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***Official RAW Discussion Thread - 9th January 2006***


PPV spoilers contained.

New Year's Revolution Fallout

January 9, 2006


There will be a new sheriff in town tonight when RAW rolls into Hershey, Penn.


Last night at New Year’s Revolution, John Cena entered the Elimination Chamber as No. 2, but outlasted five other men to retain the WWE Championship. However, Mr. McMahon immediately announced that Edge was cashing in his Money in the Bank briefcase, and the Rated R Superstar easily defeated a tired and bloody Cena to claim the gold.


When confronted by Todd Grisham in the parking lot, Edge said that he and Lita would celebrate by having torrid sex in the ring on RAW (WATCH). Will the Rated R Superstar and the delicious Diva follow through on their promise, and will the former champ come looking for some revenge?


Also at New Year’s Revolution, Shelton Benjamin’s momma was instrumental in her son’s victory over Viscera. With his momma by his side, will the newly motivated Benjamin continue his winning ways?


The search for a new RAW General Manager is also still in progress. Will Mr. McMahon have any news on the search or interview any new candidates?


To find out the answers to these questions and more, tune into Monday Night RAW tonight at 9/8 CT on the USA Network.

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Im predicting it, Edge will dump Lita on the SEX thing tonight.


EDIT: LMAO, The McMahon family Rumble advert is terrible, but a funny terrible. Who's Victor, LOOOOL and then Shane stabbin Vince and doing his little dance and punch.


BTW Stephs boobs are HUMONGOUS.

Edited by Drake

Im predicting it' date=' Edge will dump Lita on the SEX thing tonight.[/quote']


Yeah! Me too, it's got to happen!! PLEASE!!!

I'm sure the parents in the crowd are loving explaining to there kids what a "Live Sex Celebration" is. :lol
wow just saw Lita's t**s
yup. i saw them too.
wow just saw Lita's t**s

Really? My screen went black for the 3 seconds I could've seen Lita's tatas. Oh well... I'm sure I'ved seen better boob jobs than hers.

That was a funny RAW! Laughed out loud during the sex thing, lol
Well Edge didnt loose the title as a lot of people thought so im saying it now hes holding it until Wrestlemania where he will loose it to the top face. Hard to think of one though. Maybe HBK. That would be a dang good match but I would rather see the rubber match between HBK and Angle instead of having it on a regular addition of Raw. Oh well it might not be HHH in the main event for raw so thats an upper.
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My thoughts on RAW?







Probably only me, but as soon as that Sex Celebration was announced and then commencing I was just awaiting the RTC to make their big return with either Richards or a new leader of the group as GM. Val's little segment earlier lead to me getting more pumped for it and expecting a Val swerve later in the show after 'seeing the light,' even though of course it was never going to happen. I guess its just the serious lack of Stevie thats making me all deluded. But I was happy enough with Flair.


On a more important note, I've been won over by Kane in thinking that he may indeed win the Rumble. WWE to remember the Kane/Edge history per chance? Theres not many others around unless you go with a solid move like giving Kurt the win or Orton/Cena as they probably will, so I can't see any reason why they wouldn't go with Kane. It would also coincide with the rumoured matches in Kanes future which I won't spoil but most will probably have the jist of what I am implying. He's my number one tip anyways, well until next week when no doubt a spanner will be thrown into the works.


Idiotic double posting malarky from Clarkey. But since I have messed up I might as well add that I liked the way they made every match on the undercard a Rumble qualifier bar the tag and womens title. I know its common place this time of year, but regardless its always great to have the undercard and midcard matches have a purpose. A rankings system would be great to achieve this every week, but I've discussed that before to the hilt in the past so I'll leave it at that.

Edited by MrFill

i haven't seen raw yet but what was this about Litas's boobs?? and did Cena get booed?
i haven't seen raw yet but what was this about Litas's boobs?? and did Cena get booed?


During the Sex Celebration, after Edge took off Lita's bra, the camera panned round and for about 4 seconds Lita's left tit was fully exposed. until she noticed and quickly covered herself over. In the U.S apparently they censored it by blacking the screen out.

As for Cena, initially he got booed when he first came out at the start of Raw, but after his promo he seemed to get booed a lot less than as of late.

it's now obvious Cena will win the belt back at the rumble though.. becasue they are still carrying round Cena's joke of a title belt.. so obviously they can't be bothered to give edge a REAL title belt for a month.. shame.. it almost got some respect back



sad thing is though.. WWE have a HUGE chance to make edge as a champ.. but they take the low and sleazy road and n his first night.. does he get a huge promo like HHH or Cena would??? nope.. he gets stuck in some lowly sex angle.. WWE could have done somethnig big with Edge on Raw but again they turn ti into some cheap porn film.. and i heard Cena's reaction now.. just girls girls girls...


and please WWE... change the damn belt

Edited by Danny Styles

Not a great Raw, but Cena cut a good promo at the beginning. Its about time he addressed his haters directly. Good mic work from Lita too.


Talking about Lita, she needs to start wrestling again to bring more credibility to the womens division. While Carlito and Masters over the last two days have really started to impress me.


Eagerly awaiting HBK Vs Angle next week on Raw, although it wouldve been better if they had announced it for the Rumble.

