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Name That Move!


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As maybe one or two of you know(:P) My wife Mrs. Twisty is away on family buissness and I am left alone, board. So I came up with this idea for a little interactive game. It may be fun, it may suck who knows.


Here is the deal...


I will start by posting a picture of a move. Guess the name of the move and you get a turn. Simple.


Now I know a lot of you will say that wrestling moves have many names, and they do, but as we are going to use pictures, I thought we could go by the wrestler doing the move.


I.E. the Rock doing a Urinagi Slam, we call the what...The Rock Bottom, right. Hulk Hogan doing a leg drop, we call that...The Stinky Leg(for Belty:P)Get it? I thought you would.


Next, you can use any move, it DOES NOT HAVE TO BE A FINISHING MOVE. You can use a wristlock if you like, I don't care, just be creative. So I will start by posting my pic. First one to guess has to post one, so on and so forth. Don't wait for me to judge.


Name that Move ...


You can also name the wrestlers if you can. Bonus points, worth nothing!

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Now you gotta post a pic...good work with Ken Shamrock as well :thumbsup


EDIT: Ok I'll take that as a no pic, so I'll go again...


Name That Move...


Edited by Maxximus
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Now you gotta post a pic...good work with Ken Shamrock as well :thumbsup


EDIT: Ok I'll take that as a no pic, so I'll go again...


Name That Move...



A Nagata Lock 3? Like X-Ecutioner says, it's tough to see what's going on but here's Nagata doing what appears to be the same move:




What's this one:



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Fine! If no one wants to play with me, then I'll play with myself! Wait...that don't sound right.


I figured gringo of all people would have posted a cool pic that we would have never guessed. Oh well. My turn.


Name That Move...


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I was gonna say the Crippler Crotch Face but...



I'm gonna say thats Shinsuke Nakamura doing a shining triangle...not sure who the other guy is though...

Edited by Maxximus
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Guest The Franchise
Nope... both wrong... I'll give you all another 3 chances to Name at least the move....


It looks like a Reverse Indian Deathlock. The Nagata lock?

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Guest OMEN666
The move in the one pic that spiral tap showed is called the "Mexican Stretch Buster" Ron "The Truth" Killings uses a variation where lands on his knees instead of on his ass
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