Best WWE Game: Career Mode 13 members have voted
1. Best WWE Game: Career Mode
Warzone (PS, DC, N64)0
Attitude (PS, DC, N64)0
Smackdown! (PS)0
Smackdown! 2: Know Your Role (PS)6
WrestleMania 2000 (N64)2
Legends Of Wrestling (PS2, GC)0
Smackdown! 3: Just Bring It! (PS2)0
No Mercy (N64)5
Other: (Please Specify by replying)0
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Yes, I'm back with another poll, but this time, its different
Every week, I'm going to put forward a different aspect of a WWE game, i.e. this weeks is CAREER MODE. Others may range from graphics, to Realism.
Hopefully, several people will vote, and at the end, the Game to end all Games will be announced, with the winning aspects being put together.
Please reply as well, with the reasons you that you voted for the game :xyx
Edited by Chris2K