By this time last year the seeds had already been laid for Batista vs HHH at wmania. Does anyone have any idea/clues as to which way the WWE are going this year?
I think Orton to win RRUmble Orton vs Batista at mania.
And Cena vs HHH for Raw.
Although in saying that that would mean 2 heels going into mania chasing the titles, something that the wwe doesn't really like to do.
So maybe Cena winning rumble and Cena going in as challenger vs champion HHH.
And Batista vs Undertaker in a face vs face main event.
For some reason i get the feeling Brock Lesnar might have a big role to play at wmania 22, i certainly hope so!!!
By this time last year the seeds had already been laid for Batista vs HHH at wmania. Does anyone have any idea/clues as to which way the WWE are going this year?
I think Orton to win RRUmble Orton vs Batista at mania.
And Cena vs HHH for Raw.
Although in saying that that would mean 2 heels going into mania chasing the titles, something that the wwe doesn't really like to do.
So maybe Cena winning rumble and Cena going in as challenger vs champion HHH.
And Batista vs Undertaker in a face vs face main event.
For some reason i get the feeling Brock Lesnar might have a big role to play at wmania 22, i certainly hope so!!!