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He is the man, he is the best heel of all time he is great on the mic great in the ring and just sells his charater very well. The truth is becuase you guys hate him so much it just proves how great of a heel he is, think about it! The only people that are better are Randy and Ric.
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HHH is great, possibly the greatest heel of all time, but Randy Orton is not better than HHH, period.
HHH is the man as he is World Champion. Then Batista will be the man when he wins the title at WX21. Orton was originally supposed to win the Rumble and be in the Main Event, but because he went stale he got axed from that plan.

To be fair to alot of the HHH haters, they hate him because of the so called politics he plays backstage, and in turn hate seeing him on RAW every week.

I on the other hand, DO think HHH is a great heel, And one of the most talented in ring performers of all time.

I'm not bothered if he has power backstage or not. He entertains the hell out of me, and that, to me, is all that matters.

I hugely dislike the guy as he is way too over exposed on TV, he is the top heel on Raw but also tries to be top face!

If you look at the Top 5 thread you will see that HHH is quite liked as a performer, and I agree he is teh best heel in WWE just now (JBL is funnier though).


Double H is more hated than Triple H IMO.

RandyOrtonSec is there really any point in this thread? we see this kind of thread every month or so and this is just a rehashed version of your previous thread which referred to HHH and a PIMP. Surely a better structured argument would be your best course of action
i see this thread being deleted soon... hopefully. HHH is not the man and hasn't been for a long time! the CW division has far better performers, Shelton Bejamin is a better performer, Ric Flair was better than HHH back in the day as was Taker as was the Heel Rock and JBL is a better heel than HHH as far as being entertaining!

I wouldn't say he was the man BUT I don't mind him nowadays because he has cut back on the I'm so great, look who I've beaten promos. Some of his segments the last few weeks have been tremendous and he is putting on pretty good matches.


I've never hated the guy, hate is a strong word to use (it is only wrestling afterall) but a lot of things that have happened involving him I've disliked but this last year or so in ring I've enjoyed him again and when he isn't cutting the same promo over and over about how he is so great then I like him on the mic as well.

As a performer, he's quite good. Not the greatest of all time or anything like that but pretty damn good.


You know, I wish I could like Paul Levesque, the man behind the character of HHH. Whether you like him or not, you can't deny his passion for the business or some of the contributions he's made. But he makes it so so hard to even respect him. His politics and shows of ass-kissing are well-documented, but got freshened even more in my mind this past week.


A friend of mine sent me an e-mail that began:


HHH recently spoke with freelance entertainment writer Anthony Greff and below are some of the hightlights

Grand, ok, an interview with Paul Levesque . . . . . might be interesting you never know


Says he started bodybuilding at the age of 14 and chronicles this in his book, as well as other techniques he uses when working out

Ok, good stuff, interesting to know . . . . .


Says that doing a fight scene in a movie is much easier than performing in a wrestling ring. He says there is no room for error in the ring, but with movies, they are very carefully scripted and in a fixed enviornment

Hmmm, yeah I can imagine that's true, quite insightful there actually . . . . .


Hints that he may be involved in the new “King Conan” movie

Hey, might have to have a look at that . . . . .


Says he is a scapegoat for the internet to bash and being married to the boss's daughter (Stephanie McMahon) just encourages that. Comments that he tries to do his job to the best of his abilites and it makes him mad when people say he 'holds people down'

Ok, fair enough, point taken. Hey, this interview ain't bad you know. He hasn't really pissed me off yet . . . . .


Says Booker T and Rob Van Dam aren't main-event players because they are missing that piece of the puzzle that allows big wrestling fans to connect with them

Ehhhh, hang on a second here - do merchandise sales, quality matches, crowd signs and huge pops not signify an audience connection with a wrestler?? Have I missed something here?? :?


Believes the right decision was made in regard to the "Montereal Screw job" and feels Bret Hart was in the wrong

Oh really? Do you really feel that way or is it cos Vinnie Mac is your boss and Michaels is your best friend? One thing I will say is that at least you had the courage of your convictions and told Bret's wife that when she was laying into you backstage afterwards . . . . . oh no wait, you didn't. Well when 'Taker sided with Bret you told him the score . . . . . oh no wait, you didn't.


