You have £5 to bet with, and you can put as much or as little of the £5 as you like on as many bets you can, don't go over the £5 or you are out on you ear.
Your winnings are added to your total every week, you can not bet with your winnings, only the £5 each week. Remember the £5 is only an e-£5, you can't actually, really, really win anything(sort of).
This weeks Raw is a bit of an open book with only one match announced, but it's a really good one.
RVD vs Shelton Benjamin - winner
RVD - 3/1
Shelton - 2/1
No winner - 5/1
Sheltons Momma dances - 2/1
Charlie Hass shows up during or after the match -10/1
Van Dam hits the Van Terminator - 12/1
Sheltons Momma has another "heart attack" - 15/1
Match goes longer than 15 minutes (includes ad breaks) 20/1
HHH's mandatory contract signing
HHH flips the table first - 2/1
Cena flips the table first - 3/1
Cena acknowledges his boos - 4/1
HHH points out the boos - 5/1
HHH stabs Cena with the pen - 9/1
Cena alleges that HHH is gay in the form of a rap - 10/1
The whole contract signing goes wonderfully, without incident and they end up shaking hands, sharing a joke - 500/1
Hall of Fame announcement
Who goes in next...
Tony Atlas - 3/1
The Blackjacks - 3/1
Outback Jack - 9/1
Randy Savage - 50/1
Jerry Lawler - 20/1
Jake Roberts - 40/1
Bossman - 30/1
Nailz - 700/1
Other (Must name) - 10/1
Miscellanious Happenings
Vince opens the show - 3/1
Bret Hart joins the Kiss My Ass Club - 1000/1
Bret Hart appears live in the arena - 500/1
Viscera moonsaults - 200/1
Big Show and Kane defend the tag titles - 8/1
Big Show and Kane lose the tag titles - 20/1
Flair does a blade job - 20/1
Spirit Squad kill the crowd dead by way of having a match - 5/1
Smackdown stars interfere in the show - 5/1
Peter Gabriel is announced to sing at Wrestlemania - 20/1
You have £5 to bet with, and you can put as much or as little of the £5 as you like on as many bets you can, don't go over the £5 or you are out on you ear.
Your winnings are added to your total every week, you can not bet with your winnings, only the £5 each week. Remember the £5 is only an e-£5, you can't actually, really, really win anything(sort of).
This weeks Raw is a bit of an open book with only one match announced, but it's a really good one.
RVD vs Shelton Benjamin - winner
RVD - 3/1
Shelton - 2/1
No winner - 5/1
Sheltons Momma dances - 2/1
Charlie Hass shows up during or after the match -10/1
Van Dam hits the Van Terminator - 12/1
Sheltons Momma has another "heart attack" - 15/1
Match goes longer than 15 minutes (includes ad breaks) 20/1
HHH's mandatory contract signing
HHH flips the table first - 2/1
Cena flips the table first - 3/1
Cena acknowledges his boos - 4/1
HHH points out the boos - 5/1
HHH stabs Cena with the pen - 9/1
Cena alleges that HHH is gay in the form of a rap - 10/1
The whole contract signing goes wonderfully, without incident and they end up shaking hands, sharing a joke - 500/1
Hall of Fame announcement
Who goes in next...
Tony Atlas - 3/1
The Blackjacks - 3/1
Outback Jack - 9/1
Randy Savage - 50/1
Jerry Lawler - 20/1
Jake Roberts - 40/1
Bossman - 30/1
Nailz - 700/1
Other (Must name) - 10/1
Miscellanious Happenings
Vince opens the show - 3/1
Bret Hart joins the Kiss My Ass Club - 1000/1
Bret Hart appears live in the arena - 500/1
Viscera moonsaults - 200/1
Big Show and Kane defend the tag titles - 8/1
Big Show and Kane lose the tag titles - 20/1
Flair does a blade job - 20/1
Spirit Squad kill the crowd dead by way of having a match - 5/1
Smackdown stars interfere in the show - 5/1
Peter Gabriel is announced to sing at Wrestlemania - 20/1
Raw has more than 5 matches - 20/1
No bets after 2am tonight.
Good luck...
Edited by Dave7g