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Everyone's played a GTA game. Everyone loves them, and people go crazy when the new ones come out. But is it just me who's getting a bit sick of the series?


Don't get me wrong, I LOVED GTA3, it's easily one of my favourite games ever along with Metal Gear Solid and Grim Fandango. It was something that had never been done at that time, a real world environment where you could attempt to do anything and every mission was challenging, but still stayed fresh and fun.


When Vice City came out, I was really eager to get a hold of it, but I was a bit disapointed. It didn't really offer much new except a bigger city, more vehicles and more weapons. For the time it took to come out, there wasn't much added to the game, and things started to get a bit stale around half way through when you realised you were doing the same missions over and over, with no change from GTA3. I played through a mammoth session to get to the Death Row mission where Lance is held at the junkyard on my first day with the game, and after that I just got tired. The game lay beside by PS2 for months without me touching it, until eventually I came back, finished the game but still remained a bit tired.


I had high hopes for San Andreas. The fact that there was more than one city in the game, and you had to play the game a lot more realisticly while watching your weight and dating girls actually had me thinking that big changes were due. However, once I noticed that AGAIN the missions are almost identical, I grew tired of the game not long after Christmas with most of Las Venturas or whatever it called Vegas left to finish. Was I stuck on the game? No. I just couldn't be bothered to repeat "Drive to point A, kill persons B and C, drive to point D before time runs out" for the millionth time. I've still not finished the game due to my apathy for it, and I'm starting to think that maybe I won't get the feeling to come back and finish it like I did with Vice City.


Now, sooner or later a new GTA game is going to be announced with 300 new features that will have me looking forward to it, but I'm starting to realise that it might be the same repetitive gameplay behind all the new bells and whistles.


So what is there that can be done? Does something even need doing, maybe you love the game? How would you shake up the GTA series, to prevent people like me giving up on a once-great series?

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the GTA games still appeal to me, but i got Stuck badly on GTA:SA right near the start and cannot shift those missions at all, i may go back at some point soon, for me the real WTS? game is actually The Sims, that really is repetitive as atleast in GTA there is the side tasks to do, or you can just cheat to get the weapon set with the flamethrower in it! Also since you mentioned new features, i'd like to see disabled peds, blind guys with stick or dogs and people in wheelchairs that are seperate from their own body.
I really enjoy the GTA games, even though I only complete the main sections and side missions (no running around looking for horseshoes for ol' DC) and I look forward to the next instalment.........Grand Theft Auto: Pollockshields Roundabout.
For me, the series peaked with Vice City. It just seemed to have everything right. I spent a great many hours just cruisin' on my PCG 600, listening to The Wave, looking forward "Gold" by Spandau Ballet. :)
I love the GTA series. and obviously the best of them all is...!: San Andreas!

The series still appeals to me, but not as much. GTA 3 was fantastic, i could not get enough of playing it. Whenever i had a chance i would switch on my PS2 and stick in the game for some mindless killing and driving etc etc. Vice City was very similar in that aspect, i would use whatever opportunity i had to play on the game and do those missions, find those hidden packages and kill as many people as i possibly could. But the drive that was there with 3 seemed to be slightly less with Vice City. And now with San Andreas its lacking even more.

Whereas with the previous two i would play on them well after i had completed the game, with San Andreas i had completed the missions then seemed to lose interest. I still played on it every now and then, but i wasnt able to get into it as much. I am not too sure as to whether its because it was too big and there was too much to do, or whether it was that fact that the basic structure has not changed over the games. No doubt when the next one is released i will go out and get it straight away, but i have every belief that my interest will waine even further.

I still really like GTA games. Th eonly problem is, where can they go from here? The cities are big enough, there is enough cars, enough different people, enough weapons etc. The improvements with San Andreas were the mini games. I thought the pool and basketball were very good, and all the slot machines etc added to the playability.

The other main feature added to SA, was 2 player, and I think they need to carry on adding to multi-player. GTA Online (like VC for the PC) would work well, if it had good servers. From what I've seen of VC online, there is too many cheats. The game becomes no fun at all when most people can't die.

I think that is where Rock* need to go with the next game. Have options for 2 and 4 people, where you can race around the city in split-screen, or go on rampages to see who can get more kills etc. having an online mode would improve the game a lot too, and if they can get it right would be excellent.


Adding more multi-player options is the way forward, or we will just get another GTA but with different people and new cities.

really the MAIN thing i think they need to do with the next one is add choices as far as where the plot goes which they kind of started to edge towards with the customisation options, perhaps give multiple characters with their own storyline even though that might restrict it back to a single city or atleast it would probably mean a smaller game area to some degree, but SA seemed so huge that it may not be such a bad thing anyway, if they managed to make it even half the size with 2 cities and a rural area it would be probably the second biggest playing area ever
  • 2 weeks later...
I find that in SA the fact that you could completly personalize your player (well almost) was a great plus so I'm still a GTA fanatic
Meh, never been a HUGE fan of GTA... I never had the attention span to complete the missions.

Edited by Mr Dragon

I played it yesterday for the first time in a month. They all still kickass.

I can not get bored of them for hours.

The GTA games will always appeal to me and I will never lose interest
  • 3 weeks later...
The best thing about gta has to the subtleties of things like movie posters and random hilarity of the radio adverts- the camera in san andreas was quality. Also the way vice is clearly inspired by scarface. Bring on the next installment i say!
I love the atmosphere you get in the games. Each feels different.
I for one will always love the GTA titles , especially the most recent installment. Lots of people bad-mouth these games but at the end of the day, theyre all stuningly original. And as for the gameplay, how can u call it repetetive Russ, swimming, climbing, and bicycle riding are all new apects of gameplay for GTA : SA. The missions on that game were amazing, i didnt want to put it down, some missions were frustrating but nothing too bad. But having said that, they are easy to complete.
I've got to agree that GTA peaked with Vice City. San Andreas just bores me and I've got stuck on the airplane missions feeling no impetus to try to go any further.


Fully agree - I could cruise around for hours in GTA Vice City. In fact, I did last summer when I was off work long-term with the broken foot.


People going loopy over buying clothes' date=' popping to the gym and playing p*ss poor renditions of arcade games need to realize that Legend of the Mystical Ninja did that a whole lot better over 10 years ago on the SNES and that was beaten to the punch by Street Gangs on NES.[/quote']


Fully disagree. People have no need to realize what previous games did. GTA can stand or fall on its own merits.

GTA isn't origional - it copies everything from other games.


Thing is instead of doing just one thing from another game, it does everything from all games! There aint much you can't do, it's true, it's true.

GTA isn't origional - it copies everything from other games.


Thing is instead of doing just one thing from another game, it does everything from all games! There aint much you can't do, it's true, it's true.


Ah yes, the typical jealos nintendo fan im guessing. How can you say there not original for one, and two they dont nick stuff from other games.

Tell you what slimjim, name me a few other games which include this:


Ability to swim

Ability to fly planes/helicopters


Working out at the gym

Controlable eating habits of your choice

3 islands which u can access easily

Incredible amount of weapons

Choice of clothing

Choice of hair style


All of these can take place whilst in free-romaning (another aspect of the game which many others dont have)


Go on then slimjim.......

If you read my post carefully you will realise I'm for GTA...


I'll quote myself:


Thing is instead of doing just one thing from another game' date=' it does everything from all games! There aint much you can't do, it's true, it's true.[/quote']


I'm not a Nintendo fan. I'm saying that they take the good stuff from nearly everygame ever made and put them all together into one uber game.

I read that bit slimjim, but you sad that it wasnt original and steals stuf from other games which it doesnt.

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