Agrees with Ric Flair's comments about Mick Foley being a 'glorified stuntman'

Hmmm, so a glorified stuntman made your career then did he? Before RR'00 and No Way Out 2000, you were floundering as champ. Mick Foley allowed you to take that next step up, a fact that you've acknowledged before. Glorified stuntman? Hmph, there's gratitude for ya.


Finishes by saying he will be in the business for the rest of his life, however, doesn't envisage being in the ring at 55 years old like Ric Flair is

A real bad news/good news situation if ever I heard one.

Listen I used to be a big triple H fan but I can't stand him anymore because he's in every main event and has become stale


I'd gladly mark out for him if he gave someone else a shot at the limelight for a while and then came back into the title picture after about 6 months

Believes the right decision was made in regard to the "Montereal Screw job" and feels Bret Hart was in the wrong



I actually agree with him here. I agree Vince could've just told Bret that he was losing the title (even with Bret's creative control) and went about things differently, but Bret knows it's a work and that you win and lose titles. Nobody said he had to lose clean or anything close to clean.


And as for HBK, if headn't done it, somebody else would have IMO.


Think about it for a minute, and then see how many times Bret lost a singles title cleanly, without an excuse. HBK was just as badm but he admits it.


Bret lost the IC belt to the Bulldog clean, the others had the Mountie beat him when he was sick, Yoko, Backlund, Shawn and Sid all in dubious circumstances so he was hardly perfect. So why he couldn't be cheated (in a worked environment) out of the belt this time, I don't know.


Look at Taz, Raven, Flair, Hogan, Diesel and Razor. They all did the job as they left their respective companies, some as the champ, Bret could've done the same. :off



Sorry about that.


HHH is a great heel, and maybe he has been villified slightly by the fans. If RVD and Booker T, who I admit, should've been World Champs on RAW, still have it, then surely they will get a reign on SD, where HHH shouldn't be a problem.

As a performer, he's quite good. Not the greatest of all time or anything like that but pretty damn good.


You know, I wish I could like Paul Levesque, the man behind the character of HHH. Whether you like him or not, you can't deny his passion for the business or some of the contributions he's made. But he makes it so so hard to even respect him. His politics and shows of ass-kissing are well-documented, but got freshened even more in my mind this past week.


A friend of mine sent me an e-mail that began:



Grand, ok, an interview with Paul Levesque . . . . . might be interesting you never know



Ok, good stuff, interesting to know . . . . .



Hmmm, yeah I can imagine that's true, quite insightful there actually . . . . .



Hey, might have to have a look at that . . . . .



Ok, fair enough, point taken. Hey, this interview ain't bad you know. He hasn't really pissed me off yet . . . . .



Ehhhh, hang on a second here - do merchandise sales, quality matches, crowd signs and huge pops not signify an audience connection with a wrestler?? Have I missed something here?? :?



Oh really? Do you really feel that way or is it cos Vinnie Mac is your boss and Michaels is your best friend? One thing I will say is that at least you had the courage of your convictions and told Bret's wife that when she was laying into you backstage afterwards . . . . . oh no wait, you didn't. Well when 'Taker sided with Bret you told him the score . . . . . oh no wait, you didn't.



Hmmm, so a glorified stuntman made your career then did he? Before RR'00 and No Way Out 2000, you were floundering as champ. Mick Foley allowed you to take that next step up, a fact that you've acknowledged before. Glorified stuntman? Hmph, there's gratitude for ya.



A real bad news/good news situation if ever I heard one.


pretty much looks like he's confirmed as a world class jerk then, as for Montreal i believe that there was other shows before and after the Motreal one where Bret would have been happy to lose the title to Shawn Michaels but, somewhat understandably, he didn't want to job infront of his family, indeed many people have always won or if they lost as faces they got their revenge after the bell and were the ones left standing in the ring

pretty much looks like he's confirmed as a world class jerk then


To be fair here to HHH, he was asked questions, and he answered them. The answers he gave, may not be to everyone's liking, but it's his opinion.

