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From Figure Four Newsletter:

Samoa Joe is among those unhappy that Sting is making $500,000 and he’s making significantly less. WWE is aware of this situation, and John Lauranitis has told people that he’s got a great creative idea if Joe becomes available. Note to John Lauranitis. Here is how you book Joe: Joe beats men, men do not beat Joe. It doesn’t need to get much more creative than that.


Joe is not the only one wondering why there is so much money for Sting and so little money apparently for most everyone else.


I really don't think Joe wants anything to do with WWE so he wont go. He does deserve more money too, since he's the best damn wrestler in the US right now.


I can only imagine what kind of dumb gimmick they have in mind for Joe, maybe an epileptic transexual that is in love with Viscera?

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Jaffa-Cake Joe from Mexico? Well that's my creativity gone.

I really don't think Joe wants anything to do with WWE so he wont go.


And you're basing that on...

And you're basing that on...


he's basing it on the fact that he doesnt like WWE.

I'd think he'd go back to ROH rarther then WWE esspecially after the whole Batista arguments and what he has seen happen to some others who left for the stary lights of WWE, but i'd like to see him stay at TNA myself
he's basing it on the fact that he doesnt like WWE.


What are you basing that post on? Spam? Or just outright being a WWE fanboy?


Im basing it on the fact that Joe turned them down before and the fact that he would be watered down so much, he wouldn't resemble Samoa Joe if he did go. Plus Joe is not going to take a huge career nosedive just when he is gaining huge momentum.

he's basing it on the fact that he doesnt like WWE.

Maybe, just maybe he's basing it on the fact that Samoa Joe chose TNA over the WWE because he knew he would be used badly by the WWE.


EDIT-Already said.

Edited by Sav

It would be awesome to see Samoa Joe in WWE. Quite frankly, I think there are various TNA stars I would love to see in WWE (Monty Brown, Abyss, AJ Styles, etc.). It would be awesome to see some 'ex-WWE' stars return to WWE (IE: Jeff Hardy, Jeff Jarrett, Kip James, BG James, Ron Killings, etc.).
Personally, I would cake my pants with joy if Joe came to WWE and was booked properly as a legitimate world title contender. I can't see it happening though.

I can just see it now...Samoa Joe booked as the next Rikishi, doing the stinkface and the whole shebang. Screw that. Joe could probably make it in the WWE, but he has too diverse a talent. The WWE has a nasty habit of one-track booking.


Paul London and Spanky can do loads more than they show in the WWE...but they aren't allowed.


I don't want to see Joe restricted like that. Now if they were to REALLY push Joe and utilize his talents...AND if they were to let him keep his kicks and muscle buster...then that would be something.

I'd think he'd go back to ROH

Joe still works for RoH on nearly all their shows.


And if Joe does leave, I hope he doesn't go to WWE. i) I don't like him, but he birngs in a lot of good exposure for RoH, with his supposed classics. ii) I don't like him.


I'd say, if anywhere, he'll work more Japan shows. NOAH would be interested in a Kobashi rematch no doubt, and as would New Japan, seeing as Joe worked shows for New Japan USA before (He ay still do, I don't know).

No Joe! Dont go! Wow, im a poet and i dont even know it! Seriously, WWE is going down the pan, it would be the worst thing he could do.

Joe wouldn't go to WWE simply because he's being made to look great in TNA.. he would go to WWE and be given a bad gimmick..


maybe he could be the Boogeyman?? nope taken...

maybe he could be a fat pimp?? nope taken...

maybe he could pretend to be a street thug?? nope taken...


welp WWE's creative is used up.. when he says 'creative' in the WWE .. we all think career killed

Stings on more money because TNA wont have to pay him for as long as they would Joe..right?


I hope he never comes to the WWE. I have only seem him in action once and he was awesome and as other have said; he would be watered down in the WWE.

If Joe did go to WWE, I think it wouldn't be as bad as people say it would be. Fair enough, WWE does water down some of their smaller guys and I think the phrase ''Vince loves big men'' fits perfectly. Cruisers are watered down in WWE, but is Joe a cruiser? Hell no. Joe is about as ''Big'' as big men get and I think he could do great in WWE. Just imagine Lashley vs Joe for the US title, it'd be great. Plus I don't think WWE are stupid enough to waste a big man like him with the level of talent he has. He could be a great addition to either roster and he doesn't need any OVW or Deep South time o it's instant pay-off. Joe signing with WWE would be great for both WWE and Joe, not to mention us fans.
If Joe did go to WWE' date=' I think it wouldn't be as bad as people say it would be. Fair enough, WWE does water down some of their smaller guys and I think the phrase ''Vince loves big men'' fits perfectly. Cruisers are watered down in WWE, but is Joe a cruiser? Hell no. Joe is about as ''Big'' as big men get and I think he could do great in WWE. Just imagine Lashley vs Joe for the US title, it'd be great. Plus I don't think WWE are stupid enough to waste a big man like him with the level of talent he has. He could be a great addition to either roster and he doesn't need any OVW or Deep South time o it's instant pay-off. Joe signing with WWE would be great for both WWE and Joe, not to mention us fans.[/quote']


ah though you see.. Vince does like Big men.. Joe isn't huge... he isn't really muscled like Vince's other big men..


Vince's 'big men' have to be over 6'5'' and heavily muscled.. Joe is fat and ugly (it's true yet harsh)

ah though you see.. Vince does like Big men.. Joe isn't huge... he isn't really muscled like Vince's other big men..


Vince's 'big men' have to be over 6'5'' and heavily muscled.. Joe is fat and ugly (it's true yet harsh)

He is quite big though, put him on SmackDown where the superstars aren't colossal (bar Batista) and he could thrive. Plus, him being 'Ugly' would only add to his gimmick, he'd be the stiff, merciless kinda guy that he is in TNA (as far as I know), much like Benoit is at the moment in WWE.


Tazz was like 5'6 or something crazy like that and he did great in WWE.

Tazz was like 5'6 or something crazy like that and he did great in WWE.

what Tazz the hardcore champ turned Smackdown commentator??? wow he did FANTASTIC

what Tazz the hardcore champ turned Smackdown commentator??? wow he did FANTASTIC

He ended Kurt Angle's winning streak. I'd say that's pretty funking big.

He ended Kurt Angle's winning streak. I'd say that's pretty funking big.


not really.... it was tarnished as well because it was an 'illegal choke' according to Kurt...

and that's one thing and it was on his debut match.. so they would make him win.. one match in about 3 years.. hmmm niiiice

what Tazz the hardcore champ turned Smackdown commentator??? wow he did FANTASTIC


he was the ECW Champion in april of 2000 when he was still a WWE superstar and he had a match against HHH for the WWE title, that was good, he was a Tag Team Champion, that was good, now he's the best commentator WWE has, Tazz isnt big, and yes he did do well in WWE, looks like everyones theory about Vince only liking big men is out the window.

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