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Put in order what matches at WM this year are you looking forward to the most.


1. Mick vs Edge

2. MITB Ladder match

3. Taker vs Henry

4. Orton vs Kurt vs Mysterio

5. Vince vs Shawn

6. Booker T and wife vs Boogeyman

7. Benoit vs JBL

8. HHH vs Cena

9. Masters and Carlito vs Show and Kane

10. Mickie vs Trish

11. Pillow Fight

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I'll just put what I am looking forward to,


Orton vs Kurt vs Mysterio

MITB ladder match

Edge vs Foley (Somewhat)


The rest holds no interest for me at all, even the moneymaker pillow fight!

orton v kurt v mysterio should be match of the night. but also i want to see mickie v trish but perhaps that could be for reasons other than seeing there wrestling skills! if you know what i mean!

1. HHH vs Cena

2. Orton vs Kurt vs Mysterio

3. Vince vs Shawn

4. Mick vs Edge

5. MITB Ladder match

6. Mickie vs Trish

7. Masters and Carlito vs Show and Kane

8. Taker vs Henry

9. Benoit vs JBL

10. Pillow Fight

11. Booker T and wife vs Boogeyman


You can see how much I'm looking forward to Booker and his missus!

Edited by porridge

1: Money In The Bank Ladder Match

2: Trish Stratus Vs Mickie James

3: Cactus Jack Vs Edge

4: Kurt Angle Vs Randy Orton Vs Rey Mysterio

5: John Cena Vs Triple H

6: Shawn Michaels Vs Mr McMahon

7: Kane and Big Show Vs Carlito and Chris Masters

8: Chris Benoit Vs John Bradshaw Layfield

9: Boogeyman Vs Booker T and Sharmell

10: Undertaker Vs Mark Henry

11: Torrie Wilson Vs Candice Michelle

1. Kurt Angle vs Rey Mysterio vs Randy Orton

2. Mick Foley vs Edge

3. Chris Benoit vs JBL

4. Undertaker vs Mark Henry

5. Money in the Bank Ladder Match

6. The Boogeyman vs The T's

7. Trish Stratus vs Mickie James

8. Big Show and Kane vs Carlito and Chris Masters

9. Shawn Michaels vs Vince McMahon

10. John Cena vs Triple H

11. Torrie Wilson vs Candice Michelle

1.) Foley vs Edge

2.) Angle vs Mysterio vs Orton

3.) MITB

4.) Cena vs HHH

1. Cena vs. HHH

Expecting HHH to win now, I look forward to this match. Interesting to see how they'll do it if there is a title swap. You can talk this match down as much as you like but for me, when there's a title involved, it must be the most anticipated match.


2. Angle vs. Rey vs. Orton

Again title matches get more attention from me. Difficult to predict so it should be interesting.


3. Benoit vs. JBL

I think this could be a surprise match of the night. I look forward to seeing how their opposing styles blend.


4. HBK vs. Vince

Strange choice at #4 it would seem but something Lance Storm said in his recent Mania predictions column re-kindled my interest in this match. He pointed out how despite not being a good wrestler, Vince is a great entertainer and he will make damn sure that he and Shawn pull out all the stops to make this match a success. If Vince and Hogan put on a classic at WMXIX, there's no reason Vince and HBK shouldn't do it this Sunday.



I like the mix of superstars in this match and I think it could be a fun spotfest. As long as Flair blades and RVD, Shelton and Hardy pull off a few decent spots, this one should be quality. Lashley's power and Finlay's brutality should also add to the spectacle.


6. Foley vs. Edge

For me, the feud seems a little rushed and pointless so I put this at #6. I still think it will be a decent match with probably a few sick bumps though. Again, this will be better than many expect.


7. Undertaker vs. Henry

Being a casket match, I hope they can do something original with this one. I'm not looking forward to it but I hope the match is passable.


8. Carlito/Masters vs. Kane/Big Show

This match does nothing for me really. I expect the young guns to win but I can't see the match being special.


9. Candice vs. Torrie

It's Mania. They have to get some kit off!!


10. Trish vs. Mickie

Smoke break I reckon, unless Trish is wearing something very revealing.