We all share opinions on this board, I agree with some, I disagree with others.

His thoughts aren't that bad, I don't really get a thrill out of watching Booker T either. I'm still not sure Montreal, wasn't a work, but If it was 100% shoot, then Bret should've agreed to drop the belt. I don't agree that Mankind was a "glorified stuntman", but It doesn't bother me that he thinks it.


If it came out that he agreed with Hitler's attitude, or that he thinks beating up a defenceless cat is great fun, then he'd be a "world class jerk" (IMO)

He is the man' date=' he is the best heel of all time he is great on the mic great in the ring and just sells his charater very well. The truth is becuase you guys hate him so much it just proves how great of a heel he is, think about it! The only people that are better are Randy and Ric.[/quote']


Wrong!!!! HHH is the most overexposed Heel of all time. The biggest heel of all time was two men.Stone Cold Steve Austin & The Rock!!!! Why? Because it didnt matter what they said or what they done people loved every minute of it and their mechandise always sold like hotcakes.


Plus Stone Cold and The Great one you never got tired of looking at.HHH is nothing like that right now.And I doubt he ever will reach that kind of status like Austin and Rock.


Since hes married into the McMahon family he has cemented himself into our lives as long as we watch the WWE. Other than that hes not the best heel ever. Hes just the most overexposed Heel ever.We've seen the same crap from him over the last 3-4 years now. Hes basically one of the main reasons why the WWE is so screwed up.

damn I wanted to rep you for that Franchy but it says I have repped you recently and need to spread the love, shame.
What I said about"The Shame" HHH was the truth. He isnt the man by any means nor is he the biggest heel ever. He wishes it to be true but it isnt. You can try to argue what I had to say if you wish. Take that love of yours and spread it on a cracker Christof. :D
I would personally have put Ted DiBiase as a bigger and better heel than HHH as far as all time heels go. Unfortunately tho, HHH is at the moment the biggest heel in WWE, whether he'd married into the family or not.

Marrying into the McMahon family cemented that status. But to me hes nothing like Austin or like the Rock. Or like HBK for that matter. Those guys were cool to watch whether they were faces or heels. HHH is simply a cold sore that people are simply tired of having to look at.


He wants to be over as the biggest heel ever. But hes not. Ted Dibiase indeed was also cool to watch as a heel. Because everybody had a price. Seeing what people did for money was entertaining as hell to watch him humiliate people week in and week out. HHH's persona is like 4 more years with George Bush. Just agonizing to go through yet again.

HHH is far better than anyone in WWE now as a whole package so how anyone can say he gets too much time is beyond me. People like Benoit, but he is poor on the mic. Thats the only reason he isnt World Chapion now. Orton is like HHH but poorer in all areas. Jericho I cant take serious. I wouldnt take to him as World Champion because to me he is more of a comedy wrestler. Michaels is past it. Edge isnt good enough yet, so HHH is the man. If he wasnt married to Stephanie he would still be the best, and still have the Title.


There hasnt been many World Champions in the past who havent held the title for too long, or had too much on screen time. The Rock had too much TV time even though he was great. Austin is overrated end of. He was good in the Attitude era but if he returned tommorow he would have more TV time that HHH.


I consider HHH to be in the Top 5 performers ever. The Top 2 would be Hogan and then Flair who will never be beaten.


Most proper Champions have been overexposed, and not lost enough when it mattered, but for some reason HHH gets more stick than any of the others. look at Hart, he hogged the WWF ttile IMO. So did Hogan but the majority dont bother about them having the title and not losing it often enough.


HHH marrying Stephanie is one of the worst things he could ever do, because no matter how good he is, he will always be said to be at the top because he is married to her, and not because of his talents. He will never get the recognition he deserves because of him being married which is a shame.

rite can i just ask one thing, i dont no much about HHH outside of wrestling , but did he really marry steph in real life then?

i thought it was just a script :S

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