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*** Official Raw Discussion Thread - 11th July 2005 ***




Will HBK have an explanation?

July 11, 2005


The Fourth of July edition of RAW provided plenty of fireworks, but the fallout from the show could be even more exciting!


Hulkamaniacs everywhere were left shocked and appalled at the end of RAW Monday night as Shawn Michaels delivered brutal Sweet Chin Music to his supposed β€œfavorite tag team partner,” Hulk Hogan. HBK just stared at the fallen Hogan as the crowd showered Michaels with deafening boos. Will HBK provide the fans with the method for his madness? Tune in to RAW to find out.


In a rematch from Vengeance, Kane will face Edge. Can Kane, once again, defeat Edge? Find out Monday night on RAW!


Sgt. Slaughter’s first-ever Bikini Boot Camp has come and gone, and Elisabeth was the winner. The win was an important one, as it gave the Diva hopeful immunity in the first round of voting for the 2005 RAW Diva Search.


Tonight, the Diva hopefuls will compete in a talent competition. There will be several unique talents on display. But before all this, one girl will be eliminated from the competition. Watch RAW to find out which girl is going home.


Also, WWE Champion John Cena and Chris Jericho got into a war of words last Monday on the Highlight Reel, but it soon turned into a war of fisticuffs as the two Superstars had to be separated. Will their paths cross once again this Monday?

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Buried from the start?


Does anybody else think it was totally lame to re-debut Matt Hardy in that crap backstage attack on Edge rather than que his music and have him run out into the ring during the match?


Now the fans have popped so it wont be as good for his in-arena appearance.

Hmmm, he mentioned ROH in his promo, maybe WWE are going to allow him to work ROH still, and make him look like an outside invading RAW...maybe this will be good, I think I spoke too soon.

I didn't hear that! Interesting, that's all I can say... It will certainly feature on the forum...


HBK's promo at the end was good, had some good lines "perception doesn't make reality" along with others. I agree with the gimmick on one thing too. I "just can't see it" either.


This was the first time I've stayed up to watch Raw live, and it was definitely worth it.

It did seem somewhat of an anti-climax. No music for a big pop & the commentators never mentioned Hardy by name or acknowledged he showed up, which just seemed odd. Still, wasn't expecting to see him there, so that was a pleasant surprise at least.

Edited by headshrinker

WHAT THE HELL!, haven't marked out like that for a longgggg time boys and girls.. :xyx

Here i go again..



See, that's what made me think it may be fake. But if it was, the camermen wouldn't have been filming so closely, you know? It all just seems weird. But this is definitely another sign that WWE are playing up to the smarks.


Especially with Matt Striker, that was a definite recognition to all internet fans. For some reason i was marking. i actually thought he might be able to do it for a moment.


Oh yeah, more on hardy. Did you hear what he said "*******" and "*****". ******* didn't affect me as much but "*****" did. WWE always say "slut" always "slut"...

I had a feeling he would show, what with his contract being up with WWE yesterday I believe. May have been a work, letting him go on a good note giving us fans what we wanted, seemed rather convenient he appeared right after that rushed Edge/Kane match..Strange that the announcers didn't aknowledge it tho



And Kane even handily removed himself and Snitsky from the area, it seems like a work, but could've been a shoot.


His contract was up, maybe WWE aren't allowed to say "Matt hardy"

Hasn't stopped them using photo's of Hardy

I haven't seen any Hardy photos on WWE.com yet, nor are the results even mentioning him. But...


For those that are curious what Matt Hardy said on the mic following his brawl with Edge tonight, here is what Hardy said:


"Adam, you *******, I am going to make your life miserable. And Lita, you *****, I'm going to make your life miserable too. And the WWE can kiss my ass!"


(Hardy is tackled by security and a referee)


"I'll see you at Ring Of Honor. ROH!"


Hardy was then tackled by security, officials and "cops".


As he was escorted up the ramp, Hardy continued yelling at WWE official John Laurinatis and apparently said "I wish you were alone, Johnny Ace", although it was hard to make out exactly what was said. Hardy did say, clearly, " WWE can kiss my ass" as he was escorted through the curtain.


To answer another question that we are receiving emails on, a Ring Of Honor representative has confirmed that Hardy will still be appearing on their event this Saturday in Woodbridge, Connecticut, where he will wrestle Christopher Daniels.


Oh, and for those that don't realize, yes, the two appearances by Hardy were a planned part of tonight's Raw.

So they were planned. I suspected them of being so... but even then, it was undeniably strange... Was WWE delivering an F-U to smarks?

I don't care if it was a work or not

I almost had a F'n heart attack!!! i don't think i have EVER marked out like i did when Matt came out.. If this is a work i worship WWE becuase they pulled the whole thing of brilliantly.. the rest of raw was ok but it was living in the shadows on V oneaaaa

WWE.com is being ver clever to.. they are not mentioning the incident trying to make people think it's a shoot maybe.. HMMMM

With the WWE's new found thing is showing how Meanie got beaten up, and who's been released etc, it gives weight to the whole "Matt shoot thing" by not putting it up. Of course its a work, and a very good one at that, but by them not covering it, after they covered many other actual shoots, it makes this one, seem like a shoot.


