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ECW is possibly on the return with the emergence of TNA getting a Monday night time slot. The WWE is juggling the idea of letting this "One Night Stand" PPV be the beginning or rebirth of ECW as a wrestling brand.


Do you think the WWE should go with the plans, and if yes, does ECW stand a chance?


I first will say yes. The WWE should go with the idea of letting ECW become a seperate brand again. ECW would do fine because of their fanbase in the US. The only thing different is that Paul Heyman would not do business, he will just write and promote (that's where he is great).


All I can say is "Bring on EC(F'N)W."

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i think that ECW now would be awful if McMahon was in charge of it all but if they only gave him finacial backing and let Heyman run it his way (they prorbably wouldn't) then it'd be great, but it wouldn't happen that way, Vince would make it look bad instead and probably keep the top guys that worked there on the wwe brand and ECW would end up with rejects.
I pray that mcmahon doesnt decide to make the rebirth of ECW, hed just turn it into a WWE with more weapons. And besides ECW is long dead, just bury it and forget about it already, although it was cool i spose.......
McMahon... please, PLEASE stop pi$$ing ALL over ECW's great memory ! You made good money from a well-deserved DVD and even a "Best Matches of ECW" DVD wouldn't be too bad (and probably welcomed by many fans) because these are complimenting (sp?) the company... but trying to resurrect something when most of the superstars are past it is impossible and blo0dy embarrasing to everyone ! !

WWE Presents ECW


"In regards to the ECW PPV, Vince McMahon and Kevin Dunn are of the same mindset they had during the 2001 Invasion Angle. That being that they need the WWE Name and Stars on the show to sell it, and that ECW alone wouldn’t do well."


From wrestlingobserver.com


Will they ever learn?

There could yet be another ECW,dont panic...already Vince owns the old school styled OVW,now with NWA wildside becoming deep south or something who is to say it wont have a more ECW feel to it or maybe a development territory for cruisers? ah well we shall see

A brilliant person seated ringside during last week's ECW funeral angle had a sign that said it all: "ECW sucks. Get over it." You hear all these lamebrain bandwagon-jumpers chanting "ECW" at the WWE tapings--but where were they when the promotion actually EXISTED?!?


Hardcore is retardcore. There are too many quality ATHLETES, not bladerunners, available and needing work, a return to garbage wrestling would be like climbing out of a septic tank then jumping right back in.

A brilliant person seated ringside during last week's ECW funeral angle had a sign that said it all: "ECW sucks. Get over it." You hear all these lamebrain bandwagon-jumpers chanting "ECW" at the WWE tapings--but where were they when the promotion actually EXISTED?!?


Hardcore is retardcore. There are too many quality ATHLETES, not bladerunners, available and needing work, a return to garbage wrestling would be like climbing out of a septic tank then jumping right back in.

Well said.


And Vince is right. An ECW PPV would not sell enough, if WWE stars weren't on it. Most of WWE fans are casual marks. They won't know anything about ECW, so putting on a few segments with WWE stars is enough to get them to buy it.


The ECW PPV will be awful anyhow. It had poor wrestling back when it was in it's prime. It will be even worse now. One thing that made ECW popular was the storylines. Seeing as this is a one off PPV, having no fueds or storylines would mean it would be even worse.


What Vince is doing is right.

I'm agreeing with Jack and Stately. It's too true.

It would be a success If it would totally cut off from WWE. like Paul E. Said "Vince, you own it, but i control it." If this was true, and Vince really did let Paul do his stuff then i think it would be benifiticial because:

a) it gives people who have only seen tapes of ECW and never experienced it before, a chance too.

b) It gives guys like Spike Dudley a chance to excel in their area, rather then putting him in a normal singles match and expecting him to excel.

c) with all the influx of wwe wrestlers to ecw, it will give the chance for wrestlers like Charlie Haas and Rene Dupree to step up.

d) A chance (hopefully) to see RVD revert back to his "whole f'n show" gimmick

However there are downsides such as:

a) Eddie, Rey, Benoit, Dudleys, Tajiri, RVD, Jericho would be sorely missed by raw and smackdown

b) the wrestlers in ecw would be virtually 'stuck' there

c) in the WWE version of ECW, I think that the WWE will play up the importance of holding the ecw title. Now don't get me wrong, it is a pretegious belt. But i think WWE will make it too prestigious, to the point where if you havent been an ECw champion then your not a "main player". Which was not what ECW was about. RVD, Tajiri, Dudley's, Super Crazy, all were major players in ECW but never won the heavyweight title. Tommy Dreamer only won the world title once, and that was only for 1 single solidatory day, but he was one of the biggest babyfaces in the business. WWE would forget that the midcarders are just as important as the main eventer

If you bought it back you wouldn't be able to use people like Eddie, Rey, Benoit, Dudleys, Tajiri, RVD, Jericho. That would completely take away any meaning of bringing it back. Like Vince said - its a stepping stone up to bigger things. Sending all of those upper-mid carders of WWE back to ECW would be a downstep. They wouldn't and shouldn't do it.

