By this, i mean whats the hi-score you're most proud of, or the game that gave you most pleasure completing? Did you own an arcade? did you complete a game no one else could (Game Over anyone? Ninja Gaiden?) or did you spend 100+hrs on an rpg?
My own 3 personal favourites are as follows@
1. Completing Final Fantasy 7 with Knights of the round, Gold Chocobos, Supernova, Omnislash and with 234 hrs on the clock!
2. Completing Ninja Gaiden Black! Man, that was just SICK!
3. Finding the Alternate Ending at Panzer Dragoon Saga, one of the finest but most underrated (and underplayed) games ever made, honestly, this SHOULD be remade!
By this, i mean whats the hi-score you're most proud of, or the game that gave you most pleasure completing? Did you own an arcade? did you complete a game no one else could (Game Over anyone? Ninja Gaiden?) or did you spend 100+hrs on an rpg?
My own 3 personal favourites are as follows@
1. Completing Final Fantasy 7 with Knights of the round, Gold Chocobos, Supernova, Omnislash and with 234 hrs on the clock!
2. Completing Ninja Gaiden Black! Man, that was just SICK!
3. Finding the Alternate Ending at Panzer Dragoon Saga, one of the finest but most underrated (and underplayed) games ever made, honestly, this SHOULD be remade!
Any others?