Posted August 30, 200519 yr Who's going to get this..I'm 99% sure i'm gonna pick it up it looks pretty good and has a good roster from waht ive seen and TGAB arena..woooo
August 30, 200519 yr It's not the roster that concerns me, it's the gameplay, CAW and season mode Without good gameplay it might as well be RAW, RAW 2 or one of the other rubbish WWE games :P
August 30, 200519 yr I think there using a pretty strange system in which as your wrestler go's on he gets tired, and if he's too tired he'll just flop around and the tiredness can stop you from pulling of your finisher. I think you can press a button or something to take some breathe but it still is pretty weird. Lets hope this is just romour.
August 30, 200519 yr There's a review on I've pre-ordered mine from Amazon. £25.
August 30, 200519 yr I think there using a pretty strange system in which as your wrestler go's on he gets tired' date=' and if he's too tired he'll just flop around and the tiredness can stop you from pulling of your finisher. I think you can press a button or something to take some breathe but it still is pretty weird. Lets hope this is just romour.[/quote'] On the Gamespot review they likened it to Firepro on that aspect. That is a good thing.
August 30, 200519 yr I think there using a pretty strange system in which as your wrestler go's on he gets tired' date=' and if he's too tired he'll just flop around and the tiredness can stop you from pulling of your finisher. I think you can press a button or something to take some breathe but it still is pretty weird. Lets hope this is just romour.[/quote'] Sometimes people make me sad, you are one of these people
August 30, 200519 yr I've pre-ordered mine from Amazon. £25. Brought a gamecube today just to play this game can't wait pre-ordered mine 4 24.99 @ every penny counts
August 30, 200519 yr If it has the Endurance, then this could be interesting It'll move it on from the usual button mashing type (esp the SD series) and add a lot more strategy to the game I might see if I can rent it over the next week or so and see how it plays :)
August 31, 200519 yr I hope the story mode in DoR 2 allows you to 'choose your own path' more so than in DoR. I hated how the only choice you made was whether to go to RAW or SD. :evil In DoR, has anyone ever tried the infamous Shane-O-Mac elbow drop through the announce table? In DoR 2, that table better break, lol. :thumbsup DoR 2 roster looks decent, and I'm happy that one more type of match has been added. :xyx
August 31, 200519 yr is there a legends list on DOR, and if there is a buit its rubbish, hillbilly jim pfft
August 31, 200519 yr There are 5 legends : Steve Austin The Rock Mankind Bret Hart Hulk Hogan well thats probably the worst Legends list i've ever seen.
August 31, 200519 yr Yeh I agree, when Mankind made his first appearance as a legend on a game I was excited because I'm a foley mark but now hes in basically every wrestling game as a legend..same can be said for the rock but I dont like him in the first place..Bret Hart will be ok, Hogan might be ok to put in 3-on1 handicap matches and beat up..and steve austin i'll probably have a go with...
August 31, 200519 yr i have a gamecube and a pS2 and to be honest i have always preferred the Smackdown series to any of te cube games - the controls are much better IMO, so I will be waiting for SvR2006
August 31, 200519 yr well thats probably the worst Legends list i've ever seen. Thats just the same legends list again! Seen them before.
August 31, 200519 yr Less legends isn't a bad thing in my book- recently they've been cutting into main rosters I feel. DOR2 sounds great, especially as dor1 and wmXIX (not counting the story, natch) were far superior to their Smackdown counterparts. Thing is, once more, there's nothing to do once story mode's finished.
September 1, 200519 yr The additions to the gameplay are nice, but the story mode is as tedious as ever. I HATE story modes, but that's largely because I'm more interested in building my own wrestlers. CAW mode hasn't changed that much from the previous game. However a nice wrinkle is that CAW points must be spent on two separate skill sets. There is the first six from the original, plus another set that determines what kind of moves you can use. An example is if you spend enough points in "Grapple" you unlock the Burning Hammer for your character, but you'll be limited on other types of moves you can use. Off the top of my head I think the categories are grapple, strike, mat technique, dirty, arial and submission. But the big question that remains unanswered for me is if you get a boost to the number of CAW points you can start with -- not those you earn for your character in story mode, but the starting amount for any new CAW -- by progressing through story mode. So far I haven't gotten any. If that holds true it will be a major disappointment for me, because it would mean dragging every wrestler I create through the crappy story mode just to get their stats respectable. I'm way too old, tired and impatient for that and I already have a cadre of cool wrestlers from DOR 1 that aren't THAT much inferior to what I can build in the new game. So if anybody can answer that question I'd appreciate it. Cheers. Edited September 1, 200519 yr by aziraphale
September 1, 200519 yr Sometimes reviewers make me sad, the guy who covered this for Inside Pulse is one of these guys. Apparantly, according to this man, I'm a moron for enjoying No Mercy because that makes me a WWF Fanboy (Despite having a large mass of wrestling games going from Fire Pros to Virtual Pro Wrestlers to THQ WWE titles). I mean I called Russ jaded, but HOLY CRAP I was wrong about that in comparison. It's times like this I'm suddenly reminded why I don't go to "smark" based sites anymore. You aren't allowed to enjoy yourself or the WWE product, you must talk about only puro and how great and awesome it is so that you can appear to be smart and elite and look down on mere WWE fans. Oh Internet Wrestling Community, what won't you make me sad at. Edited September 1, 200519 yr by Colin
September 2, 200519 yr 99% of the internet is filled with useless cretinous morons. Fact. 75.3% of all statistics are made up :D
September 2, 200519 yr From what advertisement I've seen it looks dogger. It looks slow, the animation on the moves looks poor and the graphics look average. Definately a rent before/if I buy. 75.3% of all statistics are made up :D 100% of that joke was stolen from the Simpsons.