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I've moved out of my parents house about two years ago, when I turned 18. I never had any systems of my own, because I could always use my brothers. Now I'd like to know in the opinion of that TWOites, what is the best system for a wrestling game. In other words, what game system usually gets the best wrestling games, not just WWE, but the random ones too (that I suppose will usually suck regardless).

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PS2 or GBA, for the Fire Pro Wrestling series. Also I guess for SmackDown.
Yeah Playstation. Its got the most selection and best wrestling games.
That's good to hear, I've been an advocate for the Playstation since it's creation. I don't even know if I'll be getting a console anytime in the near future. Still, it's good to know that my natural choice would be a proper one.
PS2 all the way for Wrestling games that's for sure.
PS2 for SDVsRaw2006 and Rumble Roses.
GameCube - the Day of Reckoning series has better gameplay than the SD games.
GameCube - the Day of Reckoning series has better gameplay than the SD games.


Gamecube doesn't have Fire Pro, yet.. :roll

Gamecube doesn't have Fire Pro' date=' yet.. :roll[/quote']

True, but the GBA does, so if you pick up one used and a used used Fire Pro (which is what I've done), you'll well under £100.



Also, what was I thinking - the best WWF/E wrestling game is on the N64 - No Mercy.


You can pick up one REALLY cheap now.

I'd have to say Dreamcast, it has the two best wrestling games ever imo, in Giant Gram and Fire Pro. Those were freakin awesome games, and anybody who considers themselves remotely hardcore should seek them out and play them! Preferably on a BLACK dreamcast! Rarer than a WWE logical storyline!
But in terms of those available, then yes, PS2 is the undoubted champion.

Edited by MojoPogo

N64 or GameCube. No Mercy IS the greatest wrestling game of all time (anyone who believes otherwise has been brainwashed by Sony), and the DoR gameplay system easily out-shines the SmackDown system.

Says the man who doesn't own the Playstation.


As a man with no console loyalites, and I guess you could consider an expert on it, it's a toss-up. For WWE products, DoR on the Gamecube really is an up and comer, but Smackdown has jumped up leaps and bounds in my opinion with the recent installment, so to be honest, if your just in the market for WWE games, it really is a toss-up, and when it comes to a toss-up, you'll probably want to go for the cheaper option, in this case the GC.


However, if you want to verge out into the import market, then the only option for you would be the PS2, as the PS2 does outshine the GC when it comes to Japanese developed wrestling games. You already have two installments of the excellent Fire Pro Series on the PS2, and on top of that you have KoC, from the makers of Fire Pro, which I have yet to get my hands on but I hear really good things.


So really, the option depends on whether you're in the market of just WWE or imports too.

Definately the PS2, it has the Smackdown series which have always been so cool. Smackdown Shut Your Mouth was the big step up for me, since then I never got bored of them

For american based wrestling games then I'd go for the n64 as it has Wrestlemania 2000, No Mercy, WCW/nWo Revenge and WCW v nWo World Tour...


All based on the same engine and all rock even if the graphics are a bit ropey now...


As for Japanese games? PS2 has the Fire Pro's and the KoC series which are excellent and have everything you'd want in a wrestling game, but thats only if you want to go down the path of importing...


Japanese based fun in the UK? GBA for Fire Pro again. Might not be stunning to look at but for fun, long life and options it is the best out there, and also the based hand held wrestling game....


Also Smackdown games aren't that great...


You've been hit with fourteen finishers, two through tables and one through the cell...


Yes of course your going to get back up and powerbomb me...


Arcade wresling style sucks.

The thing about going for the Japanese games on a PS2 in the UK is that you have to get a Japanese PS2, it's difficult to get one chipped now because it's illegal. :P


Since Japan run on 110 volts, you have to run a power converter, and ensure that your TV runs NTSC.



And yes, the SmackDown games do suck, they are arcade games, not wrestling games. :P

The thing about going for the Japanese games on a PS2 in the UK is that you have to get a Japanese PS2, it's difficult to get one chipped now because it's illegal. :P


Since Japan run on 110 volts, you have to run a power converter, and ensure that your TV runs NTSC.



And yes, the SmackDown games do suck, they are arcade games, not wrestling games. :P


Could always go with a simple illegal Swap Magic disc.


Mmm, illegal

Could always go with a simple illegal Swap Magic disc.


Mmm, illegal


Great minds think alike Colin....


And Fill, I hope you where agreeing on the Smackdown thing...


Because they are almost arcade, smash bang, wallop etc in style compared to wrestling games also available...


Hell in Fire Pro and KoC the stamina option isn't an added opition to try and sell a few units that you can turn off... Oh no, its an integral part of the game and its all the better for it...


Plus in No Mercy when you worked on a body part then that wrestler favoured that body part all the way through the match and it made your match more intresting, gave you more options and worked...


Unlike Smackdown's bash the button and break the pad mentality.

I recently got KoC II, I completely suck at the grappling at the moment but my Fire Pro timing was perfect. I'm sure I'll get, I can't pull off a lot of grapple and I'm still having a heck of a time with it.

No Mercy rocks the body that party!


Advantage with GameCube - get the GameBoy Player and you can run the GBA version of Fire Pro through the Gamecube :D

And Fill' date=' I hope you where agreeing on the Smackdown thing...[/quote']

Of course - I'm a HUGE No Mercy fan, so at the moment DoR2 is the closest we have in current WWE - SD is just horrible if you're trying to use psychology in the game, like working on the legs for a leg submission, etc.


What really bugs me in the older SD games is where people can build up Finishers for no particular reason (just doing simple punches) and then after having the snot beaten out of them, they hit a finisher out of nowhere.


Stupid games. :P

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