If you're saying the wrestling was poor Jack then I presume you dislike Misterio, Psicosis, Crazy, Tajiri, Lynn, RVD, Benoit, Malenko, Eddie, Saturn, Jericho, Scorpio, Douglas, Raven, Foley, Funk, Credible, Sabu, Taz, Lance Storm, The Dudleys, Juventud Guerrera, Dreamer, Tanaka, Awesome etc etc, as they were all part of this "poor wrestling" as you put it.


In fact if they put out poor wrestling, then do you even like wrestling at all?


Considering how bad the Invasion was, when Vince thought they needed WWE stars to be more important than the actual invaders themselves, then yeah I'm sure he's right this time. After all, ruining what could have been wrestling's greatest angle, is no evidence to suggest, he'd do the same now, no?

If you're saying the wrestling was poor Jack then I presume you dislike Misterio' date=' Psicosis, Crazy, Tajiri, Lynn, RVD, Benoit, Malenko, Eddie, Saturn, Jericho, Scorpio, Douglas, Raven, Foley, Funk, Credible, Sabu, Taz, Lance Storm, The Dudleys, Juventud Guerrera, Dreamer, Tanaka, Awesome etc etc, as they were all part of this "poor wrestling" as you put it.[/quote']

Don't forget Austin, The Masterpiece, Simon Dean (Nova), Psicosis, Chris Candido (R.I.P.), Kurt Angle (watch the DVD, "The Rise and Fall of ECW", and find out that Kurt wanted to go to ECW first before he wanted to go to WWE), Lita (Ms. Congeniality), Dawn Marie, Steven Richards, Al Snow, etc...

You have to admit that all these people suck, and have never done anything to help the business...NOT!

In fact if they put out poor wrestling, then do you even like wrestling at all?


Considering how bad the Invasion was, when Vince thought they needed WWE stars to be more important than the actual invaders themselves, then yeah I'm sure he's right this time. After all, ruining what could have been wrestling's greatest angle, is no evidence to suggest, he'd do the same now, no?

The best point of the night.


"I do not know what we as fans want, because the fans themselves do not know what they want, so I tell them what they want." That is something that Vince said during Beyond The Mat. But even Vince himself had to alter the WWE when ECW was on the rise the first time. Must I remind you of the "Attitude" era, a.k.a. WWF with weapons and cursing.


Vince secretly likes ECW, and it really is not that far fetched for him to do business for ECW, and let Paul write and promote it. Vince admitted himself that the problem with ECW at the end was that Paul Heyman is a bad business man. Not because of bad wrestling, or lack of ,a growing, fan support, but because of bad business.

If you're saying the wrestling was poor Jack then I presume you dislike Misterio' date='[/quote'] Didn't like the ECW matches he put on. But he is one of the few cruisers who I like.

Psicosis' date=' [/quote']Don't like the style he has. From what I've seen, he seems like every other high flyer. Nothing special.

Crazy' date=' [/quote']Same as Psicosis. Did nothing for me.

Tajiri' date=' [/quote']Nope, boring to me.

Lynn' date=' [/quote']100% overrated. Pure sh*te to me. I've seen quite a few of his matches, and he always puts on an OK match. Nothing special from what I've seen.

RVD' date=' [/quote']Like Lynn overrated. Can't kick at all. His high flying was decent, and a couple of his moves weren't bad, but other than that, I am not a fan.

Benoit' date=' [/quote']I like him. How long was he there though? Not long enough to be considered a true ECW wrestler.

Malenko' date=' [/quote']Like him.

Eddie' date=' [/quote']Very good wrestler

Saturn' date=' [/quote']Didn't put bad matches on. Didn't really get my attention.

Jericho' date=' [/quote']Better than he is now. Good worker.

Scorpio' date=' [/quote']Overrated. Never liked him.

Douglas' date=' [/quote']Very, very little good about him. He was good on the mic, years ago.

Raven' date=' [/quote']Overrated in-ring. Good gimmick, and promos but his matches have always been poor to me.

Foley' date=' [/quote']Hardly a good wrestler is he.

Funk' date=' [/quote']By the time he was in ECW, he was long past his prime. From what I've seen, poor wrestler back then.

