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Was watching an old Raw the other day with the old Dont try this at home thing...you know the


"Don't be a bonehead, Dont be a clown...PLEASE DONT TRY THIS AT HOME" etc.


and coupled with the new-ish


"Some call these men the greatest entertainers on earth, others dont" etc..


It hit me "I wonder if anyone actually pays attention to these"..So basically an interesting question...has the WWF's "campaign" convinced you not to go up to your mate or stunner him? or to go over to your brother and maybe apply the sharpshooter?


Do you try it at home? Or do you "leave the danger" to them?

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Don't try this at home eh? How about you? 29 members have voted

  1. 1. Don't try this at home eh? How about you?

    • Yes, I have some mini matches sometimes!
    • Yes, only the odd move though, nothing much
    • No, I follow the wrestlers advice
    • Err..I havent even thought about it

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My wife to be has used the 'Low blow' on me on a number of occaisons i guess that counts
ive tried the odd headlock on my brother, but i have to stop him doing it (he's 8) he tries to leg drop me off chairs and stuff and he crippler cross faces me, so i once puthim in the walls of jericho, but thats it :D im a good girl :D

You sad little frontroomer :evil Crippler crossfaced by an 8 year old...worrying!!!


I'm trying to think the worst between myself and Andy...he's never really done much, though the powerbomb in my bedroom was weird. (strange sensation as you're lifted up...I still say the trust wrestlers show each other is unknown anywhere else.) My worst to him is either the figure four leglock or the Terry Funk spinning leglock, which we believe may have led to his knee flairing up...a lot more likely that it was all the football he was playing.


I can't say we've ever decided to have a full on match, or anything even close...but all that could change at the John Wright Sports Centre in East Kilbride (big Foley smile and thumbs up)

one day i was asked to wrestle in my school (not in actual ring, in a class room) and bam! i'm involved in a fued! (my debut match was cool...oo bad i lost)

I have to admit i do do moves on my little brothers the odd rock bottom on the bed etc. With my oldest brother i often put him in a sharpshooter or figure 4 never hurt him though not even a little. As Bret says there's no art in hurting the other guy :) my brother is 12 stone and about 5'6 (he's 10 so he's a big boy for his age) so believe me he retaliates. Normally with the lance storm 1 leg boston crab (we'll have no marks in my family!)


A couple of summers back me and my mates were really bored so we decided to have a submission fight contest. It was a tournament no punching kicking slapping etc just make your opponent give up. matches were pretty long with people putting on the walls of jericho etc. I came second losing to my mate who made me tap with a crippler crossface type move. No one was hurt but it was very tyring.

I have done that Hos :P


Also, my sister specializes in the banzai drop, quite painfull when only 3 stone falling on you :(

The Test boot to the face has to be a personal favourite move, as well as the Tajiri shot to the temple, and the Diamond Cutter. However I specialise in submissions (The best technical wrestler in all of Richmond), with the Full-Nelson, right from the school of old, being my infamous finisher (lock it in Tazzmission-style with legs wrapped about the waist, or in a camel clutch fashion and watch 'em tap). Other good ones to use are the ankle-lock (surprisingly painful if u actually twist the ankle) and I agree with TsuMirren-the spinning toe hold is devastating (I made my 16 year old mate cry in pain with that-Lol!)
Ummm. I'm not allowed to do this sort of thing. But when my other half isnt around I like to choke slam my cats. ha ha ha. Funny thing is, my cat seems to like it.
Well it's 10 pinfalls to 6 in my favour between me and my 8 month old daughter, anyway back in my day me and my brother would have some awesome matches, some highlights include, a 4 man battle royal on the top bunk, the time he powerbombed me though my bed, our powerbomb match in which the first powerbomb won and our 60 minute iron man match which I won for once. So you could say we did indeed try it at home.

Ahhh the classic Iron Man match...I've never gone the whole 60 mins wrestling me bro but I have done 30 mins.


Yes I confess I do have the odd short match with me brother...its just too fun not to do :P


Its not really a surprise to see so many people trying it at home, in my opinion its all about being a fan, wanting to be like the guys you admire.


Nothing quite like giving a stunner is there :)

Originally posted by Simon

Nothing quite like giving a stunner is there :)


If sold in true Rock fashion by your friend you feel like god. :8

Originally posted by Pete Richards


If sold in true Rock fashion by your friend you feel like god. :8


yeah- a god with a sore 'freakin' neck

Correct me if i'm wrong, but is this not a form of the notorious "backyard wrestling" that people get slated for??


Don't give the nonsense that "wrestling in your house" is not "backyard" and therefore does not constitute to the name "backyard wrestling"...


Any form of wrestling untrained is labeled "backyard" :xyx

well watching wrestling and reading wrestling magazines is training :)
Originally posted by michelle psy

Any form of wrestling untrained is labeled "backyard" :xyx


Then i am a backyarder, and couldn't really give a crap.

Same here...although being a backyarder is actually putting on a show for other people, and probably in turn more high risks than a casual front room wrestling "bout"...


I'm sure people who wrestle for fun couldnt give a damn what you label them, I for one couldnt. All part of being a fan as long as you know your limits.

Simon not be nit picky at you but a backyard wrestler is someone wrestles untrained whether that be to amuse themselves and their opponent in a room or a crowd of 20 in their backyard.


I respect both yourself and pete for what you have both said about not caring what people label you.

I really think thats a good attitude.




Your right, it is all about being a fan. Sports Entertainment for me is the bees knees! :D

we sometimes have matchs in school and jump off the stairs on the huts and stuff and i like to do the stunner alot and chokeslam some1 who aint too heavy

There's quite a clear difference between backyarders and people who occasionally fool around in their room for a bit.


For starters, when was the last time you saw a website full of clips of idiots...who think they are part of the wrestling scene...applying a figure four on their brother in a bedroom.


Backyarders are idiots...they are the equivalent of me and my mates putting up a website about every football kickabout we ever have. "Here's something from Darren in Wolverhampton. Here we see him hitting a spinning DVD off a ladder in a field on some farm! Darren really is keeping it real folks and all Juggalos should give his site the once over!"






"Hey folks, here's the results from the Gorbels World Cup held last week...as you can see, the Pakistani team from the corner took it all the way to the final and travel to play the Brixton Jamaicans next week in the Nationals!" SEE, see what I mean...if someone actually put up that site and gave it a domain name you'd think he either had half a brain or was smoking crack. Backyard websites are no different...only think they revolutionise is idiocy.

"For starters, when was the last time you saw a website full of clips of idiots...who think they are part of the wrestling scene...applying a figure four on their brother in a bedroom."


Never. Backyard Wrestling Federations do not consider themselves apart of the wrestling scene. They are apart of their own scene which is the backyard underground scene. I have never saw a backyard wrestling federation or backyard wrestlers for that federation claim to be apart of the wrestling scene.


"Backyarders are idiots...they are the equivalent of me and my mates putting up a website about every football kickabout we ever have..."


Some backyard wrestlers are very intelligent, whether they are idiots or not you will never know unless you know them personally and are in a position ot say. Yes it is the equivalent of you and your mates puting up a website about every football kickabout you ever had, if thats what makes you happy then I see no harm in it.


Websites are setup so people can find out more information about it, for fans, or to promote something. I can name a few websites that have no point in being existent, but they do because people like it.


Some backyard wrestling sites are quite entertaining!


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