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which of the 3 upcoming consoles*no release date available* are you looking forward to.


even thought i'll be getting all 3 at some point.i heard the new x-box graphics are going to be a whole lot better,but i gotta go with the ps3 mainly cause they have a more wide varity of rpg games that i like.

Which Console Are You Looking Forward To 19 members have voted

  1. 1. Which Console Are You Looking Forward To

    • PS3
    • X-Box 2
    • New Nintendo Console*no name yet*

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Microsoft securing Sakaguchi for their RPG department makes it more interesting on that front in reflection of what you have said, and what makes everything more interesting for me is how much closer performance will be in the next generation between MS and Sony. Ninty keeping their cards close to their chest makes it exciting too as they keep hinting they will not push for better hardware but for innovation (talk of giroscopes in the controllers so you can control it freely with your hands is rumoured.) I can see the Revolution being like the DS, a reworking in a new way of the gamecube over a complete overhaul with stats pushed to the max. MS and the talk of the inbuilt flash memory system and thus the talk of the 'XPod' forming a form of portable hard drive sounds interesting. And of course Sony's talk of the Cell chip, but my reservation with Sony is that they hyped the 'Emotion Engine' in the PS2 and it hasn't even held a torch to the hype they generated for it in future titles let alone current. But the thing with Sony is you know they have the backing from developers, unless MS and Ninty get some exclusivity deals.


Too tough for me to pick what will be the best, but purely because it is out first (supposed to be October/November worldwide, no stalled releases in territories) I will be purchasing the Xenom/NeXtbox/XBox360...whatever they choose.

Definately the Nintendo. It's the only one of the three that's likely to be focused on more than just brain-mangling speed and power. I predict it will be beautiful, innovative and perfect.


I am biased, yes.

i say the Nintendo 'Revolution' is one i'm looking forward too and PS3

The Nintendo 'Revolution' for sure. A.C. sumed it up pretty well, there's only so far graphics/speed can go.

Nintendo have made a brilliant job with the DS, so I'm sure they have something very special lined up for the 'Revolution'.

I'm a sucker for innovation and to me Nintendo are the kings at innervating, new ways to play games.

I'll end up with all three, I always do, and I shall play all three, but I always say to myself secretly, Nintendo = Best!

i'm ashamed to say that the GC is the only main Nintendo console i woned although i did have 2 Gameboys, an original white/beige one and the silver pocket version when i broke the screen of the other one but loved the games like wario world, and Zelda as i was mostly an Amiga owner way back when (any one know where i ncan get Elite 2:frontier on PC?) but once i got my PS i was hooked :D so i am a Sony and Nintendo fan :)
They're some way off yet, and I'll only start to get interested in the new generation when stuff appears at E3. I'm interested in the XBox 2 or Xenon or whatever, simply to see whether Microsoft will be able to gain a foothold in Japan at last, and whether they can challenge Sony's position as market leader more firmly in the west.
is it me or is it kinda sad that nintendo is now the only company making games and consoles that is only a dedicated video games company, both Sony and Microsoft are doing better than it regretably and are much more varied companies, Microsoft has the PC market and Sony make all kinds of electronics i'd be really upset if Nintendo went the way of Sega, lukily i think they have enough of a grip on the handheld market to keep going
I'm sure I read somewhere, Nintendo were only a few places behind Sony, for yearly profits in 2004. Take into account, that Sony's profits were from PS2's, Tele's, Stereo's DVD players etc... and Nintendo's were from Gaming and Pokemon. I'd say Nintendo are pretty healthy.
yeah but Japan is the only market they are not second in , X-box is somehow beating them in US and Europe despite having a comperable machine and considering how far ahead PS2 is i'd say that most people are not buying it for its net connection or its DVD/music abilities... plus it's a frigging huge machine which is what hurts it in asia and the Pad is the worst i've ever used!

Edited by Anime Otaku

Its simply where nowadays Joe Public does not want just a games console, they want the other stuff added on to make it look fancy. They want the DVD player's, the hard drive in box, its a draw. I still think Ninty's main problem with the Gamecube was not releasing the Panasonic Q over here, people were purchasing XBox's and PS2's over Cube's because they had the 'extra feature' in general. It entices people in like the extra's on cars, interaction with the GBA doesn't have that same draw. But this time round Ninty will do a shedload better with as I said earlier, innovation over hardware increases. It could be key with everyone being so close this time round specs wise.
I wasn't talking yearly profits for just for the gaming business, I was talking about worldwide profits for all the companies in the world, whether they make crisps or yo yo's. Sony was like 16th and Nintendo were at 19th.

It depends if Nintendo go for a really good console. I would like to se online on there, and better more realistic graphics (althought most of that isnt the consoles fault).


I'll get the PS3 no matter what, Nintendo's maybe, and the XBox I wont get. I hate them.

I just realised... I'll have to buy the next Sony so I can play the new GTA when it comes.

Edited by Mr Dragon

the new nintendo by far

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