11. Boogeyman vs. Booker/Sharmell













White Power? Man its 2006 but anyway my girl friend met cena before raw in omaha. she said she wasnt goin and he said he was gone be all bloody by the end of the night but get revenge at wm. it was at a tanning salon and i came up got a pic and he said theres a big surprise at mania so im into this one now. he was with john jetter? anyway trish and mickie could be the best womens match ever if they do it right and foley and edge will impress. other than that its gonna be wm so i aint mad at nothin. cena fan...screw tha haters
I'm so looking forward to Trish Stratus Vs Mickie James its unreal. After their match at New Years Revolution, I've seriously got some high expectations for this match, and am hoping that Mickie can end Trish's 15 month long reign as Champion. IMO Mickie will make a great Womens Champion if given the chance.

1. John Cena v HHH


3. Kurt Angle v Randy Orton v Rey Mysterio

4. Money In The Bank


The others are a bit 'meh'

1) Kurt Angle vs Rey Mysterio vs Randy Orton

2) Edge vs Mick Foley

3) Money In The Bank

4) Chris Benoit vs JBL

5) Trish vs Mickie

6) Undertaker vs Mark Henry

7) Boogeyman vs The King and Queen of Smackdown

8) John Cena vs HHH

9) Carlmasters vs ShoKane

10) HBK vs Vince McMahon

11) Crappy Pillowfight

1. Money In The Bank (Just will rule all i will say is RVD)

2. Edge vs Foley (Hopefully some mad bumps and spots in this)

3. Benoit vs JBL (Surpise package of night i think)

4. HBK vs Vince (Still living in a dream world wanting Bret to appear some way)

5. A Hogan apperence would be nice as it is not a Wrestlemania without it.

1.Foley v Edge


3.Angle v Orton v Rey

4.Bret Hart crowd reaction

5.HBK v Vince

6.JR back where he belongs

1) Triple H vs Cena

2) MITB ladder match

3) Foley vs Edge


The rest are sort of tied.

Foley v Edge, MITB and Cena v Triple H. Is it ok for me to say i reckon Trips might turn face, i'd kinda like that...(prepares for avalanche of abuse), lets face it, couldnt be staler than Cena, and if he was the Triple H of 2003 nobody would complain would they? Ok, he have to lose 20 lbs but still.....

1. US Title: JBL vs. Chris Benoit ©


If given enough time, based on their past matches, I am confident that this match will be match of the night. JBL trying to break Benoit's hand, Benoit breaking his, JBL pissed off, looking for revenge is a nice, simple backstory to the match and one which should aid the quality of the match seeing as how JBL should be all vicious and stuff. JBL has developed in the last 2 years into a really good worker. Benoit is Benoit, he doesn't have bad matches.


2. MITB Ladder Match


Yes ladder matches are played out, yes they have one seemingly every week, but this one will have Flair and FINLAY stiffing the crap out of each other, FINLAY being generally grumpy with the ladder. RVD, Matt and a hopefully unnervous Benjamin to look after the high spots, FINLAY, Lashley throwing people around, the prospect of Flair winning which I would love, FINLAY and...did I mention FINLAY?


3. World Heavyweight Title: Randy Orton vs. Rey Mysterio vs. Kurt Angle ©


I'm going to go all out, be bold and say that it'll be a better match than that other title match. Shocking I know. Mysterio is probably the best babyface wrestler anywhere in wrestling right now, someone has seemingly lit a fire under Angle's ass lately and he has been better than he has been in a long time, Orton is Orton, bland but decent enough in ring and capable of having good matches with better opponents. Rey and Angle are better opponents. Just please don't give me Orton winning. Rey winning the title would be ideal, but Angle would be an Ok alternative to Orton.


4. Hardcore Match: Mick Foley vs. Edge


The feud has been very rushed and I think everyone can agree that apart from a couple of moments (Foley's promo on Raw last week, the confrontation at SNME) the buildup hasn't been particularly great. Orton vs. Foley was built for over 6 months, this one has had maybe 6 weeks. But the match should still be fun, Foley doesn't look to be in great shape, but he can work a good Hardcore brawl better than just about anyone. His match with Orton at Backlash was good and Edge is much better than Orton.


5. Casket: Mark Henry vs. The Undertaker


Again, screw the haters, Mark Henry is great. Undertaker has been motivated BIG TIME the last few months and the result will be a decent big man match between two good big men workers whose styles compliment each other. If their match from SD a few weeks ago is any indication this match will definately not result in the universe itself being sucked into a blackhole and the end of civilisation itself, which is what some pessimists are predicting.