Credible' date=' [/quote']Comeone, he was never good in-ring.

Sabu' date=' [/quote']Like a lot, I have never seen what is so good about him.

Taz' date=' [/quote']I like Taz's style. The suplexes were excellent. One fo their best wrestlers.

Lance Storm' date=' [/quote']Can't say much bad about him.

The Dudleys' date=' [/quote']They weren't good wrestlers. Rarely put on good matches either.

Juventud Guerrera' date=' [/quote']I don't like cruisers. he is one. He is a cruiser, that doesn't stand out.

Dreamer' date=' [/quote']Overrated.

Tanaka' date=' [/quote']Overrated again.

To me, he has always been a good big guy. But we all know very few big guys can put on good matches, and he isn't one of them.

etc etc' date=' as they were all part of this "poor wrestling" as you put it.[/quote']Look at the amount who couldn't wrestle. A lot of ECW's roster, was made up of people who could do little but take weapons shots, or moves.


In fact if they put out poor wrestling' date=' then do you even like wrestling at all?[/quote']Yes. Just not a lot of cruisers, or hardcore.


Considering how bad the Invasion was' date=' when Vince thought they needed WWE stars to be more important than the actual invaders themselves, then yeah I'm sure he's right this time. After all, ruining what could have been wrestling's greatest angle, is no evidence to suggest, he'd do the same now, no?[/quote']Don't you learn from your mistakes?

Plus, was he the only booker behind the inVasion angle? No. He may have final say, but writers and bookers, come up with the ideas in the first place.

And Vince is right. An ECW PPV would not sell enough' date=' if WWE stars weren't on it.[/quote']


WWE PPV's hardly sell enough with the "great" WWE stars so its not saying much.

Just been watching Chris Chetti,i think he was Tazz`s nephew,ok he dosent show much personality but his ringwork is phenomenal his top rope lionsault is far better than Chris Jericho`s,surely this man is better than Chris Masters? Theres plenty of other talented wrestlers who`s names havent been thrown about in recent ECW discussions-Danny Doring,Julio Dinero,Roadkill,EZ Money,CW anderson,Simon Diamond,Christian York.All talented and all watchable
oh yeh...bring ecw back and le tthem rock over the wwe...and let the restrained wrestlers who are eager to jump and fly and play hardcore do their things....if ecw is back, rvd will no longer be forbid from doing his high risk jumps from ladders, cages....and the dudleys might be back and "get the tables!!!!" and it would be great...but what would be greater would be: BRING SHANE O'MAC BACK!!!!!
It seems to Vince that Ecw was just about chairs and tables,rather than being a blend of everything.Sure it had barbed wire,ladders etc but also cruisers,technical wizardry,women,comedy,brawlers and a bit of everything,and it had characters and angles which WWF and WCW permantley copied

ECW was an awesome little promotion and I'd personally love for it to make a comeback, even if it is only for a short time or a dodgy angle.


All I wanna see is the BWo come out first at One Night Stand and say the three simple words..." We're taking over!"

Look at the amount who couldn't wrestle. A lot of ECW's roster' date=' was made up of people who could do little but take weapons shots, or moves.[/quote']This to me sounds like it is coming froma guy who hasn't actually seen much ECW apart from the DVD last year (apologies if I'm wrong Bub)....yes there were weapons reliant wrestlers (New Jack comes to mind), but he was the only one who really had the binful of weapons...Sandman was an average wrestler, but he was charismatic and could capture a crowd in a way half the WWE roster would kill for.......and you say look at the amount who couldn't wrestle...well look at the ones who could......names mentioned already, Balls Mahoney (soooooo much more than a chairshot), Little Guido, Tracey Smothers, Al Snow, Tony Mamaluke, Doring and Roadkill, EZ Money, Julio DiNero, Chris Hamrick, Chris Chetti, Simon Diamond, Johnny Swinger, CW Anderson, Joey Matthews (Mercury) and Christian York, Lance Storm and Justin Credible as the Impact Players, Steve Corino (who became a fantastic wrestler), people like Eddie Gilbert (rip) Don Muraco...I could go on......so to dismissit as "Weapons is all you were good" at is completely wrong IMO......and Stately, I respect your opinion Bub, but in this case you are wrong......E-C-W does not, nor ever did suck.
Maybe Vince should get rid of Smackdown and replace the time slot with an ECW show, downsize the WWE roster to just Raw and obviously send some of the guys from Raw and SD to make up the ECW roster and of course bring in some of the old ECW talent - Sandman/Justin Credible etc and get rid of the World Heavyweight Title and just have the WWE title on Raw and the ECW title on the thursday show

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