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Anybody play it? Whats the best record? And (not having completed it yet) do you get any reward for getting to 100 like in previous versions? I always enjoy seeing how far i can get with the like of Rey Mysterio and (CAW) Kid Kash!!!!


I've beaten 38 with Rey, and 42 with Kid kash, only just bought it though so will also try it with a few other cruisers, maybe even a diva!! :D

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Got to 100 and unfortunately, you don't get a damn thing.
Got to 100 and unfortunately' date=' you don't get a damn thing.[/quote']


What no crap diva video? NOTHING? Bah. That said, im still gonna see if i can get there using torrie wilson!!!! Or create Gillberg and use him!:xyx

What did you get for reaching 100 in the old game?
You got a crappy diva video thing. Really crappy for sitting there for half an hour.
Dayumm people. I *Just* did this match for once today. I was Undertaker and got to '82 before being Batista Bombed and pinned! Glad I didn't fret now and go back for the 100 wins.
Just wait until you see what you get for 150 wins.
Just wait until you see what you get for 150 wins.


You utter, utter, bar steward! :D :xyx Watch out, wind up alert!

I got to 99 and got pinned by the Falcon Arrow from Hardcore Holly.
i got 112 once took me 3 and a half hours i continued playing and playing
Ah, so you can go past 100 this time......my apologies!
Are you sure you can get past 100? I swear the bell rang when I hit 100.
Maybe they had enough of you Sav?

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