June 21, 200519 yr personally, on smackdown the week before no way out 2002.. jericho was in the ring and he invited scsa to the ring.. next thing austins music hits and out comes this fat bald guy , wearing the black austin t-shirt, the denim shorts, the black boots , bald head and same facial hair as austin. jericho would ask a question and the austin impersonator would say What? etc Next the real Austin music hits and the impersonator looks like he is going to s*it his pants, jericho exits the ring leaving austin and the other guy... the other guy tries to leave the ring but austin stops him..they have a beer and then austin kicks him in the gut and stunners him I just thought that was one of the funnier things that i can remember.
June 21, 200519 yr Ultimo Dragon slipping when getting into the ring the other year at WM. :lol Kurt Angle singing Cum By Yah (sp?) Angle saying "Your momma taught me how" to the ECW fans :lol :worship Lots of others I can't remember. Ed
June 21, 200519 yr The Edge and Christian skits back in 2000. Kurt Angle's birthday party was the best. Edge: Dont worry champ, we can do your music too... Christian: Duh duh duh duh duh Edge: Its my time! Its my time! Triple H - Alright that does it, get out! Kurt and Stephanie in the background almost burst out laughing. Another one, and I have posted this one before a few months ago. Backstage on Raw in 2002, Nash and X-Pac, the nWo, were sat in the back outside a locker room. Booker T comes along..."BOOM!" and asks to see HBK, but Nash stops him and says he's busy and that the door is locked. Booker says he wants to talk to Michaels about his music... Booker T: "Shawn, Shawn, Shawn...I'm just a sexy boy, I'm just a boy. LOOK MAN! I know I'm sexy, I aint gotta put it in my music! Look man, I need to go in there and collaboratise! X-Pac: thats collaborate, and you need to switch to decafe, whats up wit' you man? Booker T: Yeah right, you brought Mr Michaels here too, you probably like this act too... Booker sings this to the tune of HBK's theme... Booker: BOOK, BOOK, BOOK! I'm just a Booker T, *Booker T!*, I'm not your sucker, *Sucker!* And starts posing like Michaels and bursts out laughing. X-Pac is also laughing but manages to control himself. Then Booker walks off, with Nash and X-Pac still laughing. X-Pac: Alrighty Nash: Wow Its one of my favourite segments of all time. :lol
June 21, 200519 yr 'Indian giver!' I was thinking of that scene too. :) Although Kurt Angles version of Shawn Michaels music was good too.
June 21, 200519 yr the Rock and Shawn Stasiak skit on the show after 9/11 was excellent Don't remember that one, what happened?
June 21, 200519 yr Here are a few of mine.... *When "Mighty" Molly ran into the door, and Christian pinned her for the Hardcore Title (gotta love 24/7) *When Crash Holly got pinned by Gerald Brisco for the Hardcore Title in his sleep, then the ref tripped on the chair, and Crash chased Brisco throughout the building. *When Pat Patterson took his shirt off, and JR said "...And he's single, 'fellas!" *When Vince McMahon ran to the ring, and banged his knee while sliding into the ring at 'Rumble 2005, during the Cena/Batista controversy. JR: "The Boss is SITTING in the ring! What the hell is going on!?" *The Jericho / Christian / Dudleys Ass cream segement *When a fan, dressed fully in Hogan (shirt, boas, bandanna, everything) wanted a slap from JBL's hand during his entrance, then pulled it back and totally started posing like Hogan on him. JBL's face was priceless. And to be honest there was a time where anythin the Rock said i was pi$$in myself laughing... Here are a few of his classics.... "Stephanie, don't listen to Chris Jericho. You see, The Rock wants your support. The Rock NEEDS your support. And if The Rock could get half as much support as that push-up bra gives those big phony funbags... the quite frankly, Stephanie, The Rock will be unstoppable!" Rock: Undertaker, you think that you impress the Rock, by coming out here, and claim to steal souls of all those jabronis? You think you impress the Rock by taking your eyes and rolling them up in the back of your head.....But here is the twist. Instead Undertaker, of taking your eyes, and rolling them up into the back of your head, you can take your entire 33 pound head, turn it backwards, like the Exersist, have it rolled down your back, catch it with both