". I was wrong. The next day, they put a movie clip of the move, as Kobashi was their "wrestler of the week". I played it about 20 times over and over again in shock, watching a human neck getting squashed in the sickest way possible.

Yeh I agree with Russ, first seeing the burning hammer was awful. Also the legendary ganso bomb with Kawada and Misawa, and also the middle rope piledriver of Jericho and Benoit at Super J Cup 2, I found mental at the time.
I do like RVD's Van Terminator, Van Damminator and the rest... ECW style of course, not the WWE style

Uh guys, I though this was a tag TEAM theamed thread...


...Oh well, no one ever listens to me anyway!


Here are some of my picks as favorites.


1. The Veg-o-matic - The Midnight Express! Beautiful Bobby had the best Top rope leg drop at the time!

2. The Title Wave preformed by Nova and Chris Chetti kick'd serious ass!

3.RVD and Sabu preforming the REAL Rolling Thunder!

4.The first time I saw the Dudley Death Drop I was in awe!


I'll post more as they come to me.

i'm not sure who did it but in the international 'ouch my head' thread there is a Doomsday device with a top rope shining wizard instead of a clothesline
It's Arashi and Muto, but my lack of puro knowledge means i don't know which one holds the opponent and who smacks him in the face with his knee
Muto is the one performing the wizard I belive.

in the first scramble cage in RoH held 3 awesome tag-team moves.


The backseat boys hit a STO-Tiger Driver combo on Jack Evavns

The Carnage Crew hit this spinning neckbreaker-leg twist thingy that was awesome

The SAT hitting the Spanish Fly for the top of the cage.

The first finishing move that got me thinking "Whoa" was The Hart Attack ( Bret Hart & Jim Neidhart's finisher ). That then got topped by the Power & Glory finisher (the timing of which was just superb). Never got any better than the Doomsday Device by the Road Warriors for me tho. It may only be a clothesline but JEEZ a guy the size of Hawk (RIP) flying at you. OUCH!

When Taker and Kane gave Mick Foley a Spike Tombstone ouch and when Hawk and Animal broke Henry Godwinn's neck from a Doomsday Device, kind of Holy Sh*t moments.



Tagged Classic

The Shining Impact (Muto and Arashi)

The Spanish Fly and Washing Machine (S.A.T.)

Malenko and Saturns Backbreaker/legdrop of death....

Doomsday Device (L.O.D.)


They stand out the most...

I really like the Crossface/Walls of Jericho. You know it's not real, but a part of you is thinking, nope, you aint getting out of that mate. Of course I know, since I stupidly let my younger brother and his friend do it to me. Little git hooked me under the nose. Now tell me I was justified in tapping out, and they should stop banging on about making me scream with a Crossface/Walls, cause it wasn't a damn legit crossface.
I think the Event Omega was pretty brutal. Hardy leg drop by Matt and did Jeff do a Swanton? I can't remember. I do remember going HOLY S*** though. Kronik in WCW also had a pretty brutal one. High Time. I remember they were both huge and it looked like it freaking hurt.

Too Cools Double Elbow by a country mile.








































































Or take your pic out of The Dudleyz 2D/3D which used to be a good moves. Cant remember too many at the moment. For some reason I've always preffered the 2D to the Doomsday Device.


And seeing as this thread is called "......best tag team move or finisher...." I will also go with Lesnars Triple powerbomb which he did againgst Spike on his debut. And I think it was a NOAH show, one guy got another on the turnbuckle in a Rock bottom position, then did a backflip while holding onto him. That move was a quality move.

Edited by Jack

no finishers have ever realy made me think holy s@@t but there have been some accidents/mistakes that have, like the owen hart death, brock lessnar landing on his head at mania19, but its got to be foleys classic matches that make me think holy sh@t the most



what? what? what?

See my login name.


First time I saw Scotty do a frankensteiner I just couldn't believe it. The Steiners in their prime were totally awesome.


I really liked the old NWA/WCW shows on ITV. They always consisted of Sid/ SST/ Steiners/ Vader etc beating the crap out of some poor jobbers. :xyx

Tag teams:


Pitbulls Superbomb (Pitbulls)

Spanish Fly (SAT)

Event Omega (Hardys)

Tidal Wave (Nova and Chetti)

Powerplex (Power & Glory)

Total Elimination (The Eliminators)

Spike Tombstone/Piledriver (BoD/Brainbusters)

Total Elimination (The Eliminators)

Buggy Bang (Doring and Roadkill)

Problem Solver (Simon and Swinger)

3-D (Dudleys)

Doomsday Device (LOD)




F-5 (Brock)

Jackhammer (Goldberg)

Awesome Bomb (Mike Awesome)

Diamond Dust (Tanaka)

Shining Wizard (Muta/Muto)

Vertabreaker (Shane Helms)

Canadian Detroyer (Petey Williams)

Swanton off ladder at WM16 (Jeff Hardy)

Powerbomb (Sid)

Frankenstiener (Scotty)

Van Terminator (RVD at Heatwave 2000)

Van Daminator (RVD)

Edited by DC

CM Punk's Pepsi Plunge (Top Rope Pedigree)

Anyone's Cop Killah/Kudoh Driver/Vertaebreaker

Hayabusa's Phoenix Splash

Carnage Crew's Super Spike Piledriver

Kobashi's Burning Hammer and Burning Lariat


All made me cry first time i saw them!!!

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