Everyone's played a GTA game. Everyone loves them, and people go crazy when the new ones come out. But is it just me who's getting a bit sick of the series?
Don't get me wrong, I LOVED GTA3, it's easily one of my favourite games ever along with Metal Gear Solid and Grim Fandango. It was something that had never been done at that time, a real world environment where you could attempt to do anything and every mission was challenging, but still stayed fresh and fun.
When Vice City came out, I was really eager to get a hold of it, but I was a bit disapointed. It didn't really offer much new except a bigger city, more vehicles and more weapons. For the time it took to come out, there wasn't much added to the game, and things started to get a bit stale around half way through when you realised you were doing the same missions over and over, with no change from GTA3. I played through a mammoth session to get to the Death Row mission where Lance is held at the junkyard on my first day with the game, and after that I just got tired. The game lay beside by PS2 for months without me touching it, until eventually I came back, finished the game but still remained a bit tired.
I had high hopes for San Andreas. The fact that there was more than one city in the game, and you had to play the game a lot more realisticly while watching your weight and dating girls actually had me thinking that big changes were due. However, once I noticed that AGAIN the missions are almost identical, I grew tired of the game not long after Christmas with most of Las Venturas or whatever it called Vegas left to finish. Was I stuck on the game? No. I just couldn't be bothered to repeat "Drive to point A, kill persons B and C, drive to point D before time runs out" for the millionth time. I've still not finished the game due to my apathy for it, and I'm starting to think that maybe I won't get the feeling to come back and finish it like I did with Vice City.
Now, sooner or later a new GTA game is going to be announced with 300 new features that will have me looking forward to it, but I'm starting to realise that it might be the same repetitive gameplay behind all the new bells and whistles.
So what is there that can be done? Does something even need doing, maybe you love the game? How would you shake up the GTA series, to prevent people like me giving up on a once-great series?
Everyone's played a GTA game. Everyone loves them, and people go crazy when the new ones come out. But is it just me who's getting a bit sick of the series?
Don't get me wrong, I LOVED GTA3, it's easily one of my favourite games ever along with Metal Gear Solid and Grim Fandango. It was something that had never been done at that time, a real world environment where you could attempt to do anything and every mission was challenging, but still stayed fresh and fun.
When Vice City came out, I was really eager to get a hold of it, but I was a bit disapointed. It didn't really offer much new except a bigger city, more vehicles and more weapons. For the time it took to come out, there wasn't much added to the game, and things started to get a bit stale around half way through when you realised you were doing the same missions over and over, with no change from GTA3. I played through a mammoth session to get to the Death Row mission where Lance is held at the junkyard on my first day with the game, and after that I just got tired. The game lay beside by PS2 for months without me touching it, until eventually I came back, finished the game but still remained a bit tired.
I had high hopes for San Andreas. The fact that there was more than one city in the game, and you had to play the game a lot more realisticly while watching your weight and dating girls actually had me thinking that big changes were due. However, once I noticed that AGAIN the missions are almost identical, I grew tired of the game not long after Christmas with most of Las Venturas or whatever it called Vegas left to finish. Was I stuck on the game? No. I just couldn't be bothered to repeat "Drive to point A, kill persons B and C, drive to point D before time runs out" for the millionth time. I've still not finished the game due to my apathy for it, and I'm starting to think that maybe I won't get the feeling to come back and finish it like I did with Vice City.
Now, sooner or later a new GTA game is going to be announced with 300 new features that will have me looking forward to it, but I'm starting to realise that it might be the same repetitive gameplay behind all the new bells and whistles.
So what is there that can be done? Does something even need doing, maybe you love the game? How would you shake up the GTA series, to prevent people like me giving up on a once-great series?