I agree cena's promo at the beggining wasnt too bad and he addressed the fans about the boo'ing i was expecting a heel turn towards them, but if you notice when it was the cheers the camera's went straight onto young girls and kids, and the cheers sounded like people were at a westlife concert or something, i think they need to change is character in some way soon, i'd prefare a heel turn which will proberly happen eventualy, im dissopointed in the match at the rumble, he is going to have because its going to be two crap Title Matches and proberly Orton winning the rumble itself


Its proberly going to be Mickie James v Trish status again at the rumble, i can see Mickie proberly costing Trish a few more matches before she or trish turn heel


The rest of the matches where just Rumble Qualifyers which were easy to predict


Sex in the bed thing was just stupid and everybody knew it was going to be introupted by somebody, and Cena would be somehow involved


Or i forgot about the HBK/Angle v Carlito and Masters, that was ok and can see the feud between the two of them continuing for a few more weeks, mayby they might have some kind of stipulation match at the Rumble, i havent yet thought about what there going to do with carlito and Masters yet


Overall it was a dissopointing Raw for me

Good mic work from Lita too.

I've never heard mic work as bad as that. The lines were so poorly delivered combine that with her manly voice and you have a horrible promo.

I was expecting the new GM to come out and interrupt the live sex thing, never happened though. Are they ever going to name a new mo' fo'ing GM

Draven summed up Raw for me perfectly in one animated gif.


All I want to add is...


"Here is your winner and still women's champion...Trish Stratus!"


Cue much confusion as Coach starts screaming "TRISH LOST!"


5 seconds later...


"Here is your winner, Ashley!"




Brings back memories of "Here is your winner, Kevin...Test".

I just thought the sex things was soooooo funny. Edge is really funny when he's too afraid to save Lita.


Ric Flair interrupting! omg I laughed out loud so much. Cena won me over. He's good at interrupting and taking the p*ss like that- suits him more than being champ.


I think WWE is back on track now.

Edited by wisdom27

Average raw again.. just happy to see Cena without the belt.. shame the belt isn't back ti respectful again.. but oh well.. here's my report:


Cena Promo: more that he tries to get cheers but he looks really pissed of when it's only the girls that cheer him.. it's getting to him on camera now.. even if he says differently in his promos.. HE'S NOT THE CHAMP ANYMORE HAHA!!!..


and Cena got taken by Lita as well... she punked him out.. and even took a shot at his ring work.. again 100% girl 0% male cheers


Trish vs Ashley: WWE have now worn out the Mickie James angle.. it's just become over done and annoying with the announcing thing.. Ashley isn't too bad in the ring actually.. watching the match it shows that she's been training (take note Cena :D) shame her selling is abit off.. and they messed up the ring announcement again.. idiots :roll.. it's not hard to say Ashley wins first time round


Vince/ Cena segment: Vince says it wasn't his idea about the sex.. yuh sure..

Cena calls lita a slut.. wow he's gangsta


Carlito/ Masters segment: Masters is really doing well now and Carlito got a face pop... good segment. Carlito saying it was an accident. :lol


Conway vs Chavo.. Conway still gets no reaction.. nice to see Chavo in the rumble match.. hope he gets pushed soon.. love the Eddie chants.. good match between the two... they had a better one a whiel ago on heat though


Val Venis/ Shelts segment: funny as hell.. Shelts gets some chance to show charisma.. his mama is annoying but you never know Val may now have a chance to change gimmcik now


Masters/ Carlito vs HBK/ Angle: i was looking forward to this match because i like all 4 guys (and davari) so it was going to be good... Masters does get a little reaction there.. it's taken a year but it's there.. the only way is up :D


I think the reason Kurt is going up against HBK next week is to try and get some of his heel heat back... HBK is Raw's biggest face at the moment and Kurt has been gettin cheered alot working with Cena.. so it's a good way for him to go heel again.. hopefully we'll get another WM22 match between the two.. just one last time.. have next weeks end as a DQ


The actual match was good.. nice arguments betwwen HBK and Angle.. love the crowd chanting that's not cool at Carlito..If you watch the match you actually see Masters ass wobbling like crazy on every move he makes... yes i notice random things... Kurt Angle's ring apron antics where hilarious... i do think it would have worked better though if HBK got left high and dry in the ring though.. with him being the face and all.. good match though


HHH promo: usual boring HHH promo.. i'm the best i'm going to do this, that.. shut up HHH


3 girls thing: so what they are suddenly lesbos??


Shelt vs Val: amazing knee lift the sound was good.. i wish his mma would stop shouting.. it's like sharmell her voice is annoying.. solid match as usual from two good workers...


Rumble commerical: hilarious.. just becasue of the shane stabbing thing with the little dance..


Kane vs Snitsky: hardly a match match from two big guys.. short and sweet


the cheap lwo budget porn segment: DAMN YOU CENA.. you ruined it.. another reason to hate cena.. he interrupted it... as good as to be expected i guess.. but then again it wasn't going to be great was it?.. Edge got some great heel heat though... man it felt good to here Edge say FORMER champ.. good promo tohugh.. he should be champ for AGES.. he's got for the task.. after 8 months of cena he's better than Hulk friggin Hogan... why have music!!! it killed it as well :lol


theoretically though as Cena interfered he looses his rumble title shot.. thanks you vinnie mac.. he'll probably get it back at Wrestlemania by 'overcoming the odds' but main thing is that it MAY keep him away from killing the title for a few days more.. everyone in the arena looked so frigiin bored though.. that's why you should never do angles liek that in the main event spot.. luckily there was a dark match after though.. we evne got a little nip slip to keep the fans entertained.. and then came Ric.. the main man who made the whole segment!!! i laughed my ass off... why couldn't it have been Cena who got chaired and not Flair..


trashy segment.. ironically the exact same thing was happenening in a hotel room about 12 months ago between the two :D

Edited by Danny Styles

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