your hands, and then Undertaker, the Rock says, take your own head, and procede to shove it directly up your candy ass! Rock: They all want the Rock to raise the People's Eyebrow, they all want the Rock to drop the People's Elbow, layeth the smacketh down with the Rock Bottom, and they want to hear without a shadow of a doubt the most electrifying line in sports entertainment, period. And here it is... The Rock says, Whatcha gonna do when the 24.... no wait that's not it. That's not it. That's not it. Hold on. That's not it. O this is it. This is it. To be the man, whoo, you got to beat… no wait that's not it. That's not it. O. This is it. Ooh yea dig... noo damnit that's not it either." Triple H: "Don't worry yours is no better." Rock: "O wait this it. This is it. I am the best there is, the best there… no wait that's not it either. That damn sure ain't it. This is it. The most electrifying line in sport's entertainment today, if you smell what the Rock is cooking." Kurt: Rock, you've got to read chapter 14. It's the best chapter in the book. Rock: Oh, yeah? Kurt: Yeah, it was the best match of my life... for the WWF Championship... at No Mercy, when I beat you. Rock: Is that right? Kurt: Yeah! Rock: Well let the Rock ask you this... where in this book is the chapter... probably two chapters, maybe even three... where the Rock beat YOU for the WWF title? Kurt: Well, I don't think people want to read about that - there may be a paragraph or something... it wasn't very interesting.
June 21, 200519 yr *When "Mighty" Molly ran into the door' date=' and Christian pinned her for the Hardcore Title (gotta love 24/7)[/quote'] I forgot about that, that was hilarious Christian: Stand back...theres a new champion coming through!
June 21, 200519 yr Any time bimbo Maria tries to act - it makes me laugh :P hHAHA, Like last monday when SPOILER she told carlito how did you win the match ?? and he said,, well uhmm I pinned him , gotta love carlito and stupid maria :lol BTW it would be more funny, if people had link, of were you can download or see the funny skits if you have them. :)
June 21, 200519 yr Kurt and Austin fighting for Vince's *ahem* affections. The Alliance singing for Austin Bobby Heenan ('nuff said) Edge and Christian when Foley was the commish......."Soda's Rule" The Rock and The Coach (doing the Charleston comes to mind)
June 21, 200519 yr I've said it a thousand times, but it's gotta be the episode of 'All American Wrestling' when Bobby Heenan and Gorilla Monsoon hosted the show from a boat at sea.
June 21, 200519 yr every time JBL talks on the mic...or when he hears his own self chanting for himself... when ever stephany macmahon gets humiliated in the ring... when ever vince macmahon makes fun of his wrestlers and especially his GMs...angle....bishoff....he knows how to makes us laugh our ass out on bishoff and angle...
June 21, 200519 yr when john cena won the WWE title it was sooo stupid i pi**ed myself laughing.. then i realised it was real.. and cried :P
June 21, 200519 yr Kane imitating Rock and Hogan! Ultimo Dragon slipping at WrestleMania, I truly laughed for ages at that. Kurt Angle getting skanked like 20 times! (Skanked as in pulled tights down to ankles) Dawn Marie and Torrie Wilson getting it on! Nearly The Rock dissing Booker T, that was hilarious! That's about it for my funny moments off the top of my head. I'm sure I could think of 100 more funny moments but I will let it pass.
June 21, 200519 yr Don't remember that one' date=' what happened?[/quote'] Basically The Rock was WWF champ at the time and he put out an open challenge for the title. Stasiak came charging down the ramp into the ring and Rock side stepped and launced hime straight out then went back to asking if anyone wanted a shot at him, then stasiak charged again and was thrown out again. This happened about 4 times with Rock no selling Stasiak even existing untill he suddenly stopped him and asked if he enjoyed being thrown out the ring like that. Then asked what Stasiak wanted, he demanded a title shot. Rock agreed, Rock Bottom. One, Two,Three
June 21, 200519 yr When Randy Orton declared the Tag-team Match La Resistance Vs William Regal & Eugene to be for the World Heavyweight Championship :lol :lol Good One Ya Little Randal
June 21, 200519 yr Kurt singing HBK's theme but with a little twist the one that said Ohh sexy Kurt :lol