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This match is gonna suck big time. Hogan is crap and can barely move so why does this orange fool still continue to stink up the place? I doubt even HBK could get a decent match out of him. The only thing that can save the match are the fans but even they are starting to quickly loss interest in Hogan, he got booed big time on Raw this week.


So how can this match be saved? :help

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If people like you stop making it seem shite before you even watch it!


Seriously it may not look great on paper and obviously it won't be a wrestling masterpiece but I'm sure it'll be good viewing none the less.

Edited by JC

Er... Brock Lesnar comes in and F5s the both of them? :devil
Er... Brock Lesnar comes in and F5s the both of them? :devil


That would be great...although I expect him to return at the Bash...Dunno..jus feel it.

This match is gonna suck big time. Hogan is crap and can barely move so why does this orange fool still continue to stink up the place? I doubt even HBK could get a decent match out of him. The only thing that can save the match are the fans but even they are starting to quickly loss interest in Hogan, he got booed big time on Raw this week.


So how can this match be saved? :help


How do you know its going to suck big time? You dont know that until its over. This post reaks so badly of Hogan-hating thats its probably pointless to even try and make you listen, but I will anyways.


The reason the 'orange fool' continues to stink up the place is because ALOT of people want to see him 'stink up the place', or have you been totally deaf to his crowd pops since WM21? I guess so. The fans are losing interest and Hogan got booed big time on RAW this week? Thats funny, the last time I looked Hogan was getting the biggest pops on the entire roster and wasnt even on RAW last week to get booed. Lets wait and see until Hogan walks out this Monday on RAW and see how uninterested in him the fans are, ok? I'm sure you will be singing a different tune then.


This match doesnt need saving, because those of us who are fans of both Hogan and HBK will enjoy the spectacle, and those of you who are like you, and are ripping it to shreds before it even happens wont be happy no matter how good, or even passable, it turns out to be.


How about you stop moaning and just enjoy it for what it is? Other than that, dont watch. Remember, loads of people said Hogan vs Rock was going to be pure crap too, and it was not only memorable for the fan interaction, but the in-ring work wasnt too bad either.

The bwo come and take over raw kick both HBK and Hulks butt.

I imagine it will be ok. Its a big spectacle match, thus you know Shawn will be bumping big style, blade jobs, and something memorable, and Hogan will probably work his bald butt off to show a) he can still have a decent match and b) he's can still go at his age and with all his injuries.


Because of the amount of pride, pressure and prestige on the line (or the 3P's to take a page from the book or Mr Angle) I imagine they'll put on a decent show. But of course if you're wanting a Malenko v Eddie technical marvel, I recommend you don't watch it. And watch an Eddie v Malenko match.


But I don't know why people are ripping it to shreads. I really enjoyed the whole Piper-HBK segment, and the feud has been fine so far.

I can't see it sucking big time at all. This match will have a huge name and hype, but it won't suck. Unlike some other matches we have seen with huge names and a lot of hype, for example Brock vs Goldberg, I can see this one working and being memorable.
Well it seemed to work 15 years ago with Hogan and Warrior, Yes it was 15 years ago and Yes their rematch sucked balls. However it was the atmosphere that made it memorable, not the workrate, and let's face it neither Hogan and Warrior are ring marvels themselves. So with HBK involved and it being a big event like Summerslam, it just might work, as long as people don't rule it out in their minds already that it is gonna suck
How do you know its going to suck big time?

Because he looked into his crystal ball and saw the future, otherwise he's pre-judging and deciding that it WILL suck, and that's just wrong

Because he looked into his crystal ball and saw the future' date=' otherwise he's pre-judging and deciding that it WILL suck, and that's just wrong[/quote']


My point exactly, don't rule it out yet. I'm sure this kinda thing didn't happen 15 years ago when there was no wrestling forums or any internet communication so to speak, where the 'marks' couldn't collect and rip the match apart. People just enjoyed it for what it was, these 2 huge forces colliding in 1 match, with only 1 coming out the victor, seeing who truely is THE man

My point exactly' date=' don't rule it out yet. I'm sure this kinda thing didn't happen 15 years ago when there was no wrestling forums or any internet communication so to speak, where the 'marks' couldn't collect and rip the match apart. People just enjoyed it for what it was, these 2 huge forces colliding in 1 match, with only 1 coming out the victor, seeing who truely is THE man[/quote']


Too true bro, too true. And thats the problem with wrestling today, everybody thinks they are the booker, everybody thinks they know best. People worry about who is pulling what strings backstage and who is "booked to go over who" and all that crap, and then they forget what pro wrestling is actually all about: ENTERTAINMENT!


Dont worry about who is doing what backstage, dont worry about who does or doesnt 'go over' or 'job', leave that to the people in charge, stop being so damn critical and be a WRESTLING FAN again, something so many people have forgotten how to be now they are all armchair bookers and smarks.


Back in the day we didnt have a clue about any of that rubbish, and knowing now really takes the fun away from it, for me.

So how can this match be saved?



That's how

well....Here Comes The Pain
I don't think it will suck as much as we may think, however in order for this match to work Hogan HAS to let HBK go over. HBK's heel turn so far has so much potential to go further thatn this, the white suit gimmick etc, standing over the falen legend... I love it. If Hogan wins the match i will be very pissed off, but I don't think even Hogan can put the case out that he could legitimatley beat Michaels after mania/vengeance. Come on...

Now, I guess a lot of you may think you know what's coming before you read my post but...


I don't think this match will suck... I think it may be slower, and less spectacular then others on the card, but I can't see it sucking.


HOgan can throw hand still, and he can do most things, as long as he has a solid standing base, he amy not look the best, but it'll work, untill he hulks up, then we'll either see HBk superkick during the HUlk up, or a predictable Hulk win.


With HBK's insane ability to carry wrestlers he may also be able to, not save, but raise this match. it'll definitely not be any HOgan V Rock IMO, but it'll probably be enjoyable...



I felt a twinge.... Is that what maturity feels like?

It will be a decent match IMO. Hogan isn't nearly as bad as all the Hogan haters would like him to be and HBK can carry anyone to a decent match so theres no reason for this match to suck.


But it really makes no difference how good it is - even if its a match of the year candidate there are people on this forum who will say it was shite just because Hogan was in it

And I would probably have been one of them a month ago... I dunno Belty has done me a world of good... Cheers :thumbsup
Don't tell me you've been converted :thumbsup

Oh god no! That'll never happen, I guess I've just come to accept the truth, HOgan isn't quite as bad as I want hi to be... Though he's still pretty crap..


Waht's going on with me, last month I was listening to Fugazi, this month it's James Blunt... What has he done to me!!!?

This match is gona be good because i doesnt matter if Hogan can barely move around the ring because he's old and HBK can still go with the best of them so i think this match id gona be great, and the pure fact that were going to see Hogan vs. HBK is great so i think your going to be proved wrong by saying its going to suck, i for one cant wait for that match.

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