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If you cannot access the chatrooms, please supply the following and send an email to: Chat@TalkWrestlingOnline.com


See the general help section below, before you send an email please.


1 Chatroom Username:


2 Internet Service Provider (ISP) :


3 Time of error:


4 Details of error:


5 Operating system:


6 Browser:


7 Firewall (if any):


8 Any other helpful information:




Just some notes:


2 โ€“ This is the company you use to connect to the Internet, i.e. AOL, Freeserve, NTL etc


4 โ€“ What happens when you try and connect?


5 โ€“ What operating system is your computing using? Windows 98, Windows 2000 etc


6 โ€“ Which Internet browser are you using? Internet Explorer, Netscape, Opera etc


7 โ€“ Does your computer have any firewall software installed?




General Help


Q: The Chatroom login does not show up, its greyed out, what do I do?


First try restarting your computer, and try accessing the chatroom page again.


If that doesnโ€™t work try clearing your temporary Internet files:


1) Close down ALL internet explorer windows apart from one and make sure ITS NOT on the Talk Wrestling Online page.


2) Click Tools (up at the top)


3) Then internet options


4) Where it says "Temporary internet Files" click delete files (this is ok)


5) Then close down internet explorer (IE) and then re open it.


If it still doesnโ€™t work and you have accessed the chatrooms before, send an email with the above information.


If you have never used the chatrooms before, and the chatroom login does not show up, you might need to install a Java Virtual Machine (JVM). This will allow you to view java applets on any website.


To download a JVM (its free) see:




(Please note, TWO will not take responsibly if anything goes wrong with your computer, its up to you to make sure its compatible)



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Chat room FAQ for problems


Ok a few people here have had chatroom problems. In particular if you downloaded a new java version on a previous link I posted


The ONLY version that is tested to work with TWO chat is 1.3.1_02


which you can get from



Its a 5mb download and shouldnt take that long


Before you install it, remove any other installations you have have put up. On most systems look in Control Panel, add remove programs.


If you downloaded the Microsoft java version, usually via windows update, this will install along side it but it's crap as it doesn't support most java functions so I am told.


Once installed reboot your machine and give it ago.


This information was passed onto me via the Digichat people who have informed me of this.


We tested this with Chris2k and he had issues with chat and now hes all working (fingers crossed)


Remember that myself or TWO can take no responability if you machine suffers from this.. Nothing should go wrong but standard disclaimers apply.

  • 1 year later...
Have tried suggestion...still aint workin....help!!!! I never used to av a prob loggin into chat rooms
  • 4 weeks later...

it says this for me

"DigiChat requires a Java Compatible web browser to run. "

what do I do?

  • 1 year later...

Why did I get... ki-ba-cked? (kicked but banned...)


I got kicked once as a joke because I was leaving (this was about 2 weeks ago) and some people where there who said they aren't kicking me... I just got there loads of times and as soon as I entered I got kicked in less than a second and then banned... and I didn't even do anything!


Chris2k, DA and Miss. T are the ones that I remember being there. Maybe Russ, too?

What you don't understand is that the room was being filled with "This user has entered..." and "This user has left..." messages. You were flooding, therefore the ban makes sense.
But, that only happened because I was kicked every 3 seconds for no reason... I even got a message "get lost" or something simular... :( and I even said "g2g" and was kicked endlessly for no reason...
I can not remember the said incident, but as you said it was a few weeks ago. Although I know that I have never ever kicked or banned you, if I did I would remember.
But' date=' that only happened because I was kicked every 3 seconds for no reason... I even got a message "get lost" or something simular... :( and I even said "g2g" and was kicked endlessly for no reason...[/quote']


Nobody is kicked for no reason. All of the mods know better than to just boot out random people. From what I remember, you were misbehaving (possibly flooding the room with goodbyes) and you were kicked a couple of times. Now, when someone is kicked, it takes roughly about 5 seconds for them to leave the room. It got to the stage that you were entering and leaving instantaneously. If you were kicked, it would take 5 seconds or so for you to leave. As it was, you were disapearing after 1 second.


Unless you've got screencaps saved that suggest otherwise, I really think that this ban was deserved.

Nope, I could give you a talk like Muhammad Hassan could, and I am not lying. I have no screencaps because I never thought of doing so, as I thought the ban was a joke also (like they would unban me again).


But some mod must be rubbish at their job, Russ, if you said that they don't kick without reason...


I just said "bye all" or something, and then the next thing I know I get kicked and I thought "what?" so I went back in (I was going to leave but I got kicked first) so the window closed, and I typed my name in again... it didn't take 5 seconds (well, what I remember) but I do know that my name flooded the room, BUT.. it wasn't MY fault! http://www.fctvplus.net/~credo42/spdwwe/pics/snitsky.jpg . I just got kicked, I re-entered then I got kicked again and I even got a message saying "go away" so obviously I was getting kicked. That's the reason my name flooded, so you see it wasn't my fault! I am not starting anything with you Chris, but don't get mad, it's just what I'm thinking. You said "I'm not kicking him" and you're the only one that said that, so I'm thinking it might have been you... remember, I'm not starting anything again.


Look, if there's no way of proof by either sides, why not just un-ban me and then all this will be over. Now that... you know who is banned, I am okay, and I won't get mad anymore. I want to be a normal poster (like in the US Scene) so...?

wwe4eva just drop the subject then,and on your last time in chat when i was there you were swearing and flaming people because of your 14 day ban!

I kicked you initially when you said "g2g", then spent the next five minutes saying how you were intending to leave the room. I didn't kick you again when you re-entered numerous times. When I said I wasn't doing it I was doing something called telling the truth.


Please remember that when the chatroom is busy, mods tend to get frustrated when a user announces that they're leaving many, many times and doesn't actually click the logout button. It disrupts the chat going on within the chatroom and draws attention to the person doing it that isn't necessary.

I remember exactly what happened.


I personally didnt kick you but i remember you being kicked for something, which I kinda thought was a bit unfiar but you had just said goodbye so i thought it was a joke. Then you logged in and out loads of times which flooded the chat then you were eventually banned. That is from my perspective anywho?! :?

No, I was kicked so I logged back in, then I got kicked again so I logged back in... I wanted to know who it was and a mod kicked me for no reason... :(


Why not just start this "fresh"? I will be a better poster and in the chatroom I will act normal, now that JK is gone.


So, can I?...

Quit whining and wait to be told fella. Its like people asking to be chat mod all the time, the more you ask the less inclined you are to get. I'd compare it to something else, but you're a little too young to know that :P

Well I logged into chat - the window came up and then all my browsers closed.


That's never happened before.


It were rubbish.

Strange that has never happened to me, although sometimes when I log in, the room just seems to die on me, although that probably my internet connection.


If you still can not log in, then try cleaning your internet cache or even restarting your computer.

The cache thing worked, thanks DA.

About that messed up ban thing.


I thought it was one of you.


You thought it was me.


Whatever the answer was, can I have another "chance"? (would you even call it chance)



  • 2 weeks later...
Can I have another 'chance' seeing as we both had different answers?...
The Applet doesnt even appear for me.

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