Of course Matt will do the rebel thing now, and probably invade again at some point, but I really wouldn't be surprised if this whole thing was a work right from the start.

From thematthardy.com




"If you guys are ready for a ride, jump the f*ck on. Well, I promised you all fireworks, so I hope I didn't disappoint. As of July 11th, 2005, my personal Independence Day, the Movement has begun-- and the Movement's purpose is two-fold. Purpose one--To never let anyone control what Matt Hardy says and does and thinks. Purpose two--To make Adam Copeland, Amy Dumas, and the WWE regret what they did to me, what they did to us. It's time for Matt Hardy to stand up for all the MFer's that have been chanting "We Want Matt", and "You Screwed Matt". Although you may not know this--you guys, the MFers, started the Movement months ago. I can now finally join the Movement because I am no longer controlled by the WWE. The McMahons, the Johnny Aces, and all of the WWE management can kiss my @$$. I did what I did tonight because for me to live with myself, Adam "Feces" Copeland must pay. I'm not going to let the WWE forget that they f*cked up when they released me instead of that scumbag home-wrecker. And Amy Dumas, you know what's it's like to have me as your closest ally--but you're gonna hate to see what it's like to have me as your worst enemy b*tch. Even though I didn't slash your tires FCF, slashed tires are going to be the least of your problems--Bank on it. A little message to the *****, the feces, and the horsesh*t "family" that is the WWE--Matt Hardy is like cancer, I don't go away and you won't find a cure. I thank EVERYONE that has supported me through thick and thin--I promise I will always be there for my MFers. I love you guys--and as I always say, without you, there is no me. I am going to turn a hugely negative situation into something that will benefit us. If you don't want to be able to predict what happens next, you're all in for a treat.


P.S. - If you're thinking about pressing charges Vince, I got a couple bucks, I'll fight it. Besides, I think I might have some pixs and video from a camera phone that shows your officers Rodney Kinging my @$$. My wrist is cut from the handcuffs, and I would suggest that there was a little unnecessary roughness involved in kicking me out of your building.


P.S.S. - And don't forget to catch Matt Hardy in action this Friday in Indiana, PA, this Saturday in Woodbridge, CT, and you never know where I'll show up on Sunday. And The Matt Hardy Show is so on...


Matt "F*cking" Hardy "






This is quite the angle :)

I was obviously planned, if it wasnt then Hardy wouldnt have had a live mic, they would have cut audio immediately. Plus, he would have been removed from the ring straight away, not allowed to brawl with Edge.


Nothing in WWE happens without prior planning barring some fans who might jump the rail and they are always dealt with within seconds.


Good angle though, and easily the best, most intense cuffing angle ever in wrestling, thats including Austin and anybody else.

I don't think it was a shoot, it was a work, and maybe this will show an ROH invasion, i mean the WWE could be atempting to buy out ROH which is also why Matt Stryker got a good run on Raw (is he still in ROH???). Also, Draven, i don't think he told edge to see him at ROH, I believe he said "the WWE can kiss my arse considering i am now at ROH". Maybe a no dq match at Summerslam. I think they didn't say his name and avoided it to make it look like a work, this was also shown by the amount of security guards.


But going back to Stryker/Striker. I'm suprised he got so far in the Invatational, do you actually think the WWE are going to sign him soon simply because of the story of him leaving school for wrestling. I mean like JR said, that does show a lot of passion and Vince likes that.


The segment at the beginning of the show with Jericho/Carlito and Piper was th best though because I never saw it coming and he was the best man to interview Michaels. I saw the Matt Hardy/Edge segment coming because of the thread last week or a couple of weeks ago. But Piper's Pit was amazing, what was good is that for a lot of the promo given by Michaels, even though he is coming across as a heel, the crowd seemed to actually agree with most of it, with me agreeing with all of it, and I saw the superkick coming in somewhere, which will give Michaels more heat.


Also at the beginning of the show, there was a mixed reaction when Cena's name was mentioned by Jericho. I thought that was pretty interesting and also for once Cena didn't get the biggest pop of the night (I believe Piper's first pop was the biggest of the night, or maybe Hardy's as well, but actually i am still going for Piper, every person got out of their seats when his music hit).

Also, wouldn't of they been proper blows to each other, which means cuts and bruises, if it was a shoot then it would of been more like the JBL and Meanioe situation with the injuries, definately when they actually had some time.
Oh yeah, sorry for the 3 posts, but just wondering, is anyone getting more annoyed with Cena just because he is involved in a feud with Bischoff which is almost identical with Austin and McMahon during the attitude era. JR even mentioned "John Cena is not a corparate champion". Hmmm where have we heard that before, if anyone has forgotten, it was straight after Wrestlemania 14 on Raw the next night or maybe the Raw the following week.
Yup but it will never reach the height of McMahon Austin.. anything in wrestling that;s a repeat usually doesn't work.... I hope cena doesn't get in this angle because as much as he sucks this is not what he needs as a champ

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