6. Booker T and Sharmell T vs. The Boogeyman


In ring, FINLAY is by far and away the most entertaining heel in wrestling right now, out of the ring, it is a tie between JBL and Booker T. Booker-Sharmell have been quite simply phenomenally entertaining the last few months and this feud has been fun if only for the antics of the two. Everyone knows The Boogeyman sucks in the ring, no one is denying that, but this match will be overbooked in a way to cover up his obvious weaknesses. The result should be a fun match.


7. Womens Title: Mickie James vs. Trish Stratus ©


Their match at New Years Revolution was actually a decent, little stiff womens match, for the WWE anyway, it was good. I expect this to be better, as now Trish will be bringing the hatred. The buildup to this match has strangely enough been by far and away the best buildup to any match at Wrestlemania. Isn't it funny how the best thing on Raw in recent months by a pretty big distance has been an angle between a former fitness model and the former Alexis Laree?


8. Tag Titles: Masters and Carlito vs Show and Kane ©


Should be a decent enough match, if a little uninspiring. It just doesn't scream 'Wrestlemania' to me, especially as we just saw Carlito/Masters squashed on Raw in a match with Show/Kane a while back. Carlito and Show are both good, so hopefully that'll be enough to cover up the awfulness of the other two.


9. Pillow Fight: Candice Michelle vs. Torrie Wilson


I have literally zero interest in seeing this. I'm not gay (not that theres anything wrong with that) but if you've seen one of these matches once, you've seen them a million times, only before a lot of them involved more attractive women than these two. Despite my total lack of interest, it still ranks higher than Raws two main matches. Funny that.


10. No Holds Barred: Vince McMahon vs. Shawn Michaels


This match has probably had the most promotion of any match on the card, showing that Vince hasn't learnt his lesson and has let his ego once again take over. He tried the same thing 3 years ago with Hogan, in that it received the most promotion of any match on the card, and that Wrestlemania ended up doing poorly. Hogan is a much bigger draw than Michaels, and I really don't think many people care about this feud. I struggle to remember a feud which has received so much time, that I have been so uninterested in. A battle of egos between two guys that I hate, in a feud that I don't care about and I still haven't quite figured out why it started in the first place, Vince McMahon's ass on national TV, his ego, his hammy promos, his hammy acting, Michaels generally being Michaels, two guys having piss thrown at them to further a wrestling feud, Michaels being pussywhipped every week, the whole thing has been just horrible. Even the match itself I don't think will be any fun, yes it'll be overbooked and they'll do everything in their power to cover up weaknesses, but what will we see differently that we won't have already seen earlier in the card in the ladder match and the Hardcore match? It'll be two old men, hitting each other with bin lids, Vince will probably blade huge, Michaels will do the usual, lazy routine and I'll watch with boredom. Cynical yes, but also truthful.



11. WWE Title: HHH vs John Cena ©


Never in my entire time watching Wrestlemanias throughout the years have I ever been so uninterested in a title match. I have literally minus interest in watching it. I have disliked the feud thus far, Trips has been his usual self in feuds, Cena has been uninteresting and the match itself shouldn't be particularly great. Cena needs to work with people a lot better than he is who can cover up his obvious weaknesses, a Benoit, Jericho or Angle. Triple H isn't in any of those guys leagues. I could care less about this match.

Edited by Naitch

2. MITB Ladder Match


Yes ladder matches are played out, yes they have one seemingly every week, but this one will have Flair and FINLAY stiffing the crap out of each other, FINLAY being generally grumpy with the ladder. RVD, Matt and a hopefully unnervous Benjamin to look after the high spots, FINLAY, Lashley throwing people around, the prospect of Flair winning which I would love, FINLAY and...did I mention FINLAY?


I reckon FINLAY (say it with pride!) is your dad Naitch! Or your actually his agent, one of the two! I agree though, he's a class act!:D

Edited by MrFill

I reckon FINLAY (say it with pride!) is your dad Naitch!


I told you that in confidence Antihero, you weren't supposed to tell anyone. Ok, in reality, FINLAY is my dad only in my dreams.

*recovers from being bashed with a shillelagh (sic?)* Sheesh, imagine what he'd have done if i'd said Finlay was your mom! Finlay to win MITB? How cool would that be?

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