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Who do you thing WWE should FIRE, should have not FIRED and PUSH?


Top Five on who should get fired:

- Hardcore Holly

- Funaki

- Val Venis

- William Regal or Gene Snit

- Nunzio or Kenzio or Hedenrape!


Top Five who sholudnt have fired/realsed:

- Sean O Haire

- AJ Styles

- Rhyno

- Test

- Mordicai... also Jamie Noble and Matt Hardy ANNDDD Spanky


Top Five who should get pushed:

- Charlie Hass

- Maven

- Taijri

- Paul London

- Rene Dupree

Edited by Dtmassiv

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Ok firstly why should Regal or Venis get fired? Both are decent workers who can deliver a promo.


Secondly Styles was never under contract for the WWE, and they didn't fire Mordecai, just sent him back to OVW.

Ok firstly why should Regal or Venis get fired? Both are decent workers who can deliver a promo.


Secondly Styles was never under contract for the WWE, and they didn't fire Mordecai, just sent him back to OVW.


Dont get me wrong about Regal and Venis. Regal is great technical wrestler and Venis is also a good worker, he was very good when he was on Smackdown but they're very stale now. The WWE waste talent by keeping them a face/heel to long or being thrown around 'like a sack of pototoes' that the fans dont care bout them anymore! I didnt no bout AJ but they still got rid, knew bout Mordicai and befor someone else tells me I know that Spanky wanted to leave.

Personally I don't think either Regal or Venis should be fired at all. In fact I'd like to see both pushed up the card alot more.


Ok, Regal should probably turn heel sooner rather than later, and Venis needs a new gimmick, but apart from that they shouldn't be fired, just used a lot better, very much so in terms of Venis.

Jericho deserves a World Title run, deffo.



Edge should be fired, he is a disgrace, and to be honest he's not that good.

Matt Hardy and Rhyno shouldn't be fired.

Hardcore Holly should.

Christian, Charlie Haas, Shelton Benjamin, Matt Hardy and Rey Mysterio should all get pushes.

Top Five on who should get fired:

- Hardcore Holly - I agree

- Funaki - No way......very entertaining at times

- Val Venis - The guy is more talanted than half the roster

- William Regal or Gene Snit - Regal is great and Snitsky = Baby Punting

- Nunzio or Kenzio or Hedenrape! - Nunzio is great, as is Hiedi, but I agree with Kenzo


Top Five who sholudnt have fired/realsed:

- Sean O Haire - Had a good look, but never did anything

- AJ Styles - Was never....ever in the employ of the McMahons...ever

- Rhyno - I agree

- Test - I agree

- Mordicai... also Jamie Noble and Matt Hardy ANNDDD Spanky - I agree


Top Five who should get pushed:

- Charlie Hass - Too Bland

- Maven - I agree

- Taijri - I agree

- Paul London - I agree

- Rene Dupree - Not done enough to convince


All of the above is, of course, only my opinion.

the wwe writers should get sacked first
yeh lets get some people from the actual WRESTLING buisness to write the shows. Not HOLLYWOOD people who don't have a clue about the buisness. I'm not his biggest fan but Vince Russo was good for Raw during the attitude era, he was up on himself but at least knew about the buisness
In my opinion i think that Matt Hardy, Rhyno and Test should not have been fired. I think that Heidenreich, Snitsky, Hardcore Holly and Viscera should be fired. Lastly i think that Y2J, Christian, Maven, Charlie Haas and Mark Jindrak should be pushed.

Fire-Gene Snitsky, Viscera, Mark Henry, The Diva Searchers, Daniel Puder


Should of kept-Sean O'Haire, Test, Matt Hardy, Spanky, James Gibson


Push-Sylvain Grenier, Edge, Maven, Billy Kidman, MNM

Push Sylvain Grenier? You're kidding right? He's horrendous in the ring.
I like Grenier, I actually think he's pretty decent in the ring and has a great look. There's not much that can be done with the la resistance gimmick now so its possible we may see an SG push
I like Grenier' date=' I actually think he's pretty decent in the ring and has a great look. There's not much that can be done with the la resistance gimmick now so its possible we may see an SG push[/quote']



I dont really know what it is but i like the guy, he's not as bad as people make out. I prefer him over Rob Conway aswell.

I would much rather they pushed rob conway than Grenier.

Fire: Holly, Kenzo, Masters guy, Viscera

Push: Rey, Kidman, Paul London, Y2J, Booker

Not Fire: RICO RICO and RICO!!! Matt or Gail Kim or Rhyno


Fire: All the Smackdown! Divas and the RAW Divas that don't wrestle. Michael Cole, Kane, Chris Masters, Rene Dupree, Maven, Rosey, Viscera, Heidenreich, Kenzo Suzuki and Booker T's wife.

Gotta be a push for Kane, I love the guy and just recently I see my favourite wrestler slipping down the ranks and having crap 1 minute matches with people who can't wrestle apart from Christian and Benoit. For the Firing bit I will say Heidenreich as he can't wrestle well not very well and his character is a face?!?!?!?! WHY? At least drop the guy to OVW to give him some training and a brand new Heel character.


I'm going to go obvious here but Matt Hardy should never have been fired nor should Molly Holly, Rhyno or Test. They are all phenomenal wrestlers who amaze me every time they wrestle as there talent is really shown to us

In my opinion i think that Matt Hardy' date=' Rhyno and Test should not have been fired. I think that Heidenreich, Snitsky, Hardcore Holly and Viscera should be fired. Lastly i think that Y2J, Christian, Maven, Charlie Haas and Mark Jindrak should be pushed.[/quote']


Viscera is doing well now IMO and has a good gimmick, a bit like the old mark henry, christian, maven, shelton and matt morgan should all get pushes. Edge, kenzo, wouldn't miss cena either i suppose, but does a lot for the buisness.


- Scotty 2 Hotty

- Funaki

- Shannon Moore

- Steven Richards

- Mark Jindrak



- Kane

- Jericho

- Edge

- Christian


Not sure who i would have kept but probably Sean O'Haire and Mordecai because they both had a great look. And with a few others they could have possibly formed a modern day Ministry type group.

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