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Im a poor old git and only have an "old skool" RF tv, can the xbox 360 run on these, is their an RF lead for this? I really need to now before i purchase as i cant afford to buy a tv and an xbox 360 this month? Anybody clarify this for me?

Featured Replies

Yes. Well, I know of people who have been using their 360 on a 1980's tv set. I can only assume they're using an RF to link it up.
My local game doesnt seem to stock em.....need to find a source now...even late 80s big tvs had scart, i dont......yeah, im a cheap ass but hey, i dont feel i should be forced to buy a new tv just to play a console.....

Hmmmm.....I've just had a look round and you're right. I can't find one anywhere. Andrew would know for sure!


You could always use your PC monitor.

At work!!!! Now THAT would be brilliant, i dont have that much access to the pc at home...gonna have to put buying one off for the moment.
At work!!!! Now THAT would be brilliant' date=' i dont have that much access to the pc at home...gonna have to put buying one off for the moment.[/quote']


Awwww Nuts!.....


Anyhoo, I've put your conundrum forward to the OXM forums, I even joined up just to ask this question. I'm hoping I'll get a quick reply. I also looked like a real fanny by noticing after I posted the thread, that they have a forum dedicated to such problems. I'm just glad Russ won't have to move it.....

Awwww Nuts!.....


Anyhoo, I've put your conundrum forward to the OXM forums, I even joined up just to ask this question. I'm hoping I'll get a quick reply. I also looked like a real fanny by noticing after I posted the thread, that they have a forum dedicated to such problems. I'm just glad Russ won't have to move it.....


Ha ha! cheers mate, you're a star, im desparate to get my mitts on one, but dont wanna shell out, be skint then not able to play it!!!!!:D

Right, here's what you have to get......








The guy that responded was quite rude, the word 'Tosser' would describe him best, but in his defense, he did post these links.


Now I'm sure you don't have to get these off of Ebay, but they are good examples of what you need. I would guess Dixon's, Curry's, Comet, Argos and the like sell something along these lines :)

Chepest 360 consoles that I can find (available) at the minute are for Japanese import on liksang.com for about 250 squids.

Remember that the 360 is designed to work in HD, so as soon as you try to run it through anything lower than component, then you're immediately dropping quality.


RF is the lowest quality you can get, so you're wasting having a 360 - you might as well have bought a plain xbox.

RF sucks big time, those Scart to RF adapters are no good, you lose loads of picture quality with those things.

If only he wasn't Scotish..............


.........he could get a new telly too.......;)

If only he wasn't Scotish..............


.........he could get a new telly too.......;)


More like, if only he was paid better, he could get a new telly too. I put it off until i can get a new telly methinks. And buy a DS instead. Cheeky sassenach!:P

Had another response on the OXM forums, pretty much backing up what Fill and K.J were saying. The picture quality will be piss poor using RF.


Do you have the Friday-Ad in Scotland? or anything along the lines of people selling stuff locally in a free paper? or even a used TV centre? I'm pretty sure you could pick up a second hand tv with scart for £30 - £40 quid (English pounds, not Scotish play money :P)....


The DS is awesome, mind. So if you can't afford a 360 yet, it would be my second choice too :)

The guy that responded was quite rude, the word 'Tosser' would describe him best, but in his defense, he did post these links.


lol, some of the people over there are quite rude, some are really good people though and have lots of infomation to give out.

lol' date=' some of the people over there are quite rude, some are really good people though and have lots of infomation to give out.[/quote']


Oh, I agree, I've actually found quite alot of stuff on there interesting. I've only got another 12,000 post's to read now......


And while I've got you here Andrew, why in the hell hasn't V1 got Bankshot Billiards 2 yet?

Well I've been really tempted to Download it actually, I might do that later then and have you a game or two.
Gutted man, gutted. Will put off for now, get telly next month, and xbox 360 the month after, the choice of games should be better anyway. Cheeky monkey wyndorf with your cheap "tight Scotsman" jibes! Love it! Been a while since anybody resorted to that.......but if its cheap comedy insults you're after, step outside Mr Poopy Pants.......

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